• What does NCA Stand For in Medical & Science ?

    For NCA we have found 482 definitions.

  • What does NCA mean? We know 482 definitions for NCA abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible NCA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

NCA Stands For:

All acronyms (482)Airports & Locations (5)Business & Finance (12)Common (1)Government & Military (32)Medicine & Science (40)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (70)Technology, IT etc. (26)
*****NCANeurocirculatory Asthenia
****NCANational Care Association
Association Medical Organization
****NCANurse Controlled Analgesia
Nursing Healthcare
**NCANational Coverage Analysis
Legal Healthcare
*NCANursing Care Assistant
*NCANational Certification Agency
*NCANational Cattlemen's Association
Professional organizations
*NCANorbornene Carboxylic Acid
*NCANurse Competence in Aging
*NCANasa Communications Architecture
*NCA4-acetylamino-1,8-naphthalimido-N-caproic acid
*NCAnormal colon and granulocyte antigen
*NCANeutrophil Chemotactic Activity
*NCANeutralized Current Acid
*NCAnonspecific cross reacting antigen
*NCAnormal cross reacting antigen
*NCANo Carrier Added
*NCANeurologic Chronometric Assesment
*NCAneutrophil chemoattractant activity
*NCANATO codification system
*NCAnonspecific cross-reactive antigen
*NCAnormal glycoprotein antigen
*NCAnormal calcium
*NCANon Contract Activity
*NCANational Chiropractic Association