Common / Miscellaneous / Community >> Architectural Abbreviations
Look through 1794 acronyms and abbreviations related to Architectural:
" | inch | |
" | Ditto | |
# | Number | |
# | Pound | |
& | Ampersand | |
2-PSS | Two-Part Polysulfide Sealant | |
2-PUMS | Two-Part Polyurethane Modified Sealant | |
@ | at | |
A | Ampere | |
A | Area | |
a | Areal | |
A | Acre | |
a | Alcove | |
AB | Asbestos Board | |
AB | Anchor Bolt | |
ABV | Above | |
AC | annual closing | |
AC | Acoustical | |
AC | Alternating Current | |
ACC | Accessory | |
ACF | Architectural Concrete Finish | |
ACFL | Access Floor | |
ACI | American Concrete Institute | |
ACL | Across the Line | |
ACOUST | Acoustical | |
ACPL | Acoustical Plaster | |
Acr | acrylic | |
ACST | Acoustic | |
act | Acoustic Ceiling Tile | |
ACT | Actual | |
AD | Area Drain | |
AD | Access Door | |
Ad | Article Continues Below | |
ADA | Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990 (Text Of ADA Legislation) | |
ADAAG | Americans with Disabilities Act Architectural Guidelines | |
ADD | Addition | |
ADD | Addendum | |
ADDL | Additional | |
ADH | Adhesive | |
ADJ | Adjust | |
AF | Above the Floor | |
AFF | Above Finished Floor | |
AGA | American Gas Association | |
AGG | Aggregate | |
Aggr | Aggregate | |
AIA | American Insurance Association | |
AIA | American Institute of Architecture | |
AIC | Amperes Interrupting Circuit | |
AIEE | American Institute of Electrical Engineers | |
AISC | American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. |
AL | Aluminium | |
ALM | Alarms from the Most | |
ALM | Alarm Local Mode | |
ALM | Alarm List Manager | |
ALS | Acrylic Latex Sealant | |
ALT | Alternate | |
ALT | Altitude | |
ALUM | Aluminum | |
AMB | Ambient | |
AMP | Ampere | |
AMP | Ampacity | |
AMPY | Ampere | |
AMT | Amount | |
AN | Anode | |
ANCH | Anchor | |
ANN | Annunciator | |
ANOD | Anodized | |
ANT | Antenna | |
AP | Access Panel | |
appd | Approved | |
approx | Approximate | |
APRVD | Approved | |
APT | Apartment | |
APX | Approximate | |
AR | Acid-Resisting | |
Arch | Architect | |
ARS | Asbestos Roof Shingles | |
AS | Acoustic Sealant | |
ASB | Asbestos | |
ASC | Above Suspended Ceiling | |
asce | l'American Society of Civil Engineers | |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
ASPH | Asphalt | |
ASSEM | Assemble | |
ASSOC | Associate(d) | |
ASSY | Assembly | |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) | |
AT | asphalt tile | |
AT | Acoustical Tile | |
ATC | Acoustical Tile Ceiling | |
ATM | Atmospheric Camp | |
ATM | Automatic Teller Machine | |
Atm | Atmospheric | |
ATTEN | Attenuation | |
auth | authorized, authority | |
AUTO | Automatic | |
AVG | Average Voltage Gain | |
AW | Acid Waste | |
AWG | American Wire Gauge | |
AWM | Automatic Washing Machine |
aws | American Welding Society's | |
AWWA | American Water Works Association (Denver) | |
AX | X-Axis Acceleration | |
AX | Axis | |
b | Bathroom | |
b | Boiler | |
b | Bidet | |
B & B | Bell and Bell | |
B & B | Balled and Burlapped | |
B & F | Bell and Flange | |
B & S | Brown & Sharp | |
B & S | Bell and Spigot | |
B TO B | Back to Back | |
B/ | Bottom | |
BA | Bulb Angle | |
Baf | Baffle | |
BAL | Ballast | |
BAL | Balance | |
BB | Buffalo Box | |
BB | Ball Bearing | |
BB | Bulletin Board | |
BBD | Bulletin Board | |
BBL | Barrel | |
BC | Broom Closet | |
BD | Board | |
BDL | Bundle | |
BDRM | Bedroom | |
BDY | Boundary | |
BEL | Below | |
Bet | BETWeen | |
betw | between | |
Bev | Bevel | |
BF | Board Foot | |
BF | Both Faces | |
BF | Boiler Feed | |
BF | Bottom Face | |
BF | Back Face | |
BG | Bag | |
BHD | Bulkhead | |
BHP | Brake Horse Power | |
Bit | Bituminous | |
BJF | Bituminous Joint Filler | |
BKR | Breaker | |
BL | Base Line | |
BL | Block Leader | |
BL | Block Length | |
BL | Block layer | |
BL | Building Line | |
BLDG | Building | |
BLK | Block |
BLKG | Blocking | |
BLO | Blower | |
BLR | Boiler | |
BLT | Bullet Tips | |
BLT | Borrowed Lite | |
BLT-IN | Built-In | |
BM | bench mark (as in map reading) | |
BM | Beam | |
BMT | Butyl Mastic Tape Sealant | |
BN | Bullnose | |
BNDG | Bending | |
BNT | Bent | |
BO | Blow Off | |
BOT | Bottom | |
BOT | Bottom of tray | |
BOT | Bottom of Tape | |
BP | Base Plate | |
BP | Blueprint | |
BP | Bypass | |
BPL | Bearing Plate | |
BR | Bedroom | |
BR | Brick | |
BR | Brass | |
BRDG | Bridge | |
BRG | Bearing | |
BRK | Brick | |
BRKR | Breaker | |
BRKT | Bracket | |
BRS | Butyl Rubber Sealant | |
BRS | Brass | |
BRS | Brass Ring Society | |
BRZ | Bronze | |
Brzg | Brazing | |
BS | Both Sides | |
BS | Backset | |
BS | Bluestone | |
BSMT | Basement | |
BT | Bolt | |
BTR | Better | |
BTUH | British Thermal Units per Hour | |
BUR | Built-Up Roof | |
Buz | Buzzer | |
BV | Butterfly Valve | |
BVL | Bevelled | |
BW | Both Ways | |
BWV | Back Water Valve | |
BYND | Beyond | |
BYP | By Pass | |
c | Channel | |
c | Curb |
C | Celsius | |
c | Calcimine | |
C | Courses | |
C TO C | Center to Center | |
C.I. | Cast Iron | |
C.O. | Cased Opening | |
C/C | Center to Center | |
CA | Compressed Air | |
CAB | Cabinet | |
CAD | Cadmium | |
CAD | Computer-Aided Drafting | |
CAIS | Caisson | |
CAP | Capacity | |
CAR | Carpet | |
Carp | Carpenter | |
CAT | Catalog | |
CAV | Cavity | |
CB | Catch Basin | |
cb | Coal Bin | |
CBL | Concrete Block | |
CBX | Cast Box Strike | |
CC | Cubic Centimeter | |
CCT | Circuit | |
CCTV | closed-circuit TV | |
CCW | Counter Clockwise | |
CD | Cadmium | |
CD | Cold Drawn | |
CDS | Cold Drawn Steel | |
CEL | Cellar | |
CEM | Cement | |
Cem Ab | Cement Asbestos Board | |
Cem P | Cement Water Paint | |
Cer | Ceramic | |
CF | Cubic Feet | |
CFL | Counterflashing | |
CFM | Cubic Feet per Minute | |
CFS | Cubic Feet per Second | |
CFT | Cubic Foot | |
CG | Corner Guard | |
CH | coat hook | |
CHAM | Chamfer | |
CHAN | Channel | |
CHB | Chalk Board | |
