• What does HT Stand For in Organizations, Education Schools etc. ?

    For HT we have found 500 definitions.

  • What does HT mean? We know 500 definitions for HT abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible HT meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

HT Stands For:

All acronyms (615)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (15)Common (5)Government & Military (19)Medicine & Science (106)Chat & Sub Cultures (23)Education Schools (17)Technology, IT etc. (24)
*****HTHistologic Technician
***HTHammer Throw
**HTHand Timed
**HTHalo Trust
**HTHague Tribunal
*HTHoliday Truths
*HTHostile Territory
*HTHizb al-Tahrir
*HTHamilton Tigercats
*HTHistologic Technologist
*HTHigh Templar
*HTHovedstadens Trafikselskab
*HTHome Teaching
*HTHome Teacher
*HTHighland Terrace
*HTHilly Terrain