Scientific & Educational >> Weather Abbreviations
Look through 2217 acronyms and abbreviations related to Weather:
AAA | Amended meteorological message | |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science | |
AAL | Above Aerodrome Level | |
AAWU | Alaskan Aviation Weather Unit | |
ABNDT | Abundant | |
ABNML | Abnormal | |
ABT | About | |
ABV | Above | |
AC | Anticipated Convection Outlook | |
AC | Altocumulus | |
ACARS | ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System | |
ACC | Area Control Center | |
ACCAS | Altocumulus Castellanus | |
ACCID | Notification of an aircraft accident | |
ACCUM | Accumulate | |
ACFT | Aircraft | |
ACK | Acknowledge (telecommunications; Cf. NAK) | |
ACLT | Accelerate | |
ACLTD | Accelerated | |
ACLTG | Accelerating | |
ACLTS | Accelerates | |
ACPT | Accept | |
ACPY | Accompany | |
ACRS | Across | |
ACSL | Altocumulus Standing Lenticular | |
ACT | Active | |
ACTV | Active | |
ACTVTY | Activity | |
ACYC | Anticyclone | |
AD | Aerodrome | |
ADA | Advisory Area | |
ADDN | Addition | |
ADDS | Aviation Digital Data Service | |
ADJ | Adjacent | |
ADL | Additional | |
ADM | Administrative Messages | |
ADQT | Adequate | |
ADQTLY | Adequately | |
ADR | Advisory Route | |
ADRNDCK | Adirondack | |
Advct | Advect | |
ADVCTD | Advected | |
ADVCTG | Advecting | |
ADVCTN | Advection | |
Advcts | Advects | |
ADVIS | Headwater Advisory Program | |
ADVN | Advance | |
ADVNG | Advancing | |
ADVS | Advisory Service | |
ADVY | Advisory |
ADVYS | Advisories | |
ADZ | Advise | |
afct | affect | |
AFCTD | Affected | |
AFCTG | Affecting | |
AFD | Area Forecast Discussion | |
AFDK | After Dark | |
AFOS | Automation of Field Operations and Services | |
AFSS | Automated Flight Service Station | |
AFT | Afternoon | |
AFT | After | |
AFTN | Air Force Television Network | |
AFTN | Afternoon | |
AFW | Air Force Weather | |
AFWA | Air Force Weather Agency | |
AFWIN | Air Force Weather Information Network | |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control | |
AGFS | Aviation Gridded Forecast System | |
AGL | Above Ground Level | |
AGN | Again | |
AGRD | Agreed | |
AGRMT | Agreement | |
AGRS | Agrees | |
AHD | Ahead | |
AHOS | Automatic Hydrologic Observing System | |
AHOS-S | Automatic Hydrologic Observing System - Satellite | |
AHOS-T | Automatic Hydrologic Observing System - Telephone | |
AIRMET | Airman's Meteorological advisory | |
AIRMET | AIRman's METeorological Information | |
AIV | Aviation Impact Variable | |
AK | Alaska | |
AL | Alabama | |
ALERT | Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time | |
ALF | Aloft | |
ALG | Along | |
ALGHNY | Allegheny | |
ALQDS | All Quadrants | |
ALSTG | Altimeter Setting | |
ALT | Altitude | |
ALTA | Alberta | |
ALTHO | Although | |
ALTM | Altimeter | |
ALUTN | Aleutian | |
AMD | amend | |
AMDAR | Automatic Meteorological Data And Reporting | |
AMDD | Amended | |
AMDG | Amending | |
AMDT | Amendment | |
AMIS | Automated Meteorological Information System | |
AMOS | Automated Meteorological Observing System |
AMP | Amplify | |
AMPG | Amplifying | |
AMPLTD | Amplitude | |
AMS | Air mass | |
AMS | American Meteorology Society | |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level | |
AMT | Amount | |
ANBURS | Alphanumeric Backup Replacement System | |
ANLYS | Analysis | |
ANS | Answer | |
AOA | At or Above | |
AOB | At or Below | |
AOB | Aviation Operations Branch | |
AOML | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (Miami, Florida) (ERL) | |
AOPA | Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association | |
AP | Airport | |
APCH | approach | |
APCHG | Approaching | |
APCHS | Approaches | |
API | Antecedent Precipitation Index | |
APLCN | Appalachian | |
APLCNS | Appalachians | |
APPR | Appear | |
APPRG | Appearing | |
APPRS | Appears | |
APR | April River Airport, April River, Papua New Guinea | |
APRNT | Apparent | |
APRNTLY | Apparently | |
APRX | Approximate | |
APRXLY | Approximately | |
APSG | After passing | |
APST | Aviation Products and Services Team | |
AQI | Air Quality Statement | |
AR | Arkansas | |
ARAM | Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology | |
Arcus | Arc Cloud | |
ARFOR | Area Forecast | |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated | |
ARND | Around | |
ARPT | Airport | |
ARR | Arrive | |
ARSI | Atmospheric Research System, Inc. | |
ART | Automatic Radio Theodolite Master Control Unit As | |
ARTCC | Air Route Traffic Control Center | |
ARTYMET | Artillery Meteorological | |
AS | Altostratus | |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible (pronounced AY-sap) | |
ASAPTRAN | The software component of ASA | |
ASB | Aviation Support Branch | |
ASC | Ascent to |
ASC | Aviation Services Coordinator | |
ASD | Aircraft Situation Display | |
ASH | Assistant Service Hydrologist | |
ASIST | Aviation Safety Investment Strategy Team | |
ASL | Above Sea Level | |
ASMD | As amended | |
ASOS | Automated Surface Observing System | |
ASSOCD | Associated | |
ASSOCN | Association | |
ATA | Area Transportation Authority | |
ATAD | Automated Telephone Answering Device | |
ATC | Air traffic control | |
ATCSCC | Air Traffic Control System Command Center | |
ATDTDCS | Automated Tone Dial Telephone Data Collection System | |
ATLC | Atlantic | |
ATTM | At This Time | |
ATTN | Attention | |
ATWIS | Advanced Transportation Weather Information System | |
AUG | August | |
AVARS | Aircraft Vertical Acceleration Reporting System | |
AVBL | available | |
AVG | Average Voltage Gain | |
AVN | Aviation Model | |
AWC | Aviation Weather Center | |
AWDS | Automated Weather Distribution System | |
AWHPS | Area Wide Hydrologic Prediction System | |
AWIPS | Advanced weather Interactive Processing System (NOAA) | |
AWN | Automated Weather Network | |
AWOS | Automated Weather Observation System | |
AWSS | Aviation Weather Sensor System | |
AWT | Awaiting Trial | |
AWT | Awaiting Test | |
AZ | Arizona | |
AZM | Azimuth | |
B | Blue | |
B- | Convective Inhibition | |
BA | Braking Action | |
BACLIN | Baroclinic | |
BAJA | Baja California | |
