Scientific & Educational >> Geology Abbreviations

Look through 1034 acronyms and abbreviations related to Geology:

A Australian    
A-GPS Assisted Global Positioning System    
AADC Australian Antarctic Data Centre    
AAG Association of American Geologists    
AAOD Australian Age of Dinosaurs    
AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists    
AARS Asian Association of Remote Sensing    
AASR Annual Aquaculture Statistics Report    
ABCN Area Based Community Nutrition    
ABFZ Angola Benguela Frontal Zone    
ABFZ Azores Bank Fracture Zone    
ABFZ Agua Blanca Fault Zone    
ABP Aegean Blue Pearl    
AC American coast    
ACE After the Common Era    
ACE Amethyst Contrast Enhancer    
ACH Aki, Christoffersson, and Husebye    
ACI l'Association Cartographique Internationale    
ACM Autonomous Crack Monitoring    
ACR Angelo Coast Range    
ACRC Australian Crustal Research Centre    
ACRR Angelo Coast Range Reserve    
ACWI All Country World Index    
ADIR Adirondacks    
AE Alkaline Earth    
AEDD Arctic Environmental Data Directory    
AEE Australian European Expedition    
AF Across Flats    
AF Anti-Fall    
AFR Average Flow Rate    
AFTA Apatite Fission Track Analysis    
AGO Automated Geophysical Observatory    
AGSG Asian Geography Specialty Group    
AGU American Geophysical Union    
AGWA Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment    
AHD Australian Height Datum    
AIH Area Including Holes    
ALS Airborne Laser Survey    
ALSF Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund    
AMAP Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme    
AMD Acid Mine Drainage    
AMOSITE Asbestiform mineral - Cummingtonite-Grunnerite Solid Solution Series    
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level    
ANARE Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition    
ANCZ Andaman and Nicobar Islands Coastal Zone    
ANSI Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest    
ANSS Advanced National Seismic System    
AOV Atlantic Ocean Volcanism    
APLS Advantage Porosity Logging Service    
APM Advanced Power Mangement