• What does EPA Stand For in Medical & Science ?

    For EPA we have found 500 definitions.

  • What does EPA mean? We know 500 definitions for EPA abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible EPA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

EPA Stands For:

All acronyms (926)Airports & Locations (4)Business & Finance (10)Common (1)Government & Military (39)Medicine & Science (39)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (26)Technology, IT etc. (17)
*****EPAEicosapentaenoic Acid
Amino Acid Chemistry Laboratory
****EPAElectron Positron Accumulator
***EPAEnvironmental Protection Authority (Victoria, Australia)
**EPAEthyl Phosphonic Acid
*EPAEffective Projected Area
*EPAEnd Point Adjustment
*EPAEastern Psychological Association
Professional organizations
*EPAEnergetic Particle Analyzer
*EPAendovascular papillary angioendothelioma
*EPAeicosa-pentaenoic acid
*EPAEnd Point Analyzer
*EPAErythroid Potentiating Activity
*ÉPAEicosapentaenoic Acid Ethyl Ester
*EPAError Propagation Analysis
*EPAEfficiency and Productivity Analysis
*EPAEmployee Performance Appraisal
*EPAEquilibrium Point Analysis
*EPAElectron Population Analysis
*ÉPAEqual Pay Act
*EPAevoked potential abnormality
*EPAEuropean Photochemistry Association
*EPAExcellence in Practice Award
*EPA2-ethylpentanoic acid
*EPAEnergie Prestatie Advies
*ÉPAElectron Population Analysis