CHBD | Chalkboard | |
CHR | Chilled Water Return | |
CHS | Chilled Water Supply | |
CI | Cast Iron | |
CIN BL | Cinder Block | |
CIP | Cast-In-Place | |
CIP | Cast Iron Pipe |
CIR | Circle | |
CIR | Circuit | |
Circ | Circumference | |
CISP | Cast-Iron Soil Pipe | |
CITG | Clear Insulating Tempered Glass | |
CJ | control joint | |
CJF | Cork Joint Filler | |
CK | Caulking | |
CKT | Circuit | |
CL | Close (Closed) | |
CL | Classification | |
CL | Centerline | |
CL | Classic | |
CL | Clearance | |
Cl | Closing | |
CL | Class | |
CLG | Ceiling | |
CLH | Clothes Line Hook | |
CLKG | Caulking | |
CLL | Contract Limit Line | |
Clo | Closet | |
CLP | Clamp | |
CLR | Clear | |
CLR OPG | Clear Opening | |
CLS | Closure | |
CM | Center Matched | |
CM | Circular Mil | |
CMP | Corrugated Metal Pipe | |
CMT | Ceramic Mosaic Tile | |
CMU | Concrete Masonry Unit | |
CMUP | Concrete Masonry Unit Painted | |
CND | Conduit | |
CND | Condition | |
CNDS | Condensate | |
CNTR | Counter | |
CNTR | Center | |
CNVR | Conveyor | |
CO | Cleanout | |
CO | Cut Out | |
CO | Company | |
CO & DP | Cleanout & Deck Plate | |
COAX | Coaxial | |
COD | Cleanout Door | |
COEF | Coefficient | |
COL | Column | |
COM | Common | |
COMB | Combustion | |
COMB | Combination | |
COML | Commercial | |
COMM ED | Commonwealth Edison |
COMP | Composition | |
COMP | Compressed | |
COMPO | Composition | |
COMPR | Compressible | |
COMPT | Compartment | |
CON | Construction | |
CONC | Concrete | |
CONCP | Concrete Painted | |
COND | Conduit | |
COND | Condenser | |
CONN | Connection | |
CONST | Under Construction | |
CONSTR | Construct | |
CONT | Continue | |
CONT | Control | |
CONTR | Contract | |
CONV | Convector | |
CONV | Convenience | |
COP | Copper | |
COR | Corridor | |
COR | Corner | |
CORR | Corrugate | |
CORR | Corridor | |
COV | Cover | |
CP | Cathodic Protection | |
CP | Clothes Pole | |
CP | Cesspool | |
CPE | Chlorinated Polyethylene | |
CPL | Cement Plaster | |
CPP | Cement Plaster Painted | |
CPR | Copper | |
CPT | Carpet | |
CR | curtain rod | |
CR | Chromium | |
CRPT | Carpet | |
CRS | Cold Rolled Steel | |
CRS | Course | |
CS | Commercial Standard | |
CS | Countersink | |
CS | Cast Steel | |
CSG | Casing | |
CSK | Countersink | |
CSMT | Casement | |
CSN | Caisson | |
CSS | Countersunk Screw | |
CSTG | Casting | |
ct | Cone Tip | |
CT | Ceramic Tile | |
CTD | Coated | |
CTR | Center |
CTR | Counter | |
CTSC | Communications Systems Terminal Cabinet | |
CTSK | Countersunk | |
CTWT | Counterweight | |
CTYD | Courtyard | |
CU | Cubic | |
CU | Copper (Latin Cuprum) | |
CU. FT. | Cubic Feet | |
CU. YD. | Cubic Yard | |
CUR | Current | |
CUR | Current Income Shares, Inc. | |
CV | Check Valve | |
CW | Cold Water | |
CW | Clockwise | |
CWP | Circulating Water Pump | |
CWR | Condensate Waste Return | |
CWS | Condensate Waste Supply | |
CY | Cubic Yard | |
CY | Cycle | |
CYL | Cylinder | |
Cyl L | Cylinder Lock | |
D | Drain | |
D | Deep | |
D | Depth | |
d | Drop | |
D & M | Dressed & Matched | |
DA | Double Acting | |
dB | Decibel | |
DBL | Double | |
DBT | Drybulb Temperature | |
DC | Direct Current | |
DCV | Detector Check Valve | |
DEG | Degree | |
DEGC | Degree Celcius | |
DEGF | Degree Farenheit | |
DEM | Demolish | |
Demo | Demolition | |
DEP | Dpressed | |
Dept | Department | |
DET | Detail | |
DF | Drinking Fountain | |
DH | double hung | |
DIA | Diameter | |
DIAG | Diagonal | |
DIAM | Diameter | |
DIFF | Diffuser | |
DIM | Dimension | |
DIMS | Dimensions | |
DIR | Direction Interdépartementale des Routes | |
DISL | Disposal |
Div | Divisionsion | |
DIV | Division | |
DL | Dead Load | |
DMH | Drop Manhole | |
DMT | Demountable | |
DN | Down | |
DO | Ditto | |
DO | Door Opening | |
DP | Distribution Panel | |
DP | Dew Point | |
DP | Dampproofing | |
DPDT | double pole double throw switch | |
DPR | Damper | |
DPST | double pole single throw switch | |
dr | drain | |
DR | Door | |
DR | Dining Room (real estate) | |
DRBD | Drainboard | |
DS | Downspout | |
DS | Disconnect Switch | |
DSP | Dry Standpipe | |
DT | Drain Tile | |
DTL | Detail | |
DVTL | Dovetail | |
DW | Distilled Water | |
DW | Dumbwaiter | |
DWG | Drawing | |
DWGS | Drawings | |
DWL | Dowel | |
DWP | Drywall, Painted | |
dwr | Drawer | |
DX | Duplex | |
E | East | |
E TO E | End to End | |
EA | Each (as in a unit of measurement - one each) | |
EB | Expansion Bolt | |
EC | Exposed Construction | |
Ecc | Eccentric | |
ECP | Exposed Construction Painted | |
EDR | Equivalent Direct Radiation | |
EE | Each End | |
EF | Each Face | |
efts | Expanding Foam Tape Sealant | |
EG | Edge Grain | |
EIFS | Exterior Insulation and Finish System (construction) | |
EJ | Expansion Joint | |
EJECT | Ejector | |
EL | Elevation Limit | |
EL | Elevator | |
ELB | Elbow |
Elect | Electric | |
ELEV | Elevator | |
ELP | Emergency Lighting Panel | |
EM | Emergency | |
EMER | Emergency | |
ENAM | Enamel | |
ENCL | Enclosure | |
ENG | Engine | |
Engr | Engineer | |
ENJF | Expanded Neoprene Joint Filler | |
Ent | Entrance | |
ENTR | Entrance | |
EP | Electrical Panelboard | |
EP | Explosion Proof | |
epdm | Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomere | |
EPDM | Ethylene Propylene Diene M-class | |
EPJF | Expanded Polyethelene Joint Filler | |
EQ | Equal | |
EQP | Equipment | |
EQPT | Equipment | |
EQUIP | Equipment | |
ERP | Emergency Receptacle Panel | |
ESC | Escalator | |
EST | Estimate | |
EVAP | Evaporator | |
EW | Each Way | |
EW & C | Electric Wiring and Communication | |
EW&C | Electric Wiring and Communication | |
EWC | Electric Water Cooler | |
EWH | Electric Water Heater | |
EX | Exit | |
EXC | Excavate | |
EXCAV | Excavate | |
EXEC | Executive | |
EXG | Existing | |
EXH | Exhaust | |
EXH AIR | Exhaust Air | |
EXIST | Existing | |
EXP | Expansion | |
EXP | Exposed | |
EXP JT | Expansion Joint | |