BAMS | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | |
BASE | Cloud base | |
BATROP | Barotropic | |
BC | British Columbia | |
BCFG | Fog Patches | |
BCH | Beach | |
BCKG | Backing | |
BCM | Become | |
BCMG | Becoming | |
BCMS | Becomes |
BD | Blowing Dust | |
BDA | Bermuda Island | |
BDRY | Boundary | |
BECMG | Becoming | |
BFDK | Before Dark | |
BFR | Before | |
BGN | Begin | |
BGNG | Beginning | |
BGNS | Begins | |
BHND | Behind | |
BINOVC | Breaks in overcast | |
BKN | Broken | |
BL | Blowing (METAR descriptor) | |
BLD | Build | |
BLDG | Building | |
BLDS | Builds | |
BLDU | Blowing Dust (METAR Code) | |
BLDUP | Buildup | |
BLKHLS | Black Hills | |
BLKT | Blanket | |
BLKTG | Blanketing | |
BLKTS | Blankets | |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management of United States Department of the Interior | |
BLO | Below | |
BLSA | Blowing Sand (METAR Code) | |
BLSN | Blowing Snow (METAR Code) | |
BLW | Below | |
BLZD | Blizzard | |
BM | Benchmarking | |
BND | Bound | |
BNDRY | Boundary | |
BNDRYS | Boundaries | |
BNTH | Beneath | |
BPAA | Business Pilots Aircraft Association | |
BR | Mist | |
BRF | Brief | |
BRG | Branching | |
BRK | Break | |
BRKG | Breaking | |
BRKHIC | Breaks in higher clouds | |
BRKS | Breaks | |
BRKSHR | Berkshire | |
BRKSHRS | Berkshires | |
BRM | Barometer | |
BRN | Bulk Richardson Number | |
BRS | Branches | |
BT | Bathythermograph | |
BTL | Between layers | |
BTWN | Between | |
BWER | Bounded Weak-Echo Region |
BYD | Beyond | |
C | Center | |
C | Celsius | |
CA | California | |
CAA | Cold Air Advection | |
CAAM | Computer Assisted Artillery Meteorology | |
CADAS | Centralized Automated Data Acquisition System | |
CAeM | Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (WMO) | |
CAFTI | Committee on Analysis and Forecast Techniques Implementation | |
CANAM | Canadian/American | |
CAPE | Convective Available Potential Energy | |
CAPS | Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms | |
CARIB | Caribbean | |
CASC | Central Administrative Support Center | |
CASCDS | Cascades | |
CAT | Clear Air Turbulence | |
CAT | Category (e.g. CAT-5 cable) | |
CAVOK | conditions | |
CAVU | Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited | |
CAWIS | Committee for Automated Weather Information Systems | |
CB | Cumulonimbus | |
CBMAM | Cumulonimbus Mammatus | |
CBOFS | Chesapeake Bay Oceanographic Forecasting System | |
CBS | Cumulonimbi | |
CC | Cirrocumulus | |
CCA | Corrected meteorological message | |
CCL | Convective Condensation Level | |
CCLDS | Clear of Clouds | |
CCLKWS | Counter-Clockwise | |
CCSL | Cirrocumulus Standing Lenticular | |
CD | Climatological Data | |
CDA | Command and Data Acquisition | |
CDB | Computing Development Branch | |
CDC | Climate Diagnostics Center | |
CDFNT | Cold Front | |
CDFNTL | Cold frontal | |
CDFS | Cloud Depiction and Forecast System | |
CDM | Collaborative Decision Making | |
CEM | Civil Emergency Message | |
CFO | Communication Filing Officer | |
CFP | Cold Front Passage | |
CFS | Cubic Feet per Second | |
CG | Cloud-Ground Lightning | |
CGEN | Convective Sigmet Generation | |
CHC | Chance | |
CHCS | Chances | |
CHG | Change | |
CHGD | Changed | |
CHGG | Changing |
CHGS | Changes | |
CHSPK | Chesapeake | |
CI | Cirrus | |
CIG | Ceiling | |
CIGS | Ceilings | |
CIN | Convective Inhibition | |
cIP | Current Icing Potential | |
CISK | Conditional Instability of the Second Kind | |
CLA | Clear type of ice formation | |
CLD | Cloud | |
CLDNS | Cloudiness | |
CLDS | Clouds | |
CLEGLFGLS | Great Lakes Marine Synopsis | |
CLEGLOCLE | Great Lakes Storm Outlook | |
CLEGLSCLE | Great Lakes Storm Summary | |
CLEICEFBO | Great Lakes Freeze-Up Outlook | |
CLEICEFBO | Great Lakes Ice Outlook for the Opening of Navigation | |
CLEICEIO | Great Lakes 5-Day Ice Outlook | |
CLKWS | Clockwise | |
CLR | Clear | |
CLRG | Clearing | |
CLRS | Clears | |
cm | Centimeter | |
CMFC | Coordinating METOC Forecast Center | |
CMPLX | Complex | |
CNCL | Cancel | |
CNCLD | Canceled | |
CNCLG | Cancelling | |
CNCLS | Cancels | |
CNDN | Canadian | |
CNFDC | Confidence | |
CNIF | Calibration Network Information Files | |
CNL | Cancel | |
CNTR | Center | |
CNTRD | Centered | |
CNTRL | Central | |
CNTRLN | Centerline | |
CNTRS | Centers | |
CNTY | County | |
CNTYS | Counties | |
CNVG | Converge | |
CNVGG | Converging | |
CNVGNC | Convergence | |
CNVTN | Convection | |
CNVTV | Convective | |
CNVTVLY | Convectively | |
CO | Colorado | |
COE | Creek Corps of Engineers | |
COM | Communications Society | |
COMET | Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training |
COMPAR | Compare | |
COMPARD | Compared | |
COMPARG | Comparing | |
COMPARS | Compares | |
COND | Conditions | |
CONS | Continuous | |
CONSHELF | Continental Shelf | |
CONT | Continue | |
CONTD | Continued | |
CONTDVD | Continental Divide | |
CONTG | Continuing | |
CONTLY | Continually | |
CONTRAILS | Condensation Trails | |
CONTS | Continues | |
CONUS | Continental United States (48 Contiguous States and DC) | |
COOR | Co-ordinate | |
COORD | Coordinate | |
COR | Corrected/Correction | |
COT | At the Coast | |
COV | Cover | |
CPBL | Capable | |
CPC | Climate Prediction Center (NWS Center) | |
CPHC | Central Pacific Hurricane Center | |
CR | Composite Reflectivity | |
CRC | Circle | |
CRCLC | Circulate | |
CRCLN | Circulation | |
CRNR | Corner | |
CRNRS | Corners | |
CRP | Critical Rainfall Probability | |
CRS | Course | |
CS | Combined Shear | |
CS | Cirrostratus | |
CSC | Combined Shear Contour | |
CSDR | Consider | |
CSDRBL | Considerable | |
CSI | Critical Success Index | |
CSI | Conditional Symmetric Instability | |
CST | Coast | |
CSTAR | Collaborative Science, Technology and Applied Research | |
CSTL | Coastal | |
CSW | Committee for Space Weather | |
CT | Connecticut | |
CTGY | Category | |
CTSKLS | Catskills | |
CTWFC | CINC Target Weather Forecast Center | |
CU | Cumulus | |
CUF | Cumuliform | |
CUFRA | Cumulus Fractus | |
CVR | Cover |
CVRD | Covered | |
CVRG | Covering | |
CVRS | Covers | |
CW | Continuous Wave | |
