What does DEPART Stand For?
For DEPART we have found 8 definitions.
What does DEPART mean? We know 8 definitions for DEPART abbreviation. Possible DEPART meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
DEPART Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | DEPT | Department Common Medical Texting Army & Military Legal IT Terminology Management Architectural Physical Therapy Ordnance Survey Cancer / Oncological Geographic Genealogy Healthcare Architecture Army Chat Construction Internet slang Military International business United nations Us government Usps Laboratory | |
**** | DEP | Depart Aviation Weather Tourism Travel | |
*** | DPT | Department | |
** | D | Depart | |
** | DEPT. | Department Legal | |
** | DPRT | Depart | |
* | DPT | Depart | |
* | DAC | Department for According |