• What does ARM Stand For in Medical & Science ?

    For ARM we have found 500 definitions.

  • What does ARM mean? We know 500 definitions for ARM abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible ARM meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

ARM Stands For:

All acronyms (662)Airports & Locations (6)Business & Finance (17)Common (7)Government & Military (44)Medicine & Science (34)Chat & Sub Cultures (3)Education Schools (27)Technology, IT etc. (46)
*****ARMArtificial Rupture of Membranes
Common Medical Healthcare Physiology
*****ARMAtmospheric Radiation Measurement (DOE program)
Government Legal Global Change Science Army Climatology Us government
***ARMAnnual Research Meeting
**ARMAllergy Relief Medicine
**ARMAge-Related Maculopathy
British medicine
*ARMAvailability, Reliability, and Maintenance
*ARMAnhysteretic Remanent Magnetization
*ARMActive Risk Manager
*ARMAccountability Research and Measurement
*ARMAnorectal Manometry
British medicine
*ARMAggregation and Refinement-based Modeling
*ARMArchaeological Resource Management
Anthropology Archaeology History
*ARMAnalyse du Risque Médical
*ARMActive Region Monitor
*ARMAtomic Resolution Microscope
*ARMAdministracion de Recursos Minerales
*ARMAtomic Resolution Microscopy
*ARMAtmospheric Radiation Measure
*ARMAll Range Movement
*ARMAnxiety Reaction Mild
*ARMAnalytic redundancy model
*ARMArginine Rich Motif
*ARMATP Regulatory Module
British medicine
*ARMadriamycin rat model