EXPN | Expansion | |
EXPP | Existing Patched and Painted | |
EXS | Extra Strong | |
EXT | Exterior | |
EXT | Extinguish | |
EXTR | Extrude | |
f | Degrees Fahrenheit | |
F | Fuse |
F TO F | Face to Face | |
FA | Fire Alarm | |
FA | fresh air | |
FAB | Fabricate | |
FABR | Fabricate | |
FACP | Fire Alarm Control Panel | |
FAG | Fire Alarm Gong | |
FAO | Finish All Over | |
FAR | Floor Area Ratio | |
FAST | Fasten | |
FB | Flat Bar | |
FB | face brick | |
FB | Floor Box | |
FBD | Fiberboard | |
FBM | Foot Board Measure | |
FBP | Fabric Panel | |
FBRK | Fire Brick | |
FC | Foot Candle | |
FC | Fault Current | |
FC | File Cabinet | |
FD | Floor Drain | |
FDC | Fire Department Connection | |
FDN | Foundation | |
FDTN | Foundation | |
FE | Fire Extinguisher | |
FEC | Fire Extinguisher Cabinet | |
FF | Finished Floor Elevation | |
FF | Far Face | |
FF | Factory Finish | |
FF&E | Fixtures, Furnishings & Equipment | |
FFE | Finished Floor Elevation | |
FFL | Finished Floor Line | |
FGL | Fiberglass | |
FGR | Fiberglass reinforced | |
FH | Fire Hose | |
FH | Flat Head | |
FHC | Fire Hose Cabinet | |
FHMS | Flat Head Machine Screw | |
FHR | Fire Hose Rack | |
FHS | Fire Hose Station | |
FHWS | Flat Head Wood Screw | |
FHY | Fire Hydrant | |
Fil | Fillet | |
FIN | Finish | |
FIN | Finished | |
FITG | Fitting | |
Fix | Fixture | |
FIXT | Fixture | |
FL | Floor | |
FL | Fire Line |
FLASH | Flashing | |
FLEX | Flexible | |
FLG | Flashing | |
Flg | Flooring | |
FLG | Flange | |
FLR | Floor | |
FLUOR | Fluorescent | |
FLX | Flexible | |
FM | Filled Metal | |
FM | Fire Main | |
FND | Foundation | |
FO | Face Of | |
FO | Finished Opening | |
FOB | Free On Board | |
FOC | Face of Concrete | |
FOF | Face of Finish | |
FOS | Face of Studs | |
FP | Fireproof | |
FPL | Fireplace | |
FPM | Feet Per Minute | |
FPRF | Fireproof | |
FPS | Feet Per Second | |
FR | Frame | |
FR | Front | |
Fr | Frontier | |
FR | Fire Riser | |
FRG | Forge | |
FRM | Frame | |
FRPF | Fireproof | |
FRT | Fire Retardant Treated | |
FS | Floor Sink | |
FS | Fused Switch | |
FS | Far Side | |
FS | Full-Size | |
FS | Federal Standards | |
FSCW | Flush Solid Core Wood | |
FT | foot (unit of length) | |
FT | Football Team | |
FT | Feet | |
FT | Fully Tempered | |
FT | Footie Threads | |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis | |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission (U.S.) | |
FTG | Fitting | |
FTG | Footing | |
FUR | Furred | |
FURN | Furniture | |
Furn | Furnish | |
FURR | Furring | |
Fut | Future |
FVC | Fire Valve Cabinet | |
G | Gas | |
g | Gutter | |
G | Gram (g) | |
g | Gasoline | |
g | Girder | |
GA | Gage | |
GA | Gauge | |
GAGE | Gauge | |
GAL | Gallon | |
GALV | Galvanized | |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (government) | |
GB | Gypsum Board | |
GB | Glass Block | |
GB | Grab Bar | |
GC | General Contractor | |
GCMU | Glazed Concrete Masonry Unit | |
GD | Grade | |
GD | Gutter Drain | |
GD | Guard | |
GEN | Generator | |
genl | general | |
GF | Ground Face | |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted | |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupted | |
GFRC | Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete | |
GI | Galvanized Iron | |
GKT | Gasket | |
gl | glass | |
GL BLK | Glass Block | |
GLB | glass block | |
GLVA | Globe Valve | |
GLZ | Glaze | |
GM | General Manager | |
GMU | Glazed Masonry Unit | |
GND | Ground | |
GOSIP | Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile | |
GOVT | Government | |
GP | Galvanized Pipe | |
GPDW | Gypsum Drywall | |
gph | Gallons Per Hour | |
GPL | Gypsum Lath | |
GPM | gallons per minute; global pallet manager | |
GPP | Gypsum Plaster Painted | |
GPPL | Gypsum Plaster | |
GPS | Gallons Per Second | |
GR | Grille | |
GR | Granite | |
GR | Grade | |
Gran | Granular |
GRAN | Granite | |
GRND | Ground | |
Grtg | Grating | |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment | |
GSS | Galvanized Sheet Steel | |
GT | Grout | |
GUI | Graphical User Interface (goo-ey) | |
GV | Galvanized | |
GVA | Gate Valve | |
GVL | Gravel | |
GWB | Gypsum Wall Board | |
Gyp | Gypsum | |
GYP BD | Gypsum Board | |
H | Hour | |
H | High | |
h | High Frequency | |
HA | Hectare | |
HB | Hose Bibb | |
HBD | Hardboard | |
HC | Handicapped | |
HC | hollow core | |
HCT | Hollow Clay Tile | |
HD | High Density | |
HD | Head | |
HDCP | Handicapped | |
HDN | Harden | |
HDR | Header | |
HDW | Hardware | |
HDWD | Hardwood | |
HDWE | Hardware | |
HEX | Hexagon | |
HF | High Frequency | |
HGR | Hanger | |
HGR | Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc. | |
HGT | Height | |
HH | Handhole | |
HHMB | Hex Head Machine Bolt | |
HI | High | |
HID | high intensity discharge (electricity) | |
HK | Hook | |
HKD | Hooked | |
HL | Hydrant Line | |
HM | Hollow Metal | |
HMI | Human Machine Interface | |
HMP | Hollow Metal, Painted | |
HNCG | Hollow Neoprene Compression Gasket | |
HOR | Horizontal | |
HORIZ | Horizontal | |
HOSP | Hospital |
HP | Horse Power | |
HP | High Point | |
HPS | High Pressure Sodium | |
HPS | High Pressure Steam | |
HR | Hour | |
HRS | Hours | |
HS | High School | |
HS | Heat Strengthened | |
HSG | Housing | |
HT | Heat | |
HT | Heights | |
HTG | Heating | |
HTR | Heater | |
HTW | High Temperature Water | |
HV | High Voltage | |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilating, And Air Conditioning | |
Hvy | Heavy | |
HW | Hot Water | |
HW | Heavy Wall | |
HWC | Heavy Wall Conduit | |
HWC | Hot Water Circulating | |
HWD | Hardwood | |
HWH | hot water heater | |
HWR | Hot Water Recirculating Return | |
HWS | Hot Water Supply | |
HWY | Highway | |
HYD | Hydraulic | |
Hydro | Hydrostatic | |
Hz | cycles per second (hertz) | |
I | Iron | |
I/O | Input/Output | |
IBV | Indicating Butterfly Valve | |
IC | Integrated Circuit | |
