Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CIR | Center for Investigative Reporting
| |
***** | CIR | Conselho Indígena de Roraima
| |
***** | CIR | Center for Individual Rights
| |
***** | CIR | Consiglio Italiano Per I Rifugiati
| |
**** | CIR | Center for International Rehabilitation
| |
**** | CIR | Center for Impact Research
| |
**** | CIR | CARRIER
| |
**** | CIR | Channel Islands Restoration
| |
**** | CIR | Center for Insurance Research
| |
**** | CIR | Convention des Institutions Républicaines
| |
*** | CIR | Center for Interdisciplinary Research
| |
*** | CIR | Center for Immigration Research
| |
*** | CIR | Christians in Recovery, Inc.
| |
*** | CIR | Certificate in International Relations
| |
*** | CIR | Cellule Inter-Agence de Réinsertion
| |
*** | CIR | Community Information Referral
| |
*** | CIR | Command Instrument Rating
| |
** | CIR | Consortium for International Recruitment
| |
** | CIR | Cox, Ingersoll and Ross
| |
** | CIR | Committee on International Relations
| |
** | CIR | California Initiative Review
| |
* | CIR | Centre d'Intervention Rapide
| |
* | CIR | Computerized Information Retrieval
| |
* | CIR | Cambria and Indiana Railroad
| |
* | CIR | Certificate in Institutional Research
| |