Computing & IT >> Unix Abbreviations
Look through 485 acronyms and abbreviations related to Unix:
A | Anchor | |
a | Archive | |
A/UX | Apple Unix | |
Aacute | A with accent acute | |
Acirc | A with accent circonflexe | |
ACK | Acknowledge (telecommunications; Cf. NAK) | |
adb | advanced debugger | |
Aelig | AE ligature | |
Agrave | A with accent grave | |
AIX | Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM) | |
ALT | Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres | |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute, Inc. | |
AR | Archiver | |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol (ATM) | |
arpa | Advanced Research Project Agency's | |
AS | Assembler | |
ASCII | American National Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ATOB | ASCII to Binary | |
ATOF | ASCII to Float | |
ATOI | ASCII to Integer | |
Auml | A with umlaut | |
AWK | Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan | |
B | Bold Text | |
BASH | Bourne Again Shell | |
bc | better calculator | |
BEL | Bennett Environmental, Inc. (stock symbol; formerly the symbol for Bell Atlantic) | |
BG | Background | |
biff | not an acronym | |
bin | binaries | |
BOOTP | Bootstrap Protocol | |
BR | Break | |
BRK | Break | |
BS | Backspace | |
BSD | Berkeley Software Distribution | |
bsearch | binary search | |
BSH | Bourne Shell | |
BTOA | Binary to ASCII | |
C | Centum | |
C | Center | |
C | Cent | |
C | Cell | |
C | Century | |
C | Centavo | |
C | Cessna | |
C | Close | |
c89 | 1989 C compiler | |
CAL | Calendar | |
calloc | cleared allocation | |
CAN | Cancel | |
CAT | Concatenate |
CB | C-Beautifier | |
CC | C Compiler | |
Ccedil | C with cedille | |
CD | Change Directory | |
CDE | Common Desktop Environment | |
chargen | character generator | |
CHDIR | Change Directory | |
CHGRP | Change Group | |
CHMOD | Change Mode | |
CHOWN | Change Owner | |
chsh | change shell | |
CI | Check In | |
CMP | Compare | |
CO | Check-Out | |
com | Commercial Operations Management | |
COM | Commercial | |
COMM | Common | |
CP | Copy (Unix command) | |
CPIO | Copy In and Out | |
CR | Carriage Return | |
CRC | Contrôle de Redondance Cyclique (French: Cyclic Redundancy Check) | |
cron | Chronos | |
CSH | C Shell Programming | |
ctime | convert time | |
ctype.h | character types | |
CVS | Concurrent Versions System | |
cxx | C File | |
d | Daemon | |
DAEMON | Disk And Execution Monitor | |
DBX | Extended Debugger | |
DC | Desk Calculator | |
DC1 | Device Control 1 | |
DCE | Distributed Computing Environment | |
DD | dictionary definition | |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation | |
DEL | Delete | |
DEV | Devices | |
DF | Disk Free | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DIFF | Difference | |
diff3 | differences of three files | |
DIR | Directory | |
dirname | directory name | |
DIV | Division | |
DL | Define List | |
DLE | Data Link Escape | |
DNS | Domain Name Server | |
DT | Dictionary Term | |
DU | Disk Usage | |
DUP | Duplicate |
DVI | device independant | |
DWARF | Debug with Arbitrary Record Format | |
ed | Editorial Decision | |
ED | Editorial Division | |
ed | Editorial Department | |
EDU | Educational Disadvantage Unit | |
EDU | Educational Organizations | |
edu | Educational Development Unit | |
EDU | Educational Institutions | |
egrep | extended grep | |
ELF | Extensible Linking Format | |
Elm | Electronic Mail for UNIX | |
em | emphasize | |
emacs | Emacs makes any computer slow | |
EMACS | Escape Meta Alternate Control Shift | |
ENQ | Enquiry | |
ENV | Environment | |
EOT | End Of Transmission | |
EQN | Equation | |
errno | error number | |
esac | case | |
Esc | Escape | |
ETB | End of Transmission Block | |
ETC | Et Cetera | |
Eth | ? | |
ETX | End of Text | |
EVAL | Evaluate | |
ex | extended editor | |
EXEC | Execute | |
execl | execute list | |
execle | execl with environment | |
execlp | execl with path search | |
execv | execute | |
execve | execv with environment | |
execvp | execv with path search | |
Expr | Expression | |
FC | Fix Command | |
fcntl | file control | |
fd | file descriptors | |
fd | Floppy Diskette | |
FF | Form Feed | |
FG | Foreground | |
FGREP | fixed-string grep | |
FMT | Format | |
fprintf | file print formatted | |
FS | File Separator | |
fscanf | file scan formatted | |
FSCK | File System Check | |
FSF | Free Software Foundation | |
FSTAB | File System Table |
ftio | fast tape input/output | |
ftok | file token | |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | |
FTW | File Tree Walk | |
fuser | file user | |
G | GNU C Compiler | |
getty | get tty | |
GIF | Graphic Interchange Format | |
GLOB | Global | |
GNU | GNU is not Unix | |
GOV | Government | |
GREP | Global Regular Expression Print | |
GS | Group Separator | |