IC | interrupting capacity | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation | |
ICC | International Code Council | |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology | |
ID | Inside Diameter | |
IDL | Interface Definition Language | |
IE | Invert Elevation | |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | |
IF | Intermediate Frequency | |
IGES | Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, a data interchange standard for CAD/CAM systems | |
IIS | Internet Information Server | |
ILK | Interlock | |
ILO | In Lieu Of | |
IMH | Inlet Manhole | |
IMO | International Maritime Organization | |
IN | Inch | |
INC | incandescent |
INCAND | Incandescent | |
INCIN | Incinerator | |
INCL | Incline | |
INCL | Include | |
INCR | Increase | |
INFO | Information | |
INS | Insulate | |
INSP | Inspect | |
INSTL | Install | |
INSUL | INSULation | |
INT | Interior | |
INT | Internal | |
INTERM | Intermediate | |
INTM | Intermediate | |
INV | Invert | |
IP | iron pipe | |
IP | Intellectual Property | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IPCS | International Programme on Chemical Safety | |
IPD | Integrated Product Development | |
IPS | Iron Pipe Size | |
IPT | Integrated Product Teams | |
IR | Industrial Relations | |
IRGWB | Impact Resistant Gypsum Wall Board | |
IRR | Internal Rate of Return | |
IS | International Standard | |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network | |
ISP | Information Strategy Planning | |
IT | Information Technology | |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry | |
iw | indirect waste | |
j | Joist | |
J | Joule | |
J-BOX | Junction Box | |
JAN | Janitor | |
JB | Junction Box | |
JC | Janitor's Closet | |
JCT | Junction | |
JF | Joint Filler | |
JISC | Japanese Industrial Standards Committee | |
JIT | Just in time | |
JO | Job Order | |
JST | Joist | |
jt | Joint | |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine | |
k | Kilopound | |
K | Kelvin (absolute temperature scale) | |
K | Kilo- | |
Kal | Kalamein | |
KBS | Knowledge Based System |
KCP | keene's cement plaster | |
kg | Kilogram | |
KIF | Knowledge Interchange Format | |
KIP | Kilopound | |
KIT | Kitchen | |
Km | Kilometer (1,000 meters) | |
KM | Knowledge Management | |
Ko | Knockout | |
KP | Kickplate | |
KPL | Kickplate | |
KS | Kitchen Sink | |
KVA | Kilovolt-Ampere | |
Kw | Kilowatt (one thousand watts) (measurement) | |
kWh | Kilowatt hour (one thousand watt hours) (measurement) | |
KWHR | Kilowatt Hour | |
L | Long | |
L | Line | |
L | Length | |
l | Angle | |
L | Left | |
l | Longitude | |
LA | Local Authority | |
LA | Landscape Architect | |
LA | Lightning Arrester | |
LAB | Laboratory | |
Lad | Ladder | |
LAM | Laminate | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LAT | Latitude | |
Lat | Lateral | |
LAV | Lavatory | |
LB | Lag Bolt | |
lb | Pound | |
LBL | Label | |
LBR | Lumber | |
LC | Light Control | |
LC | Lead-Covered | |
LCA | Life cycle assessment for steel construction | |
LCC | Life Cycle Costing | |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Diode | |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | |
LCL | Lower Confidence Limit | |
LCL | Linen Closet | |
LCM | Lead Coated Metal | |
LD | Leader Drain | |
LED | law enforcement desk; light emitting diode | |
LF | Load Factor | |
LF | Low Frequency | |
LF | latest finish | |
LH | Left Hand |
LHS | Left Hand Side | |
Lib | Libra | |
LIB | Object Code Library | |
Libr | Library | |
LIN | Linear | |
LINO | Linoleum | |
LIQ | Liquid | |
LKR | Locker | |
LL | Live Load | |
LMS | Limestone | |
LN | length | |
LNDG | Landing | |
LNG | Liquefied Natural Gas | |
LNTL | Lintel | |
LO | Low | |
LOC | Locate | |
LOCS | Locations | |
LOD | Level Of Detail | |
LONG | Longitude | |
LP | Lighting Pane | |
LP | Low Pressure | |
LP | Low Point | |
LP | Lighting Panel | |
LP | Light Proof | |
LPM | Litres Per Minute | |
LPS | Low Pressure Sodium | |
LPS | Low Pressure Steam | |
lpW | lumens per watt | |
LR | Long Radius | |
LR | Living Room | |
LRFD | Load and Resistance Factor Design | |
LS | Low Speed | |
LS | Limestone | |
LS | Loud Speaker | |
LSS | Logistics Support Squadron | |
LT | Light | |
LT | Line Termination | |
LT | Low Tension | |
LT WT | Lightweight | |
LTG | Lighting | |
LTL | Lintel | |
LV | Low Voltage | |
LVR | Louver | |
LW | Light Weight | |
LWC | Light Weight Concrete | |
LWDP | Louvered Wood Door, Painted | |
LWM | Low Water Mark | |
M | Million | |
M | Mega - One Thousand (in Roman Numerals) | |
M | Motor |
m | Meter | |
M&E | Mechanical & Electrical | |
M&R | Maintenance & Repair | |
MACH | Machine | |
MAF | Minimum Audible Field | |
MAINT | Maintenance | |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network | |
MAN | Manual | |
MAP | Manufacturing Automation Protocol | |
MAR | Marble | |
MARB | Marble | |
MAS | Masonry | |
MAT | Material | |
MATL | Material | |
MAX | Maximum | |
MB | Machine Bolt | |
MB | Mop Basin | |
MB | mail box | |
MC | Moisture Content | |
MC | Mineral Core | |
MC | medicine cabinet | |
MCC | Motor Control Center (JSC) | |
MCM | Thousand Circular Mils | |
MCS | Maintenance Control Section | |
MD | Medium Density | |
MDF | Medium Density Fibreboard | |
MDF | Main Distribution Frame | |
MDS | Microwave Distribution System | |
ME | Mechanical Engineer | |
MEC | Model Energy Code | |
MECH | Mechanic | |
Mech | Mechanical Equipment | |
MED | Medium | |
MED CAB | Medicine Cabinet | |
Memb | Membrane | |
MEMBR | Membrane | |
MERC | Mercury Vapor | |
MES | Manufacturing Execution System | |
MET | Metal | |
MEZZ | Mezzanine | |
MF | Medium Frequency | |
MFD | Manufactured | |
MFD | Metal Floor Deck | |
MFG | Manufacturer | |
MFR | Manufacture | |
MG | Motor Generator | |
MH | Manhole | |
MI | Malleable Iron | |
MI | Mile | |
MiC | Maximum Instantaneous Charge |
MIKE | Microphone | |