CW | Cloud-Water Lightning | |
CWA | County Warning Area | |
CWA | Center Weather Advisory - CWSU | |
CWF | Coastal Marine Forecasts | |
CWF | Combat Weather Flight | |
CWS | Combat Weather Squadron | |
CWSU | Center Weather Service Unit | |
CWT | Combat Weather Team | |
Cyc | Cyclonic | |
CYCLGN | Cyclogenesis | |
D-MAWDS | Digital Marine Weather Dissemination System | |
DABRK | Daybreak | |
DALGT | Day light | |
DAMBRK | The Dam Break Forecasting Model | |
DAPM | The Data Acquisition Program Manager | |
DATACOL | The Software System that supports RFC gateway functions | |
DATANET | Hydrologic Data Network Analysis Software | |
DBL | Double | |
DBNET | Distributed Brokered Networking | |
DC | District of Columbia | |
DCP | Data Collection Platform | |
DCR | Decrease | |
DCRD | Decreased | |
DCRG | Decreasing | |
DCRGLY | Decreasingly | |
DCRS | Decreases | |
DCS | Data Collection System (NOAA Polar Orbiting Satellites) | |
DDS | Domestic Data Service | |
DDS | Data Distribution System | |
DEC | December | |
DEG | Degree | |
DEGS | Degrees | |
DelMarVa | Delaware-Maryland-Virginia | |
Dep | Depart | |
DES | Descend | |
DEV | Deviation | |
DFCLT | Difficult | |
DFCLTY | Difficulty | |
DFNT | Definite | |
DFNTLY | Definitely | |
DFRS | Differs | |
DFUS | Diffuse | |
DGNL | Diagonal | |
DGNLLY | Diagonally | |
DIF | Diffuse |
DIFAX | Digital Facsimile | |
DIGG | Digging | |
DIR | Directory | |
DISC | Discontinue | |
DISCD | Discontinued | |
DISCG | Discontinuing | |
DISRE | Disregard | |
DISRED | Disregarded | |
DISREG | Disregarding | |
DIST | Distance | |
DIV | Divert | |
DKTS | Dakotas | |
DLA | Delay | |
dlAd | Delayed | |
DLT | Delete | |
DLTD | Deleted | |
DLTG | Deleting | |
DLY | Daily | |
DMCC | DOE Meteorological Coordinating Council | |
DMG | Damage | |
DMGD | Damaged | |
DMGG | Damaging | |
DMNT | Dominant | |
DMSH | Diminish | |
DMSHD | Diminished | |
DMSHG | Diminishing | |
DMSHS | Diminishes | |
DNDFTS | Downdrafts | |
DNR | Department of Natural Resources | |
DNS | Dense | |
DNSLP | Downslope | |
DNSTRM | Downstream | |
DNWND | Down wind | |
DOD | United States Department of Defense | |
DOH | Development and Operations Hydrologist | |
Dom | Domestic | |
DP | Deep | |
DPND | Deepened | |
DPNG | Deepening | |
DPNS | Deepens | |
DPR | Deeper | |
DPTH | Depth | |
DRFT | Drift | |
DRFTD | Drifted | |
DRFTG | Drifting | |
DRFTS | Drifts | |
DRG | During | |
DRZL | Drizzle | |
ds | Dust Storm | |
DSA | Special Tropical Disturbance Statement |
DSCNT | Descent | |
DSF | Day-Second Feet | |
DSIPT | Dissipate | |
DSIPTD | Dissipated | |
DSIPTG | Dissipating | |
DSIPTN | Dissipation | |
DSIPTS | Dissipates | |
DSND | Descend | |
DSNDG | Descending | |
DSNDS | Descends | |
DSNT | Distant | |
DSTBLZ | Destabilize | |
DSTBLZD | Destabilized | |
DSTBLZG | Destabilizing | |
DSTBLZN | Destabilization | |
DSTBLZS | Destabilizes | |
DSTC | Distance | |
DTG | Date-Time Group | |
DTRT | Deteriorate | |
DTRTD | Deteriorated | |
DTRTG | Deteriorating | |
DTRTS | Deteriorates | |
DU | Dust | |
DUC | Dense Upper Cloud | |
DUR | Duration | |
DURG | During | |
DURN | Duration | |
DVLP | Develop | |
DVLPD | Developed | |
DVLPG | Developing | |
DVLPMT | Development | |
DVLPS | Develops | |
DVRG | Diverge | |
DVRGG | Diverging | |
DVRGNC | Divergence | |
DVRGS | Diverges | |
DVV | Downward Vertical Velocity | |
DWNDFTS | Downdrafts | |
DWOPER | Dynamic Wave Routing Model | |
DWPNT | Dewpoint | |
DWPNTS | Dewpoints | |
DWSW | Deployable Weather Satellite Workstation | |
DX | Duplex | |
DZ | Drizzle | |
E | East | |
EAA | Experiment Aircraft Association | |
EB | Eastbound | |
EBND | East bound | |
EC | Environment Canada | |
ECMWF | European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting model |
EFCT | Effect | |
EFF | Experimental Forecast Facility | |
EHI | Energy Helicity Index | |
EIF | Enhanced IFLOWS Format | |
EL | Equilibrium Level | |
ELEV | Elevator | |
ELNGT | Elongate | |
ELNGTD | Elongated | |
ELSW | Elsewhere | |
EMBD | Embedded in a layer | |
EMBDD | Embedded | |
EMC | Environmental Modeling Center | |
EMERG | Emergency | |
EMWIN | Emergency Managers Weather Information Network | |
ENCTR | Encounter | |
endg | ending | |
ENE | east-northeast | |
ENELY | East-northeasterly | |
ENERN | East-northeastern | |
ENEWD | East-northeastward | |
ENHNC | Enhance | |
ENHNCD | Enhanced | |
ENHNCG | Enhancing | |
ENHNCMNT | Enhancement | |
ENHNCS | Enhances | |
ENRT | En Route | |
ENSO | El Niño and Southern Oscilation | |
ENTR | Entire | |
EPD | Extended Forecast Discussion | |
EPRI | Electric Power Research Institute (US) | |
EPSCoR | Experimental Program for the Stimulation of Competitive Research | |
EPV | Equivalent Potential Vorticity | |
ER | Here | |
ERD | Excessive Rainfall Discussion | |
ERL | Environmental Research Laboratories (absorbed By OAR Or NOAA Research) | |
ERN | Eastern | |
ERY | Early | |
ERYR | Earlier | |
ESA | Electronic Systems Analyst | |
ESE | East-southeast | |
ESELY | East-southeasterly | |
ESERN | East-Southeastern | |
ESEWD | East-Southeastward | |
ESF | Flood Potential Outlook | |
ESNTL | Essential | |
ESP | Extended Streamflow Prediction | |
ESPINIT | ESP Initialization Program | |
ESS | Water Supply Outlook Product | |
EST | Estimate | |
ESTAB | Establish |
ESTS | Estimates | |
ET | Echo Tops | |
ET | Electronic Technician | |
ETA | estimating arrival | |
ETA | Eta model | |
Eta | Greek letter, describes a constant height coordinate model system | |
ETC | Echo Tops Contour | |
ETC | Et Cetera | |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure | |
EUMETSAT | European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites | |
EV | every | |
EVAD | Extended Velocity | |
EVE | Evening | |
EWD | Eastward | |
Exc | Except | |
EXCLV | Exclusive | |
EXCLVLY | Exclusively | |
EXCP | Except | |
EXER | Exercise | |
exp | Expect | |
EXPC | Expect | |
EXPCD | Expected | |
EXPCG | Expecting | |
EXTD | Extend | |
EXTDD | Extended | |
EXTDG | Extending | |
EXTDS | Extends | |
EXTN | Extension | |
EXTRAP | Extrapolate | |
