About Acronyms and Slang.

Acronymsandslang.com is a free dictionary/definition list that provides an option to search for various acronyms, abbreviations and slang words.
Our crawlers have harvested a huge database of different kinds of acronyms, abbreviations, and slang words through different open Internet resources such as blogs, forums, BBS, journal articles, PDF documents and others.
Huge amount of abbreviations and acronyms, we have crawled, are from different official documents produced by various agencies of the United States. All documents produced by the U.S. government are "born" in the public domain (free of copyright restrictions).
Today we have 3,500,000 different acronym, abbreviation and slang meanings in our database and new meanings are added daily by our crawler or submitted by our users.
We try to make all efforts to automatically categorize those acronyms and abbreviations for different kind of human areas of activity.
If You know more acronym or abbreviation defitinions than we do, please feel free to submit it to us here.