MIN | Minimum | |
MIN | Minute | |
MIR | Mirror | |
MIS | Management Information System (OSHA) | |
MISC | Miscellaneous | |
MK | Mark Kinchen | |
ML&P | Metal Lath & Plaster | |
MLD | Molding | |
MLDG | Molding | |
mm | Millimeter | |
MMB | Membrane | |
MMU | Memory Management Unit | |
MO | Masonry Opening | |
MOD | Module | |
MONO | Monolithic | |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding (an MOU between Food & Drug Administratin and a regulatory agency in another country allows mutual recognition of inspections) | |
MOV | Movable | |
MP | melting point | |
MP | Metal Acoustal Panel | |
MP | Medium Pressure | |
MPG | Miles Per Gallon | |
MPH | Miles Per Hour | |
MPS | Medium Pressure Steam | |
MR | Mop Receptor | |
MRD | Metal Roof Deck | |
MRGWB | Moisture-Resistant Gypsum Wall Board | |
MRT | Mean Radiant Temperature | |
MS | Mild Steel | |
MS | Machine Screw | |
MSB | Main Switch Board | |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheets | |
MSL | Mean Sea Level | |
MT | Mountain | |
MTBE | Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether | |
MTBF | Mean Time Before Failure | |
MTBM | Mean Time Between Maintenance | |
MTD | Mounted | |
MTL | Metal | |
MTL | Material | |
MTR | Motor | |
MTTR | Mean Time To Repair | |
MUL | Mullion | |
MULL | Mullion | |
MV | Medium Voltage | |
MV | Mercury Vapor | |
MWK | Millwork | |
MWO | Modification Work Order | |
MWP | Maximum Working Pressure | |
N | Newton |
N | North | |
N | Nitrogen | |
N/A | Not Applicable | |
NA | Not Available | |
NACE | National Association of Corrosion Engineers | |
NAP | Napkin | |
NAT | Natural | |
NATA | National Association of Testing Authorities | |
NATL | Natural | |
NAVFAC | Naval Facilities Engineering Command | |
NB | Nota Bene. Abbreviation of the Latin expression commonly used to emphasise the importance of a statement, literally meaning 'observe well'. Or less politely and more amusingly, No Bullshit. | |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards (US) | |
NC | Normally Closed | |
NC | No Change | |
NC | Noise Criteria | |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer | |
NDE | Non-Destructive Evaluation | |
NDI | Non-Destructive Inspection | |
NDT | Nondestructive Test | |
NE | North-East | |
NEC | National Electrical Code | |
NEF | Noise Exposure Forecast | |
NEMA | National Electric Manufacturer's Association | |
NEUT | Neutral | |
Nf | Noise Frequency | |
Nf | Near Face | |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association | |
NFWH | Non-freeze Wall Hydrant | |
NG | Natural Gas | |
NG | No Good | |
NI | Nickel | |
NI | Nickel Institute | |
NIC | Not In Contract | |
NK | neck | |
NL | Noise Level | |
NMT | Non-Metallic | |
NNI | Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut | |
NO | Number | |
NO | Normally Open | |
NOM | Nominal | |
NPC | Net Present Cost | |
NPV | Net Present Value {economics} | |
NR | Noise Reduction | |
NRC | Noise Reduction Coefficient | |
NRP | Non-Removable Pin | |
NRS | Non Rising Steam Valve | |
NS | Near Side | |
NSAI | National Standards Authority of Ireland | |
NSW | New South Wales | |
NT | Northern Territory |
NTC | Negative Temperature Coefficient | |
NTS | Not To Scale | |
NVD | Night Vision Device | |
NVLAP | National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program | |
NW | North West | |
O | Oxygen | |
O TO O | Out to Out | |
O/S | Out Of Service | |
OA | Outside Air | |
OA | Overall | |
OA | Office Automation | |
OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Systems | |
ob | obscure | |
Obix | Open Building Information Exchange | |
OBS | Obscure | |
OC | Operating Characteristic | |
OC | On Center | |
OC | Operation Center | |
OCB | Oil Circuit Breaker | |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition | |
OD | Outside Diameter | |
ODA | Open Document Architecture | |
ODIF | Office Document Interchange Format | |
ODL | Object Definition Language | |
ODMA | Open Document Management API | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer (usually in reference to car parts) | |
OF | Outside Face | |
OFF | Office | |
OGIS | Open Geodata Interoperability Specification | |
OH | Opposite Hand | |
OH | Overhead | |
OHD | Overhead Door | |
OHMS | Oval Head Machine Screw | |
OHWS | Oval Head Wood Screw | |
OI | Ornamental Iron | |
OLE | Object Linking and Embedding (Microsoft communication protocol) | |
OM | Operational Maintenance | |
OMA | Object Management Architecture | |
ON | Osterreichisches Normungsinstitut | |
ONO | Or Near Offer | |
OO | Object Oriented | |
OOPL | Object Oriented Programming Language | |
OOTW | Out Of This World | |
OP | Opaque | |
Opg | Opening | |
Opng | Opening | |
OPP | Opposite | |
OPP H | Opposite Hand | |
OR | Operations research | |
or | outside radius |
ORB | Object Request Broker | |
ORN | Ornamental | |
ORP | Operational Readiness Platform | |
OS&Y | Outside Screw and Yoke | |
OSD | Open Sight Drain | |
OUT | Outlet | |
OVFL | OVerFLow | |
OW | Open Waste | |
OZ | Ounce | |
P | Pitch | |
P | Paint | |
P SL | Pipe Sleeve | |
P. LAM | Plastic Laminate | |
PA | Public Addresses | |
PA | Per Annum | |
Pa | Pascal (1N/m2) | |
PAF | Powder Actuated Fasteners | |
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator (aviation) | |
PAR | Parallel | |
Partn | Partition | |
PASC | Pacific Area Standards Congress | |
PASS | Passenger | |
PASS | Passage | |
PAX | Private Automatic Exchange | |
Pb | Push-button | |
PB | Panic Bar | |
PB STA | Push Button Station | |
PBD | Particle Board | |
PBMT | Preshimmed Butyl Mastic Sealant Tape | |
PC | Precast Concrete | |
PC | Pull Chain | |
PC | Piece | |
PC | Personal computer (host) | |
PCA | Printed Circuit Assembly | |
PCB | printed circuit board | |
PCC | Pre-Cast Concrete | |
PCF | Pounds per cubic foot | |
PCPL | Portland Cement Plaster | |