EXTRAPD | Extrapolated | |
EXTRM | Extreme | |
EXTRMLY | Extremely | |
EXTSV | Extensive | |
f | Degrees Fahrenheit | |
F scale | See Fujita Scale | |
FA | Area Forecast | |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration | |
FAA/ARW | Federal Aviation Administration/Aviation Requirements - Weather Group | |
FAA/AWR | Federal Aviation Administration/Aviation Weather Research Division | |
FAH | Fahrenheit | |
Fam | Familiar | |
FAR | False Alarm Ratio | |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulation | |
FAWS | Flight Advisory Weather Service | |
FAX | Facsimile Transmission | |
FC | Funnel Cloud | |
FCEXEC | A component of the NWSRFS FCST Program | |
FCMSSR | Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research | |
FCST | Forecast |
FCSTD | Forecasted | |
FCSTG | Forecasting | |
FCSTR | Forecaster | |
FCSTS | Forecasts | |
FD | Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecasts | |
FDR | Fire Danger Rating | |
FEB | February | |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency | |
FEW | Few | |
FFA | Flood Frequency Analyses | |
FFA | Flood | |
FFG | Flash Flood Guidance | |
FFS | Flash Flood Statement | |
FFW | Flash Flood Warning | |
FG | Foggia | |
FG | Fog Gun | |
FIAS | Flight Information Advisory Service | |
FIC | Flight Information Center | |
FIG | Figure | |
FILG | Filling | |
FIP | Forecast Icing Potential | |
FIR | Flight Information Region | |
FIRAV | First Available | |
FIS | Flight Information Service | |
FL | Florida | |
FLD | Field | |
FLG | Falling | |
FLG | Flashing | |
FLN | National Flood Summary | |
FLRY | Flurry | |
FLRYS | Flurries | |
FLS | River Flood Statement | |
FLT | Flight | |
FLUC | fluctuation | |
FLW | Follow | |
FLWG | Following | |
FM | From | |
FMT | Format | |
FNCTN | Function | |
FNT | Front | |
FNTGNS | Frontogenesis | |
FNTL | Frontal | |
FNTLYS | Frontolysis | |
FNTS | Fronts | |
FORNN | Forenoon | |
FOUS | Forecast Output United States | |
FPM | Feet Per Minute | |
FPO | Flood Potential Outlook | |
FQT | Frequent |
FQTLY | Frequently | |
FREQ | Frequency | |
FRI | Friday | |
FRM | Form | |
FRMG | Forming | |
FRMN | Formation | |
FROPA | Frontal Passage | |
FROSFC | Frontal Surface | |
FRQ | Frequent | |
FRST | Frost | |
FRWF | Forecast Wind Factor | |
FRZ | Freeze | |
FRZG | Freezing | |
FRZN | Frozen | |
FSL | Forecast Systems Laboratory (a NOAA ERL) | |
FSS | Flight Service Station | |
FST | First | |
FT | Terminal Forecast | |
FT | Feet | |
FTE | Full-Time Employee | |
FTHR | Further | |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | |
FU | Smoke | |
FVRBL | Favorable | |
FVT | Forecast Verification Tool | |
FWD | Forward | |
FY | Fiscal Year | |
FYI | For Your Information | |
FZ | Freezing | |
FZDZ | Freezing Drizzle | |
FZFG | Freezing Fog | |
FZRA | Freezing Rain (METAR Code) | |
g | Gust | |
G | Green | |
G | Green time | |
G-Airmet | Graphical Airmet | |
GA | Georgia | |
GAI | Global Atmospherics Inc | |
gama | General Aviation Manufacturers Association's | |
GDS | GeoMet Data Services, Inc. | |
GEMPAK | General Environmental Meteorological Package | |
Gen | General Motors | |
GENLY | Generally | |
GEO | Geographic | |
GEOREF | Geographical reference | |
GF | Ground Fog | |
GFA | Graphical Area Forecast | |
GFDL | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (NOAA US) | |
GFS | Global Forecast System | |
GICG | Glaze Icing |
GLFALSK | Gulf of Alaska | |
GLFCAL | Gulf of California | |
GLFMEX | Gulf of Mexico | |
GLFSTLAWR | Gulf of St. Lawrence | |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (IMO) | |
GND | Ground | |
GNDFG | Ground Fog | |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite | |
GOES | Geostationary Orbiting Environmental Satellite | |
GOM | Global Ocean Model | |
GPS | Global Positioning System (ex-NAVSTAR) | |
GR | Hail | |
GRAD | Gradient | |
GRDL | Gradual | |
GRDLY | Gradually | |
GRID | Processed meteorological data in the form of grid point values | |
GRT | Great | |
GRTLKS | Great Lakes | |
GRTLY | Greatly | |
GRTR | Greater | |
GRTST | Greatest | |
GS | Small hail and snow pellets | |
GSA | U.S. General Services Administration | |
GSTS | Gusts | |
GSTY | Gusty | |
GTG | Graphical Turbulence Guidance | |
GUI | Graphical User Interface (goo-ey) | |
GV | Ground Visibility | |
HADS | Hydrometeorological Automated Data System | |
Haz | Hazard | |
HCVIS | High Clouds Visible | |
HDFRZ | Hard Freeze | |
HDG | Heading | |
HDRAIN | An Hourly Digital Rainfall Product of the WSR-88D | |
HDSVLY | Hudson Valley | |
HDWND | Head Wind | |
HEL | Helicopter | |
HGT | Height | |
HI | High | |
HIC | Hydrologist In Charge | |
HIC | Hydrometeorological Information Center | |
HIER | Higher | |
HIFOR | High Level Forecast | |
HIGH | High Core Threshold | |
HJ | Sunrise to sunset | |
Hlf | Half | |
HLS | Hurricane Local Statement | |
HLSTO | Hailstones | |
HLTP | Hilltop |
HLYR | Haze Layer Aloft | |
HMD | Hemispheric Map Discussion | |
HMT | Hydrometeorological Technicians | |
HN | Sunset to sunrise | |
HND | Hundred | |
HOL | Holiday | |
HP | High Precipitation | |
HPA | Hectapascal | |
HPC | Hydrometeorological Prediction Center | |
HPC | Weather Prediction Center | |
HPD | Hourly Precipitation Data | |
HR | Hour | |
HRL | The Hydrological Research Laboratory | |
HRS | Hours | |
HRZN | Horizon | |
HSA | Hydrologic Service Area | |
HSB | Hydrologic Systems Branch in the Office of Hydrology | |
HSD | Heavy Snow Discussion | |
HSF | High Seas Forecasts | |
HTC | The Hydrometeorological Training Council | |
HTG | Heating | |
HUD | Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of | |
HURCN | Hurricane | |
HUREP | Hurricane Report | |
HV | Have | |
Hvy | Heavy | |
HVYR | Heavier | |
HVYST | Heaviest | |
HWO | Severe Weather Potential Statement | |
HWVR | However | |
HWY | Highway | |
HYR | Higher | |
HZ | Haze (METAR Code) | |
Hz | cycles per second (hertz) | |
I | See inphase | |
IA | Iowa | |
IAO | In And Out | |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | |
IC | Ice Crystals | |
IC | In-Cloud Lightning | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | |
