Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ELF | electric light fitting
| |
***** | ELF | Executable and Linking Format
| |
***** | ELF | equivalent linear feet
| |
***** | ELF | Extension Language Facility
| |
***** | ELF | Early Life Failure
| |
**** | ELF | Enterprise Learning Framework
| |
*** | ELF | Entry and Landing from Flyby
| |
*** | ELF | e-Learning Forum
| |
*** | ELF | Exchange of Large Files
| |
*** | ELF | Electronic Labor Force
| |
*** | ELF | Explicit Link Failure
| |
** | ELF | Electronic Learning Facility
| |
** | ELF | Extremly Low Frequency
| |
** | ELF | Extended Layer File
| |
** | ELF | Evolutionary Learning of Fuzzy Rules
| |
** | ELF | Extended Linker Format
| |
* | ELF | Electronic Commerce Forum
| |
* | ELF | Error Logging Facility
| |
* | ELF | Evaluation of Leakage Flows
| |
* | ELF | Entry Leadership Forum
| |
* | ELF | Early Lunar Flare
| |
* | ELF | English Language Frontend
| |
* | ELF | Employee Locator Facility
| |
* | ELF | Enclosed Laminar Flame
| |