GZ | Gnu Zip | |
H | Header file | |
h | Header | |
h1 | Header 1 | |
HALIGN | horizontal alignment | |
HD | Hard Disk | |
HP | Hewlett Packard's | |
HPUX | Hewlett-Packard Unix | |
HREF | Hypertext Reference | |
HT | Horizontal Tabulator | |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | |
I | Italic | |
I | Intermediate | |
IBM | International Business Machines Corporation | |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol | |
ID | Identity | |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers | |
IFS | internal field seperators | |
imake | interface to make | |
IMAP2 | Interim Mail Access Protocol, Version 2 | |
IMG | Image | |
inode | Index Node | |
IOCTL | Input/Output Control | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat | |
isatty | is a tty | |
ISO | not an acronym | |
JAVA | [not an acronym] A general purpose, high-level, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language developed by Sun Microsystems | |
JPEG | joint pictures expert group | |
JSH | job-control shell | |
KBD | Keyboard | |
kmem | kernel memory | |
KSH | Korn Shell Programming | |
l | lex | |
Lang | language | |
LD | Library Loader | |
ld | Loader Domain |
ld | link editor | |
LEX | Lexical Analyser | |
LF | Line Feed | |
lharc | Lempl-Huffman archiver | |
LI | List Item | |
Lib | Libra | |
lint | not an acronym | |
Linux | from Linus | |
LN | Link | |
ln | Link number | |
LOGNAME | log-in name | |
lorder | library order | |
LP | Line Printer | |
LPC | Line Printer Control | |
LPD | Line Printer Daemon | |
lpp | licensed program products | |
LPQ | Line Printer Queue | |
lpr | Line Print | |
LPRM | Line Printer Remove | |
LS | Listing | |
LS | Language Specialist | |
ls | List Show | |
LS | List-Serv | |
m4 | macro processor version 4 | |
malloc | memory allocation | |
MAN | Manual | |
MEM | Memory | |
MHS | Message Handling System (electronic) | |
MIL | Military | |
MIME | Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions | |
Minix | miniature Unix | |
MKFS | Make File system | |
mknod | make node | |
motd | motto of the day | |
MPEG | motion picture expert group | |
MULTICS | Multiplexed Information and Computing System | |
MV | Move | |
mvdir | move directory | |
MWM | Motif Window Manager | |
NAK | Negative Acknowledge | |
nawk | New AWK | |
NBSP | Non-Breaking Space | |
NET | Network | |
NFS | Network File System | |
NIC | Network Information Center | |
NIS | Network Information System | |
nl | number lines | |
NL | New Line | |
NM | Names | |
NN | No News |
NNTP | Network News Transfer Protocol | |
NOBR | No break | |
nohup | no hang-up | |
NOM | Nomenclature | |
NROFF | new roff | |
NTP | Network Time Protocol | |
NUL | Null | |
o | object code | |
oclock | O shaped clock | |
OD | Octal Dump | |
OL | Ordered List | |
ORG | Organization | |
OSF | Open Software Foundation | |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection (iso Standard) | |
P | Paragraph | |
PASSWD | Password | |
PAX | Portable Archive Exchange | |
PBM | Portable Bitmap | |
PCC | Portable C Compiler | |
pclose | process close | |
PDP | Programmed Data Processor | |
Perl | Practical Extraction and Report Language | |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (encryption) | |
PICO | PINE Composer | |
PINE | PINE Is Nearly Elm(Pine Internet News and E-mail) | |
ping | not an acronym | |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics (graphic file standard/extension) | |
popd | pop directory | |
popen | process open | |
POVRAY | Persistence of Vision Raytracer | |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | |
PPTP | Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol | |
pr | prepare | |
Pre | Preformatted | |
printcap | printer capability | |
Printf | Print Formatted | |
PROF | Profile | |
PRS | Print Revision Summary | |
PS | Process Status | |
PS | PostScript | |
PS1 | prompt string 1 | |
pty | pseudo tty | |
pushd | push directory | |
pwd | print work directory | |
qdaemon | queue daemon | |
qsort | quick sort | |
R | Raw | |
R | Remote | |
RAID | Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks | |
ranlib | random access library |
RARP | Reverse ARP | |
RC | Run Commands (UNIX) | |
RCP | Remote Copy Protocol | |
RCP | remote copy program | |
RCS | Revision Control System | |
realloc | re-allocate | |
REC | Recreation (ground) | |
regcmp | regular expression compile | |
regex | regular expression execute | |
RFC | Request For Comment | |
RFD | Request For Discussion | |
RFO | request for opinions | |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol | |
RLOGIN | Remote Login in Unix | |
RM | Remove | |
rmail | restricted mail | |
rmdel | remove delta | |
RMDIR | Remove Directory | |
RMT | Remote Magnetic Tape | |
RMT | Raw Magnetic Tape | |