PD | Plaza Drain | |
PD | Potential Difference | |
PD | pump discharge | |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant | |
PDE | Product Data Exchange | |
Portable Document Format (created by Adobe Acrobat) | ||
PDM | Product Data Management | |
PDM | Precedence Diagramming Method | |
PDML | Product Data Markup Language | |
PDP | Paneled Door | |
PE | Protective Earth | |
PE | Porcelain Enamel |
PED | Pedestal | |
PERF | Performance | |
PeRF | Performance Requirements Framework | |
perf | perforate | |
PERIM | Perimeter | |
Perp | Perpendicular | |
PFC | Power Factor Correction/Correcting | |
PFN | Prefinished | |
PG | Pressure Gauge (Report) | |
PGML | Precision Graphics Markup Language | |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (encryption) | |
PH | Telephone | |
PH | Phase | |
PH | Preheat | |
PI | Performance Indicator | |
PIA | Peripheral Interface Adaptor | |
PIC | Programmable Interrupt Controller | |
PIM | Personal Information Manager | |
PIN | Personal Identification Number | |
PIP | Project Information Portal | |
PIV | Pivoted | |
PJF | Preformed Joint Filler | |
PKG | Parking | |
PKWY | Parkway | |
PL | Plate | |
Pl | plastic | |
Pl | Plant | |
PL | Plan | |
Plas | Plastic | |
Plas | Plaster | |
PLAS LAM | Plastic Laminate | |
Plbg | Plumbing | |
PLC | Power Line Carrier | |
PLD | Programmable Logic Device | |
PLF | Pounds per Lineal Foot | |
PLG | Plumbing | |
PLMBG | Plumbing | |
PLTF | Platform | |
PLUMB | Plumbing | |
PLWD | Plywood | |
PLYD | Plywood | |
Plywd | Plywood | |
PM | Preventive Maintenance | |
PM | Project Manager | |
PMCS | Project Management Control System | |
PMI | Project Management Institute | |
PMP | Project Management Plan | |
PMS | Power Management System | |
PN | Part Number (P/N Preferred) | |
PNC | Preferred Noise Criteria |
PNEU | Pneumatic | |
PNL | Panel | |
PNT | Paint | |
PO | Post Office | |
POL | Polish Language (ISO 639-2 Code) | |
Porc | Porcelain | |
PORT | Portable | |
POT W | Potable Water | |
PP | Precast Panel | |
PP | Plaster | |
PP | Painted | |
PP | Power Panel | |
PPP | Public Private Partnership | |
PR | Pair | |
PRC | Precast | |
Prcst | Precast | |
PRE | Prefinished | |
PREFAB | Prefabricated | |
PRES | Pressure | |
PRESS | Pressure | |
PRF | Preformed | |
PRFMD | Preformed | |
PRI | Primary Rate Interface (ISDN) | |
PRI | Primary | |
PRMLD | Premolded | |
PROT | Protection | |
PRSTR | Prestressed | |
PRTN | Partition | |
PRV | Pressure Reducing Valve | |
PS | Plumbing Stack | |
PSC | Pre-Stressed Concrete (construction) | |
PSF | Per Square Foot | |
PSI | Pounds Per Square Inch (Static Pressure) | |
PSIG | Pounds per square inch gage | |
PSL | private service line | |
PT | Potential Transformer | |
PT | Paint | |
PT | Part | |
PT | Point | |
PT | Pressure Treated | |
PTC | Post-Tensioned Concrete | |
PTC | Positive Temperature Coefficient [elec. Conducting Material] | |
PTD | Painted | |
PTD/R | Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle | |
PTN | Partition | |
PTO | Please Turn Over | |
PTR | Paper Towel Receptacle | |
PV | Paving | |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride | |
PVF | Polyvinylidene Finish |
PVG | Paving | |
Pvmt | Pavement | |
PVT | Private | |
PW | Pass Window | |
PWR | Power | |
Q&A | Questions & Answers | |
Qa | Center for Quality Assurance in International Education | |
QAD | Quick And Dirty | |
QC | Quality Control | |
QI | Quality Improvement | |
QM | Quality Management | |
QPL | qualified products list | |
QS | Quality System | |
QS | quantity surveyor | |
QT | Quart | |
QTR | Quarter | |
QTY | Quantity | |
QUAL | Quality | |
QUANT | Quantity | |
R | Radius | |
R | Riser | |
R | Resist | |
R & S | Rod and Shelf | |
R&R | Remove & Replace | |
R&S | Rod and Shelf | |
RA | Registered Architect | |
RA | Return Air | |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force | |
Rad | Radiator | |
RAD | Radius | |
Rad | Radiant | |
RADHAZ | Radiation Hazard | |
RADN | Radian | |
RAP | Regimental Aid Post | |
RB | Resilient Base | |
RB | Rubber | |
RBC | Rubberized Bituminous Compound | |
RBC | Rubber Base | |
RBR | Rubber | |
RBS | Rubber Base Straight | |
RBT | Rabbet | |
RC | Reinforced Concrete | |
RCD | Residual Current Device | |
RCF | Raised Computer Floor | |
RCP | Reinforced Concrete Pipe | |
RCP | Reflected Ceiling Plan | |
RD | Roof Drain | |
RD | Round | |
RD | Relative Density | |
REBAR | Reinforcing Bar |
Rec | Receiver-Exciter-Controller | |
REC | Receiver | |
RECEP | Receptacle | |
RECP | Receptacle | |
Red | Reduce | |
Ref | Refer | |
REFL | Reflector | |
REFL | Reflected | |
REFR | Refrigerate | |
REG | Regular | |
REG | Register | |
REINF | Reinforce | |
REM | Remove | |
Req | Require | |
REQD | Required | |
RES | Resilient | |
RESIL | Resilient | |
REST | Resistance | |
Ret | Retainer | |
RET | Return | |
RETG | Retaining | |
REV | Reverse | |
Rev | Revise | |
REV | Revision | |
REV DR | Revolving Door | |
RF | Roof | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFG | Roofing | |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference | |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification | |
RFS | Regardless of Feature Size | |
RFT | Request for Tender | |
RGH | Rough | |
RGH OPNG | Rough Opening | |
RGTR | Register | |
RH | Relative Humidity | |
RH | Right Hand | |
RH | Reheat | |
RHC | Reheat Coil | |
RHMS | Round Head Machine Screw | |
RHR | Reheater | |
RHR | Right Hand Reverse | |
RHS | Rectangular Hollow Section | |
RHS | Right Hand Side | |
RHWS | Round Head Wood Screw | |
RI | Radio Interference | |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computing | |
RM | Room | |
RMI | Remote Method Invocation | |
RMV | Remove |
RN | Riser Nipple | |
RO | Rough Opening | |
RO | Reverse Osmosis | |
ROB | Rod Out Basin | |