ice | icing | |
Icg | Icing | |
ICGIC | Icing in Clouds | |
ICGIP | Icing in Precipitation | |
ID | Idaho | |
Id | IDentifier | |
IDS | International Data Service | |
IFFDP | International Flight Folder Documentation Program | |
IFLOWS | The Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules | |
IIDA | Integrated Icing Diagnostic Algorithm | |
IL | Illinois | |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions | |
IMDT | Immediate | |
Imdtly | Immediately | |
IMPL | Impulse | |
IMPLS | Impulses | |
Impr | Improve | |
IMPT | Important | |
imt | immediate | |
INBD | Inbound | |
Inc | in cloud | |
INCL | Include | |
INCLD | Included | |
INCLG | Including | |
INCLS | Includes | |
INCR | Increase | |
INCRD | Increased | |
INCRG | Increasing | |
INCRGLY | Increasingly | |
INCRS | Increases | |
indc | indicate | |
INDCD | Indicated | |
INDCG | Indicating | |
INDCS | Indicates | |
INDEF | Indefinite | |
INFO | Information | |
INLD | Inland | |
INOP | Inoperative | |
INP | If Not Possible | |
INPR | in progress | |
INS | Inertial Navigation System | |
INSTBY | Instability | |
INSTF | Intensify | |
INSTL | Install | |
INTCNTL | Intercontinental | |
INTL | International | |
INTMD | Intermediate | |
INTMT | Intermittent | |
INTMTLY | Intermittently | |
INTR | Interior | |
INTRMTRGN | Intermountain Region | |
INTRP | Interrupt | |
INTs | intense | |
INTSFCN | Intensification | |
INTSFY | Intensify | |
INTSFYD | Intensified | |
INTSFYG | Intensifying | |
INTSFYS | Intensifies |
INTST | Intensity | |
INTSTY | Intensity | |
INTVL | Interval | |
INU | Inertial Navigation Unit | |
INVOF | In vicinity of | |
INVRN | Inversion | |
IOS | Integrated Operational Services | |
IOVC | In Overcast | |
IP | Ice Pellets | |
IPV | Improve | |
Ipvg | Improving | |
IR | Infrared | |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere | |
ISCS | International Satellite Communications System | |
ISOL | Isolate | |
Isold | Isolated | |
ITCZ | Intertropical Convergence Zone (of Seawater) | |
ITT | Information Technology Team | |
ITWS | Integrated Terminal Weather System | |
IWEDA | Integrated Weather Effects Decision Aid | |
IWRS | Improved Weather Reconnaissance System | |
J/KG | Joules per Kilogram | |
JAN | January | |
Jan | January | |
JCTN | Junction | |
JMA | Japanese Meteorological Agency | |
JTSTR | Jet Stream | |
JUL | July | |
JUN | June | |
JWIS | Joint Weather Impacts System | |
KBDI | Keetch-Byram Drought Index | |
KCFB | Kansas City Federal Building | |
KFRST | Killing Frost | |
kg | Kilogram | |
KLYR | Smoke Layer Aloft | |
km | Kilometers to Miles | |
KMARD | Kansas Modernization and Restructuring Demonstration | |
KMH | Kilometers per hour | |
KOCTY | Smoke Over City | |
kPa | kiloPascal (pressure above ambient (100 kPa = 1 atmosphere excess)) | |
KS | Kansas | |
KT | Knots | |
KU | University of Kansas | |
Kw | Kilowatt (one thousand watts) (measurement) | |
KY | Kentucky | |
LA | Louisiana | |
LABRDR | Labrador | |
LAM | Logical acknowledgment | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LAN | Inland |
LAT | Latitude | |
LCL | Local | |
LCLY | Locally | |
LCTD | Located | |
LCTMP | Little change in temperature | |
LCTN | Location | |
Ldads | Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination System | |
LDG | Landing (aviation) | |
LDM | Local Data Manager | |
LEN | Length | |
LEVEL | Level | |
LEWP | Line Echo Wave Pattern | |
LFM | Limited Fine Mesh | |
LFTG | Lifting | |
LGRNG | Long Range | |
LGT | Light | |
LGTD | Lighted | |
LGTR | Lighter | |
LGWV | Long Wave | |
LI | Lifted Index | |
LIFR | Low Instrument Flight Rules | |
LINUX | UNIX-like computer operating system | |
LIS | Lifted indices | |
LIVV | Lifted Index Vertical Velocity | |
LK | Lake | |
LKLY | Likely | |
LKS | Lakes | |
LLJ | Low Level Jet stream | |
LLP | Lightning Location and Protection, Inc | |
LLWAS | Low Level Wind Shear Alert System | |
LLWS | Low Level Wind Shear | |
LMT | Local Mean Time | |
Lmtd | Limited | |
Lmtg | Limiting | |
LMTS | Limits | |
ln | Line Network | |
LN | Line | |
LO | Low | |
LO | Lower Order | |
LOC | Local | |
LONG | Longitude | |
LONGL | Longitudinal | |
LOT | Local Office Team | |
LP | Low Precipitation | |
LPATS | Lightning Position And Tracking System | |
LRG | Large | |
LRGLY | Largely | |
LRGR | Larger | |
LRGST | Largest | |
LSQ | Line Squall |
LSR | Local Storm Report | |
LST | Local Standard Time | |
LTD | Limited | |
LTG | Lightning | |
LTGCC | Lightning Cloud-to-Cloud | |
LTGCCCG | Lightning cloud-to-cloud cloud-to-ground | |
LTGCG | Lightning Cloud-to-Ground | |
LTGCW | Lightning Cloud-to-Water | |
Ltgic | Lightning in Cloud | |
LTL | Little | |
LTLCG | Little Change | |
LTR | Later | |
LTST | Latest | |
LV | Leaving | |
LVL | Level | |
LVLS | Levels | |
LWR | Lower | |
LWRD | Lowered | |
LWRG | Lowering | |
LYR | Layer | |
Lyrd | Layered | |
Lyrs | Layers | |
m | Mach number | |
M | Mesocyclone | |
m2/s2 | Meters squared per second squared | |
MA | Massachusetts | |
MAN | Manitoba | |
MAP | Mean Areal Precipitation | |
MAR | March | |
MARD | Modernization and Restructuring Demonstration | |
MAREP | Marine Reporting Program | |
MAX | Maximum | |
MAY | Maysville | |
MAY | May Department Stores Company | |
MAY | Mayaro | |
MB | Millibar(s) | |
MBRFC | Missouri Basin River Forecast Center | |
MC | Meteorological Codes | |
MCC | Mesoscale Convective Complex | |
MCD | Mesoscale Discussion | |
MCDW | Monthly Climatic Data of the World | |
MCIDAS | Man Computer Interactive Data Acquisition System | |
McIDAS | Man-computer Interactive Data Access System | |
MCS | Mesoscale Convective System | |
MCW | Modulated Continuous Wave | |
MD | Maryland | |
MDCRS | Meteorological Data Communications and Reporting System | |
MDFY | Modify | |
MDFYD | Modified | |
MDFYG | Modifying |
MDL | Model | |
Mdls | Models | |
MDS | Minimum Discernible Signal | |
MDS | Meteorological Distribution System | |
MDT | Moderate | |
MDTLY | Moderately | |
ME | Maine | |
MED | Medium | |
MEGG | Merging | |
Meso | Mesoscale | |