ROFF | run-off | |
RS | Record Separator | |
Rsh | Restricted Shell | |
RSH | Remote Shell | |
RZ | Receive Z-modem | |
s | server-parsed HTML | |
sa | stub archive | |
Samp | Sample | |
SAR | System Activity Report | |
sbin | superuser binaries | |
sbrk | segment break | |
scanf | scan formatted | |
SCCS | Source Code Control System | |
SCO | Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. | |
SCSI | Small Computer System Interface | |
SDB | symbolic debugger | |
SED | Stream Editor | |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language | |
SH | Shell | |
SHAR | SHell ARchive | |
SI | Shift In | |
SIGABRT | signal: abort | |
SIGALRM | signal: alarm clock | |
SIGBUS | signal: bus error | |
SIGCHLD | Signal: child | |
SIGCONT | signal: continue | |
SIGEMT | signal: EMT instruction | |
SIGFPE | signal: floating point exception | |
SIGHUP | signal: hangup | |
SIGILL | signal: illegal instruction |
SIGINT | signal: interruption | |
SIGIO | Signal: input/output | |
SIGSEGV | signal: segmentation violation | |
SIGSYS | Signal: system call | |
SIGTERM | signal: terminate | |
SIGTSTP | Signal: terminal stop | |
SIGTTIN | signal: TTY input | |
SIGTTOU | signal: TTY output | |
SIGURG | signal: urgent I/O condition | |
SIGUSR1 | signal: user-defined signal 1 | |
SIGWINCH | Signal: window changed | |
Sinix | Siemens Unix | |
SLIP | Serial Line Interface Protocol | |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol (ATM) | |
SO | Shift-Out | |
SO | Shared Object | |
SOH | Start Of Header | |
Spam | not an acronym | |
SPC | Space | |
spool | Simultaneous Peripheral Operation OnLine | |
sprintf | string print formatted | |
srand | seed random number generator | |
SRC | Source | |
sscanf | string scan formatted | |
stdarg.h | standard arguments | |
stddef.h | standard definitions | |
STDIO.H | Standard Input/Output Header | |
stdlib.h | standard library | |
strcat | string concatenate | |
strchr | string character | |
strcmp | string compare | |
strcpy | string copy | |
strcspn | string character span | |
strlen | string length | |
strpbrk | string pointer break | |
strrchr | string character | |
strspn | string span | |
strstr | string string | |
strtok | string tokenize | |
strtol | string to long | |
stty | set tty | |
STX | Start of Text | |
SU | Superuser | |
sub | Subscript | |
SUB | Substitute | |
SUP | Superscript | |
SVR4 | System V Release 4 Unix | |
SYN | Synchronous | |
SYNC | Synchronize |
SYSV | System V | |
SZ | send Zmodem | |
szlig | sz ligature | |
tab | Tabulator | |
TAR | Tape Archive | |
TBL | Table | |
TCL | Tool Command Language | |
tclsh | Tcl shell | |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | |
TCSH | Tenex C Shell | |
TD | Table Data | |
tee | T pipe fitting | |
Telnet | TErminal over NETwork | |
TERMCAP | TERMinal CAPability | |
TERMINFO | Terminal Information | |
tex | Tau Epsilon Chi | |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol (ATM) | |
tgz | tar gz | |
TH | Table Header | |
TIFF | Tag Image File Format | |
tk | Tcl-based Toolkit | |
TMP | Temporary | |
TNS | Transparent Network Substrate | |
TR | Translate | |
TR | Table Row | |
troff | typesetter roff | |
TSH | Trusted shell | |
Tsort | topological sort | |
TT | Teletype | |
TTT | Tic Tac Toe | |
TTY | Teletype Telex Machine | |
TZ | Time Zone | |
U | User | |
U | Underline | |
ucb | University of California at Berkeley's | |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol (FDDI related) | |
UL | Unsorted List | |
ulimit | user's limit | |
umask | user's mask | |
uname | Unix name | |
Uniq | Unique | |
unistd.h | Unix standard | |
URL | Universal Resource Locator | |
US | Unit Separator | |
USENET | User's Network | |
USL | UNIX System Laboratories | |
USR | Unix Shared Resources | |
utmp | temporary file with user information | |
UUCP | Unix-to-Unix communication protocol | |
V | Version |
VALIGN | vertical alignment | |
VAR | Variable | |
varargs.h | variable arguments | |
VI | Visual | |
VIM | Vi Improved | |
vprintf | varargs print formatted | |
VT | Video Terminal | |
VT | Vertical tabulator | |
W3C | Word Wide Web Consortium | |
wall | write all | |
WC | Word Count | |
wish | windowing shell | |
WM | Window Manager | |
WWW | World Wide Web | |
xargs | extended arguments | |
xbm | X BitMap Format | |
XDM | X Display Manager | |
xdpr | X dump print | |
XENIX | Xenos Unix | |
XFD | X Font Display | |
xmkmf | X make makefile | |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | |
XMP | example | |
XOFF | Transmission Off | |
XON | Transmission On | |
XPM | X Pixel Map | |
xrdb | X resource database | |
XWD | X Window Dump | |
xwud | X window un-dump | |
y | yacc | |
YACC | Yet Another Compiler-Compiler | |
YP | Yellow Pages | |
Z | ? | |
ZIP | Ziv packer | |
archive |