ROW | Right-Of-Way | |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute, (Rotations Per Minute) | |
RPM | Resale Price Maintenance. The UK Net Book Agreement, as was. Means by which retail prices are controlled by primary suppliers. (Alternatively, Revolutions Per Minute, as in engine speed and 78, 33 and 45 records. In years to come how many people will know | |
rps | revolutions per second | |
RPT | Repeat | |
RR | Railroad | |
RRP | Recommended Retail Price | |
RT | Rubber Tile | |
RT | Right | |
RTA | Ready-To-Assemble | |
RTF | Revision Task Force | |
RTR | Rubber Tread Riser | |
RTU | Remote Terminal Unit | |
RV | Relief Vent | |
RVA | Recorded Voice Announcement | |
RVS | Reverse Side | |
RVT | Rivet | |
RW | Redwood | |
RW | Rotary Wing | |
RWC | Rain Water Conductor | |
RWD | Redwood | |
RWL | Rain Water Leader | |
s | Sink | |
s | Sealant | |
s | Supply | |
S | South | |
s | second (do NOT use "sec" for "second;" use "sec" for "secant") | |
S | Siemens | |
S&M | Surfaced & Matched | |
s&s | Stained & Sealed | |
S&V | Stain & Varnish | |
s4s | Surfaced 4 Sides | |
SA | Standards Australia | |
SAA | Standards Association of Australia | |
SABS | South African Bureau of Standards | |
sact | Suspended Acoustical Tile | |
SALS | Simple Approach Lighting System | |
SALV | Salvage | |
san | Sanitary | |
SANZ | Standards Association of New Zealand | |
SATCO | Senior Air Traffic Control Officer | |
SB | Splash Block | |
SB | Setting Basin | |
SBR | styrene-butadiene rubber production | |
SC | Self Closing | |
SC | Sill Cock |
SC | Short Circuit | |
SC | Solid Core | |
SCADA | Supervisory Control And Data Aquisition | |
SCBA | Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus | |
SCC | Standards Council of Canada | |
SCD | Seat Cover Dispenser | |
scft | Structural Clay Facing Tile | |
SCH | Schedule | |
SCHED | Schedule | |
SCM | Supply Chain Management | |
SCR | Screen | |
Scup | Scupper | |
SCWD | Solid Core Wood | |
SD | Smoke Detector | |
SD | Soap Dispenser | |
SDF | Single Degree of Freedom | |
SDS | Safety Data Sheet | |
SE | Structural Engineer | |
seal | Sealant | |
SEC | Second | |
SECT | Section | |
secy | secretary | |
sed | Sewage Ejector Discharge | |
SEL | Select | |
SELV | Safety Extra Low Voltage | |
SERC | Science and Engineering Research Council | |
SERV | Service | |
SET | Secure Electronic Transaction | |
sev | Sewage Ejector Vent | |
SF | Square Foot | |
SFGL | Safety Glass | |
SG | Specific Gravity | |
sgg | Structural Glazing Gasket | |
sgs | Silicone Glazing Sealant | |
SH | Showers | |
SH | Sheet | |
SH | Shelf | |
shr | Shower | |
Sht | Sheet | |
SHTH | Sheathing | |
SHTHG | Sheathing | |
SHWR | Shower | |
SIG | Signal | |
SIG | Special Interest Group | |
SIL | Speech Interference Level | |
SIM | Similar | |
sjs | Silicone Joint Sealant | |
sk | Sink | |
skl | Skylight | |
SL | Sea Level |
sl | Siamese Line | |
slot | Slotted | |
SLV | Sleeve | |
SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language | |
SMPS | Switched Mode Power Supplies | |
snd | Sanitary Napkin Dispenser | |
SNG | Synthetic Natural Gas | |
SNGG | Sponge Neoprene Glazing Gasket | |
snr | Sanitary Napkin Receptacle | |
snt | Sealant | |
SOV | Shut Off Valve | |
sp | Standpipe | |
SP | Single Pole | |
sp | Soundproof | |
SP | Soil Pipe | |
SP | Special Purpose | |
SP | Static Pressure | |
SPC | Space | |
spd | Sump Pump Discharge | |
SPDT | Single Pole Double Throw | |
SPEC | Specification | |
SPECS | Specifications Enhancement through Case and SDL | |
Specs | Specifications | |
SPK | Speak | |
SPL | Special | |
SPL | Sound Pressure Level | |
SPLR | Sprinkler | |
spm | Sprinkler Main | |
SPP | Skim Coat Plaster Painted | |
SPST | Single Pole, Single Throw | |
SQ | Square | |
SQL | Structured Query Language | |
SS | Service Sink | |
SS | Stainless Steel | |
ss | Set Screw | |
ss | Soil Stack | |
ss | Slop Sink | |
ssd | Sub-soil Drain | |
ssgs | Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant | |
SSK | Service Sink | |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | |
sss | Silicone Sanitary Sealant | |
SST | Stainless Steel | |
SSTL | Stainless Steel | |
ST | Storm Water | |
ST | Straight Time | |
ST | Straight Talk | |
ST | Straight Tip | |
ST W | Storm Water | |
STA | Station |
STC | Sound Transmission Class | |
STC | Sound Transmission Coefficient | |
STD | Standard | |
STD | Secondary Telecom District | |
stg | Seating | |
stg | Storage | |
STGG | Structural Glazing Gasket | |
STGR | Stagger | |
STIFF | Stiffener | |
Stk | Stack | |
STL | Steel | |
stm | Steam | |
STO | Storage | |
stor | Storage | |
stp | Standpipe | |
STP | standard temperature and pressure (0° and 1 atm) | |
str | Starter | |
STR | Strength | |
STR | Straight | |
str | Structural | |
STRL | Structural | |
strt | Straight | |
STRUC | Structural | |
STRUCT | Structural | |
STWY | Stairway | |
SUCT | Suction | |
SUP | Support | |
SUPP | Supplement | |
SUPT | Superintendent | |
SUR | Surface | |
SUSP | Suspend | |
SV | Stop Valve | |
SV | Solenoid Valve | |
SV | Safety Valve | |
SV | Safety Relief Valve | |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics | |
SW | Switch | |
SW | Sea Water | |
SWBD | Switchboard | |
swgr | Switchgear | |
SWP | Safe Working Pressure | |
SY | Square Yard | |
SYM | Symmetric | |
SYN | Synthetic | |
SYS | System | |
T | Tesla | |
t | Teem | |
t | Thermostat | |
t | Trustee | |
t | Tread |
t | Tee | |
T&B | Top and Bottom | |
t&g | Tongue and Grooved | |
T&P | Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve | |
T/ | Top | |
T/D | Telephone/Data | |
TAN | Tangent | |
tb | Towel Bar | |
TB | Terminal Board | |
TBM | Tunnel Boring Machine | |
TBP | Technologies for Business Processes | |
TBS | To Be Supplied(by government) | |
TC | Technical Committee (HL7) | |
TC | Top of Curb | |
TC | Terracotta | |
TCLO | Telephone Closet | |