Meso | Mesoscale Convective Unit | |
MET | Meteorology | |
MET | Meteorological Teams | |
METAR | Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report | |
METAR | Meteorological Aviation Report | |
METMF | Meteorological Mobile Facility | |
METMFR | Meteorological Mobile Facility Replacement | |
METOC | Meteorological and Oceanographic | |
METRO | Metropolitan | |
MEX | Mexico | |
MHKVLY | Mohawk Valley | |
MI | Michigan | |
MIC | Meteorologist-In-Charge | |
Micro-ART | Microcomputer Automatic Radiotheodolite Master Control Unit | |
MID | Middle | |
Midn | Midnight | |
MIFG | Shallow Fog (METAR Code) | |
MIL | Military | |
MIN | Minimum | |
MISG | Missing | |
MLCAPE | Mean Layer CAPE | |
MLLI | Mean Layer Lifted Index | |
MLLW | Mean Lower Low Water (nautical Charts) | |
MLOS | Microwave Line-Of-Site | |
MLTLVL | Melting Level | |
MLW | Mean Low Water (nautical Charts) | |
MMS-P | Meteorological Measuring System-Profiler | |
MN | Minnesota | |
MNLND | Mainland | |
MNLY | Mainly | |
MNM | Minimum | |
MNT | Monitor | |
MO | Missouri | |
MOA | Memorandum Of Agreement | |
MOD | moderate dysplasia | |
MOGR | Moderate, or Greater | |
MON | Monday | |
MOREnet | Missouri Research & Education Network | |
MOS | Model Output Statistics applications |
MOS | Model Output Statistics | |
MOV | Move | |
MOVD | Moved | |
MOVG | Moving | |
MOVMT | Movement | |
MOVS | Moves | |
MPC | Marine Prediction Center | |
MPH | Miles Per Hour | |
mPL | Max Parcel Level | |
Mrf | Medium-Range Forecast Model | |
MRGL | Marginal | |
MRGLLY | Marginally | |
MRNG | Morning | |
MRTM | Maritime | |
MS | Minus | |
MS | Mississippi | |
MSG | Message | |
MSL | Mean Sea Level | |
MST | Mosta | |
MST | Meteorological Support Teams | |
MSTLY | Mostly | |
Mstr | Moisture | |
MT | Montana | |
MT | Mountain | |
MTN | Mountain | |
MTNS | Mountains | |
MTU | Metric units | |
MTW | Mountain Waves | |
MUCAPE | Most Unstable CAPE | |
MULI | Most Unstable Lifted Index | |
MULT | Multiple | |
MULTILVL | Multi-level | |
MVFR | Marginal Visual Flight Rules | |
MWAVE | Mountain Wave Algorithm | |
MWO | Meteorological Watch Office | |
Mx | Mixed Type of Ice Formation | |
MXD | Mixed | |
N | North | |
N-AWIPS | National Centers-AWIPS | |
N-TFS | New Tactical Forecast System | |
NAB | Not Above | |
NACA | National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics | |
NADIN | National Airspace Data Interchange Network | |
NAMIS | NATO Automated Meteorological Information System | |
NAOS | North American Atmospheric Observing System | |
NAP | NCEP Advisory Panel | |
NAS | National Airspace System | |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US) | |
NAT | North Atlantic | |
NATA | National Air Transportation Assoc. |
NATL | National | |
NAV | Navigator | |
NAVMETOCCOM | Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command | |
NAVPACMETOCCEN | Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii | |
Navtex | Navigational Telex | |
NAWAU | National Aviation Weather Advisory Unit | |
NAWPC | National Aviation Weather Program Council | |
NB | New Brunswick | |
NB | NorthBound | |
NBAA | National Business Aviation Association, Inc. | |
Nbfr | Not Before | |
NBND | Northbound | |
NBRHD | Neighborhood | |
NC | National Center | |
NC | North Carolina | |
NC | No Change | |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research (US) | |
NCAR/RAP | National Center for Atmospheric Research/Research Applications Program | |
NCCF | NOAA Central Computer Facility | |
NCDB | NCEP Computer Development Branch | |
NCDC | National Climatic Data Center | |
NCEP | National Centers For Environmental Prediction (form. NMC; NWS Center) | |
NCO | NCEP Central Operations | |
Ncwd | National Convective Weather Diagnostic | |
NCWF | National Convective Weather Forecast | |
NCWX | No Change in Weather | |
ND | North Dakota | |
NE | Nebraska | |
NE | North-East | |
NEB | Nebraska | |
NEC | Necessary | |
Neg | NEGative | |
NEGLY | Negatively | |
NELY | Northeasterly | |
NERN | Northeastern | |
NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service | |
NESDIS/SAB | National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service/Satellite Analysis Branch | |
NEW ENG | New England | |
NEWD | Northeastward | |
NEXRAD | Next Generation Weather Radar | |
NEXRAD | NEXt generation of weather RADar | |
NEXRAD | Next-Generation Weather Radar (NWS) | |
NFDRS | National Fire Danger Rating System | |
NFLD | Newfoundland | |
NGM | Nested Grid Model | |
NGT | Night | |
NH | New Hampshire | |
NHC | United States National Hurricane Center | |
NIDS | NEXRAD Information Distribution Service | |
NIDS | NEXRAD Information Dissemination Service |
Nil | None | |
NJ | New Jersey | |
NL | No layers | |
NLDN | National Lightning Detection Network | |
NLT | Not Later Than | |
NLY | Northerly | |
NM | New Mexico | |
NM | Nautical Mile | |
NMBR | Number | |
NMBRS | Numbers | |
NMC | National Meteorological Center (US) | |
Nml | Normal | |
NMOC | National Meteorological Operations Centre | |
Nmrs | Numerous | |
NNE | North-North-East | |
NNELY | North-northeasterly | |
NNERN | North-Northeastern | |
NNEWD | North-Northeastward | |
NNICE | Neural Network for Icing | |
NNNN | End of Message | |
NNW | North-Northwest | |
NNWLY | North-northwesterly | |
NNWRN | North-Northwestern | |
NNWWD | North-Northwestward | |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US) | |
NOHRSC | The National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center | |
NOPAC | Northern Pacific | |
NOSIG | No Significant Change | |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen | |
NOV | November | |
NOW | Short Term Forecast | |
Nowcast | Short Term Forecast | |
NOWS | NVG Operations Weather Software | |
NPRA | National Performance Results Act | |
NPRS | Nonpersistent | |
NPSU | National Public Service Unit | |
NR | Number | |
NRCS | Natural Resources Conservation Service | |
NRLY | Nearly | |
NRN | Northern | |
Nrw | Narrow | |
NS | Nova Scotia | |
NS | Nimbostratus | |
NSC | Nil Significant Cloud | |
NSF | National Sanitation Foundation | |
NSH | Nearshore Lake Forecast | |
NSSFC | National Severe Storms Forecast Center | |
NSSL | National Severe Storms Laboratory | |
NSW | Nil Significant Weather | |
NTFY | Notify |
NTFYD | Notified | |
NTSB | US National Transportation Safety Board | |
NV | Nevada | |
NVA | Negative Vorticity Advection | |
NW | North West | |
NWB | North-westbound | |
Nwd | Northward | |
NWFO | National Weather Service Forecast Office | |
NWLY | Northwesterly | |
NWP | Numerical Weather Predication | |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction | |
NWR | NOAA Weather Radio | |
NWRN | Northwestern | |
NWS | National Weather Service (formerly U.S. Weather Bureau) | |
NWSEO | National Weather Service Employees Organization | |
NWSH | National Weather Service Headquarters | |
NWSO | National Weather Service Office | |
NWSRFS V5.0 | National Weather Service River Forecast Model Version 5 | |
NWSTC | National Weather Service Training Center | |
NWSTG | National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway | |
NWWS | NOAA Weather Wire System | |
NXT | Next | |
NY | New York | |
OAC | Oceanic Area Control Center | |
OAT | Outside Air Temperature | |
OBS | Observe | |
OBSC | Obscure | |
OBSCD | Obscured | |
OBSCG | Obscuring | |
Obst | Obstacle | |
OCFNT | Occluded Front | |
Ocld | Occlude | |
Ocldd | Occluded | |
Ocldg | Occluding | |
Oclds | Occludes | |
OCLN | Occlusion | |
OCNL | Occasional | |
OCNLY | Occasionally | |
OCR | Occurrence | |
OCRD | Occurred | |
OCRG | Occurring | |
OCRS | Occurs | |
OCS | Oklahoma Climatological Survey | |
OCT | October | |
OCWWS | Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services | |
OFC | Office | |
Ofcm | Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research | |
OFF | Offshore Forecast | |
OFP | Occluded Frontal Passage | |
OFSHR | Offshore |
OH | Ohio | |
OHD | Overhead | |
OHP | One-Hour Rainfall Rate | |
OK | Oklahoma | |
OM | Office of Meteorology | |
OML | Operations Manual Letter | |
Omtns | Over Mountains | |
ONSHR | Onshore | |
OPA | Opaque, white type of ice formation | |
OPMET | Operational Meteorological | |
OPN | Open | |
OPR | Operator | |
Ops | Operations | |
OPS-II | Operational Weather Squadron Production System II | |
OR | Oregon | |
ORGPHC | Orographic | |
OSD | Office of Systems Development | |
OSO | Office of Systems Operations | |
OSV | Ocean Station Vessel | |
OTLK | Outlook | |
Otp | On Top | |
OTR | Other | |
OTRW | Otherwise | |
OTW | Owning The Weather | |
OU | University of Oklahoma | |
Oubd | Outbound | |
OUTFLO | Outflow | |
OVC | Overcast (METAR Code) | |
OVNGT | Overnight | |
OVR | Over | |
OVRN | Overrun | |
Ovrng | Overrunning | |
OVTK | Overtake | |
Ovtkg | Overtaking | |
Ovtks | Overtakes | |
OWS | Operational Weather Squadron | |
PA | Pennsylvania | |
PAC | Pacific Region | |
PARL | Parallel | |
PBL | Planetary Boundary Layer | |
PC | Personal computer (host) | |
Pc-gridds | Pc-Gridded Interactive Display and Diagnostic System | |
PCD | Proceed | |
PCPN | Precipitation | |
PD | Period | |
Pdmt | Predominant | |
PDS | Periods | |
PDT | Product Development Team | |
PE | Ice pellets | |
Pen | Peninsula |
PERM | Permanent | |
PFD | QPF Discussion | |
PGTSND | Puget Sound | |
PHYS | Physical | |
PIBAL | pilot-balloon observation | |
PIBALS | Pilot Balloon Reports | |
PIREP | Pilot (weather) Report | |
PIREP | Pilot Report | |
PIXEL | Picture Element | |
PL | Ice Pellets or Sleet | |
PLNS | Plains | |
PLS | Please | |
Plto | Plateau | |
PLVL | Present Level | |
PM | post meridian | |
PMD | Prognostic Discussion | |
PNHDL | Panhandle | |
PNS | Public Information Statement | |
PO | Dust devils | |
POD | Probability Of Detection | |
PoP | Precipitation Probability | |
POS | Positive | |
POSLY | Positively | |
POSS | Possible | |
PPI | Plane Position Indicator | |
PPINE | Plan Position Indicates No Echoes | |
PPSN | Present Position | |
PQPF | probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecast | |
Prbl | Probable | |
Prblty | Probability | |
Prbly | Probably | |
PRC | Planning and Research Corporation | |
PRECD | Precede | |
PRECDD | Preceded | |
PRECDG | Preceding | |
PRECDS | Precedes | |
PRES | Pressure | |
PRESFR | Pressure Falling Rapidly | |
PRESRR | Pressure Rising Rapidly | |
PRF | Pulse Repetition Frequency | |
PRI | Primary | |
PRIM | Primary | |
Prin | Principal | |
PRIND | Present indications are | |
Prjmp | Pressure Jump | |
prob | probability | |
PROC | Procedure | |
Prod | Produce | |
Prodg | Producing | |
Prog | Forecast |
PROGD | Forecasted | |
Progs | Forecasts | |
PRSNT | Present | |
PRSNTLY | Presently | |
PRST | Persist | |
PRSTNC | Persistence | |
PRSTNT | Persistent | |
PRSTS | Persists | |
PRT | Pulse Repetition Time | |
Prvd | Provide | |
Prvdd | Provided | |
Prvdg | Providing | |
Prvds | Provides | |
PS | Plus | |
PSBL | Possible | |
PSBLTY | Possibility | |
PSBLY | Possibly | |
PSCZ | Puget Sound Convergence Zone | |
Psg | Passing | |
Psg | Passage | |
PSH | Preliminary Tropical Storm Report | |
PSN | Position | |
PSND | Positioned | |
Ptchy | Patchy | |
PTLY | Partly | |
Ptnl | Potential | |
Ptnly | Potentially | |
Ptns | Portions | |
PUGET | Puget Sound | |
PUP | Principal User Processor (NEXRAD) | |
PUP | Principle User Processor | |
PVA | Positive Vorticity Advection | |
PVL | Prevail | |
Pvld | Prevailed | |
Pvlg | Prevailing | |
Pvls | Prevails | |
Pvlt | Prevalent | |
PW | Precipitable Water | |
PWO | Public Severe Weather Outlook | |
PWR | Power | |
PWS | Precipitable Waters | |
PY | Spray | |
Q | Quadrature | |
QBI | Compulsory IFR flight | |
QFE | Atmospheric Pressure At Aerodrome Elevation | |
QG | An abbreviation for quasigeostrophic | |
QN | Question | |
QPF | Quantitative Precipitation Forecast | |
Qpferd | Nmc Excessive Rainfall Discussion | |
Qpfhsd | Ncep Heavy Snow Discussion |
Qpfpfd | Ncep Precipitation Forecast Discussion | |
Qpfspd | Nmc Special Precipitation Discussion | |
QSTNRY | Quasistationary | |
QTP | Quality Through Partnership | |
Quad | Quadrant | |
QUE | Quebec | |
R | Right | |
R | Red | |