tcs | Terne-Coated Stainless Steel | |
TD | Time Delay | |
TD | Trench Drain | |
Tdc | Time Delay Closing | |
TDO | Time Delay Opening | |
TDS | Total Dissolved Solids | |
TE | Terminal Equipment | |
TEL | Telephone | |
TEL CL | Telephone Closet | |
TELE | Telephone | |
TEMP | Temporary (worker, file, etc.) | |
temp | Tempered | |
TEMP | Temperature | |
TEN | Tenant | |
ter | Terrazzo | |
TERM | Terminal | |
terr | Terrazzo | |
TF | Total Float | |
TGA | thermal gravimetric analysis | |
tgl | Toggle | |
th | Thermostat | |
THK | Thick | |
THKNS | Thickness | |
THR | Threshold | |
THRESH | Threshold | |
THRM | Thermal | |
THRMST | Thermostat | |
THRU | Through | |
TI | Temperature Indicator | |
TIG | Tungsten Inert Gas | |
TKBD | Tackboard | |
tl | Twist Lock | |
TL | Transmission Loss | |
tlt | Toilet |
TLV | Threshold Limit Value | |
TO | Top of | |
TOC | Top of Concrete | |
TOL | Tolerance | |
TOP | Technical And Office Protocol | |
TOS | Top of Steel | |
TP | True Position | |
TP | Top of Pavement | |
TPD | Toilet Paper Dispenser | |
TPH | Toilet Paper Holder | |
TPTN | Toilet Partition | |
TQM | Total Quality Management | |
tr | Transom | |
tr | Treadmill Run | |
TR | Temperature Recorder | |
tr | Tread | |
Trans | Transformer | |
trans | Translucent | |
trav | Travertine | |
trd | Tread | |
TS | Time Switch | |
tsl | Top of Slab | |
TST | Top of Steel | |
TSTAT | Thermostat | |
TT | Terrazzo Tile | |
TT | Traffic Topping | |
ttc | Telephone Terminal Closet | |
TV | Television | |
TV | Tee Valve, | |
TW | Top of Wall | |
TW | Tempered Water | |
TW | Thin Wall | |
twa | Time Weighted Averages | |
TWU | Transport Workers Union of America | |
TWU | Transport Workers Union of Malaysia | |
Typ | Typical | |
TZ | Terrazzo | |
U/S | Underside | |
UBC | Uniform Building Code | |
UC | Under Construction | |
uc | Undercut | |
UFL | Upper Flammability Limit | |
UG | User Group | |
Uh | Unit Heater | |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency (300-3000 MHz; 1m-10cm) | |
UI | User Interface | |
UL | Underwriters'Laboratories | |
uml | Unified Modelling Language | |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Program | |
unex | Unexcavated |
Unexc | Unexcavated | |
UNF | Unfinished | |
Unfin | Unfinished | |
UNO | Unless Noted Otherwise | |
UON | Unless Otherwise Noted | |
up | Unpainted | |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply | |
UR | Urinal | |
USG | United States Gypsum | |
USG | United States Gauge | |
USS | United States Standard | |
UT | Utility | |
V | Valve | |
V | Vinyl | |
V | Vent | |
V | Volt (measurement) | |
VA | Volt Ampere | |
VAC | Vacuum | |
VACBR | Vacuum Breaker | |
VAR | Value Added Reseller | |
var | Varies | |
var | Varnish | |
VAT | Vinyl Asbestos Tile | |
VAV | Variable Air Volume | |
VB | Valve Box | |
VB | Vacuum Breaker | |
vb | Vinyl Base | |
VB | Visual Basic | |
VB | Vapor Barrier | |
VBC | Vinyl Base Coved | |
VBS | Vinyl Base Straight | |
VC | Varnished Cambric | |
VCM | Vinyl Chloride Monomer | |
VCP | Vitrified Clay Pipe | |
VCR | video cassette recorder/player | |
VCT | Vinyl Composition Tile | |
VDR | Voltage Dependent Resistor | |
VDT | Visual Display Terminal | |
VDU | Visual Display Unit | |
vent | Ventilate | |
VERT | Verticalnet, Inc. | |
VERT | Vertical | |
VEST | Vestibule | |
vf | Vinyl Fabric | |
VF | Voice Frequency | |
VFGT | Vinyl Foam Glazing Tape | |
VGC | Very Good Condition | |
VHF | Very High Frequency | |
VHSIC | Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit | |
VIF | Verify In Field |
VIN | Vinyl | |
VIT | Vitreous | |
VLF | Very Low Frequency | |
vlt | Vault | |
VM | Value Management | |
VMC | visual meteorological conditions | |
VML | Vector Markup Language | |
VMS | Variable Message Signboards | |
vnr | Veneer | |
VO | Virtual Organization | |
VOL | Volume | |
vp | Vapor Proof | |
VP | Vent Pipe | |
VP | Vision Panel | |
VP | Vacuum Pump | |
VPN | Virtual Private Network (ATM) | |
VR | Virtual Reality | |
VR | Vertical Riser | |
vr | Vacuum Return | |
VR | Voltage Regulator | |
vr | Vapor Retarder | |
VRL | Vertical Reference Line | |
vrm | Vermiculite | |
vrml | Virtual Reality Modelling Language | |
Vs | Vent Stack | |
VT | Vinyl Tile | |
VTR | Vent Through Roof | |
VWC | Vinyl Wall Covering | |
W | Wide | |
W | Water | |
W | Waste | |
W | West | |
W | Watt | |
W | Width | |
W&M | Washburn & Moen Gauge | |
W/ | With | |
W/O | Without | |
WAINS | Wainscot | |
WAN | Wide Area Network | |
WB | Wood Base | |
WB | Wet Bulb | |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure | |
WC | Watercloset | |
wc | Water Closet (in building plans) | |
WD | Wood | |
wdp | Wood, Painted | |
WDSS | Wood, Stained & Sealed | |
WDW | Window | |
WF | Wide Flange |
WFM | Work Flow Management | |
wfs | Water Flow Switch | |
WG | Wire Gauge | |
WG | Water Gauge | |
wg | Wired Glass | |
wgl | Wire-Glass | |
Wh | Wall Hydrant | |
WH | Water Heater | |
wh | Wall Hung | |
WI | Wrought Iron | |
WIN | Windows | |
WIP | Work In Progress (process) | |
WL | Water Line | |
WM | Wire Mesh | |
WM | Water Meter | |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization (ICSU) | |
WP | Working Pressure | |
WP | Working Point | |
WP | Waterproof | |
wpr | Waterproofing | |
WPT | Working Point | |
wr | Water Repellant | |
WR | Water Resistant | |
wr | Waste Receptacle | |
WRSTP | Weatherstripping | |
WS | Weatherstripping | |
WS | Water Stop | |
WSCT | Wainscot | |
WT | Weight | |
WTP | Water Treatment Plant | |
wu | Window Unit | |
WVNR | Wood Veneer | |
ww | Window Wall | |
WWF | Welded Wire Fabric | |
WWW | World Wide Web | |
X HVY | Extra Heavy | |
X STR | Extra Strong | |
XH | Extra Heavy | |
XL | Extra Large | |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | |
XSL | EXtensible Style Language | |
YD | Yard | |
YR | Year | |
YS | Yield Strength |