R | Reduction | |
R | Required | |
RA | Rain | |
RADAT | RADiosonde Observation Data | |
RAFC | Regional Area Forecast Center | |
RAFS | Regional Analysis and Forecasting System | |
RAG | Ragged | |
RAM | Regional Area Meteorologist | |
RAMSDIS | RAMM Advanced Meteorological Satellite Demonstration and Interpretation System | |
RAOB | Radiosonde Observation | |
RAOBS | Radiosonde Observations | |
RAWS | Remote Automatic Weather Station | |
RCH | Reach | |
Rchd | Reached | |
Rchg | Reaching | |
Rchs | Reaches | |
RCKYS | Rockies | |
RCM | Radar Coded Message | |
RCMD | Recommend | |
RCMDD | Recommended | |
RCMDG | Recommending | |
RCMDS | Recommends | |
RCRD | Record | |
RCRDS | Records | |
Rcs | Reflectivity Cross Section | |
RCV | Receive | |
RCVD | Received | |
RCVG | Receiving | |
RCVS | Receives | |
RDA | Radar Data Acquisition | |
Rdc | Reduce | |
RDGG | Ridging | |
RDR | Radar | |
Rdvlp | Redevelop | |
Rdvlpg | Redeveloping | |
Rdvlpmt | Redevelopment | |
RE | Recent | |
RE | Regard | |
Rec | Recreation Report | |
RECON | Reconnaissance | |
REP | Report | |
REPL | Replace |
Repld | Replaced | |
Replg | Replacing | |
Repls | Replaces | |
REQ | Request | |
REQS | Requests | |
REQSTD | Requested | |
RES | Reserve | |
RESP | Response | |
RESTR | Restrict | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFC | River Forecast Center | |
RFD | Rear Flank Downdraft | |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference | |
RFP | Request For Proposal | |
RGD | Ragged | |
RGL | Regional Model | |
RGLR | Regular | |
RGN | Region | |
Rgns | Regions | |
RGT | Right | |
RH | Relative Humidity | |
RHI | Range-Height Indicator | |
RHINO | RHI not operative | |
RI | Rhode Island | |
RIOGD | Rio Grande | |
RL | Report Leaving | |
Rlbl | Reliable | |
RLTV | Relative | |
RLTVLY | Relatively | |
RMK | Remark | |
Rmn | Remain | |
Rmnd | Remained | |
Rmndr | Remainder | |
RMNG | Remaining | |
Rmns | Remains | |
RMTN | Regional Meteorological Telecommunications Network | |
Rnfl | Rainfall | |
ROB | Radar Coded Observation | |
ROBEX | Regional OPMET bulletin exchange | |
ROC | Rate of Climb | |
ROD | Rate Of Descent | |
Rofor | Route Forecast | |
ROML | Regional Operations Manual Letter | |
ROSA | Remote Observing System Automation | |
ROT | Rotate | |
ROTD | Rotated | |
Rotg | Rotating | |
Rots | Rotates | |
RPD | Rapid | |
RPDLY | Rapidly |
RPG | Radar Product Generator | |
RPLC | Replace | |
Rplcd | Replaced | |
Rplcg | Replacing | |
Rplcs | Replaces | |
RPRT | Report | |
Rprtd | Reported | |
Rprtg | Reporting | |
Rprts | Reports | |
RPT | Repeat | |
RPTG | Repeating | |
RPTS | Repeats | |
Rqr | Require | |
Rqrd | Required | |
Rqrg | Requiring | |
Rqrs | Requires | |
Rr | Report Reaching | |
RS | Receiver station | |
RSG | Rising | |
Rsis | Rs Information Services, Inc. | |
RSMC | Regional/Specialized Meteorological Centers | |
RSN | Reason | |
RSNG | Reasoning | |
RSNS | Reasons | |
RSTR | Restrict | |
Rstrd | Restricted | |
Rstrg | Restricting | |
Rstrs | Restricts | |
RTA | Remote to AFOS | |
RTD | Delayed | |
RTE | Route | |
RTN | Return | |
RTRN | Return | |
RTRND | Returned | |
RTRNG | Returning | |
RTRNS | Returns | |
RTVS | Real Time Verification System | |
RUC | Rapid Update Cycle | |
Ruf | Rough | |
Rufly | Roughly | |
RVA | River Summary | |
RVF | River Forecast | |
RVI | River Ice Statement | |
RVR | River Recreation Statement | |
RVR | Runway Visual Range | |
RVS | River Statement | |
RVS | Revise | |
RVSD | Revised | |
RVSG | Revising | |
RVSS | Revises |
RW | Rain Shower | |
RWY | Runway | |
S | South | |
sa | Sand | |
sa | Surface observation | |
SACSMA | Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model | |
SAMEX | Storm and Mesoscale Ensemble Experiment | |
sao | Surface observation | |
Saos | Surface Observations | |
SAP | As soon as possible | |
SARPS | Standards and Recommended Practices | |
SASK | Saskatchewan | |
SAT | Saturday | |
SATFY | Satisfactory | |
SAW | Preliminary Notification of Forthcoming Watch | |
SAWRS | Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station | |
SB | Southbound | |
SBCAPE | CAPE calculated using a Surface based parcel | |
SBLI | Lifted Index calculated using surfaced based parcel | |
SBND | South bound | |
Sbsd | Subside | |
Sbsdd | Subsided | |
Sbsdnc | Subsidence | |
Sbsds | Subsides | |
SC | Stratocumulus (cloud formation) | |
SC | South Carolina | |
SCA | Small Craft Advisory | |
SCC | Tropical Storm Summary | |
SCND | Second | |
SCS | Spectrum Width Cross Section | |
scsl | Standing lenticular stratocumulus | |
SCT | Scattered | |
sctd | Scattered | |
SCTR | Sector | |
SD | South Dakota | |
SD | Storm Data | |
SDF | Second-Day Feet | |
SDM | Senior Duty Meteorologist | |
SDM | Station Duty Manual | |
SE | Southeast | |
seb | South-eastbound | |
SEC | Second | |
SEL | Severe Thunderstorm Watch, Tornado Watch | |
SELS | SEvere Local Storms Unit | |
SELY | Southeasterly | |
SEP | September | |
SEPN | Separation | |
SEQ | Sequence | |
SERN | Southeastern |
Sev | Severe | |
SEWD | Southeastward | |
SFC | Surface | |
SFERICS | Atmospherics | |
SFP | State Forecast Product | |
SG | Snow Grains (weather reports) | |
SGFNT | Significant | |
SGFNTLY | Significantly | |
SH | Showers | |
sharp | Skew-T Hodograph Analysis and Research Program | |
SHARS | Subtle Heavy Rainfall Signature | |
SHEF | Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format | |
SHEFPARS | A software decoder for SHEF Data | |
SHFT | Shift | |
SHFTD | Shifted | |
SHFTG | Shifting | |
SHFTS | Shifts | |
SHLD | SHieLD | |
SHLW | Shallow | |
SHRT | Short | |
SHRTLY | Shortly | |
SHRTWV | Shortwave | |
SHRTWVS | Shortwaves | |
SHSN | Snow Showers (METAR Code) | |
shud | should | |
SHWR | Shower | |
Shwrs | Showers | |
SIERNEV | Sierra Nevada | |
SIG | Signature | |
SIGMET | Significant Meteorological Advisory | |
Sigmet | Significant Meteorlogical Information | |
SIGWX | Significant Weather | |
SIMUL | Simultaneous | |
SKC | Sky Clear | |
SKED | Schedule | |
SLD | Solid | |
SLD | Supercooled Large Drops | |
SLGT | Slight | |