• What does CRO Stand For in Organizations, Education Schools etc. ?

    For CRO we have found 280 definitions.

  • What does CRO mean? We know 280 definitions for CRO abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible CRO meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

CRO Stands For:

All acronyms (280)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (21)Common (1)Government & Military (37)Medicine & Science (19)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (21)Technology, IT etc. (14)
*****CROCentral Records Office
Telecom Aviation Armed forces Royal military
*****CROCathode-Ray Oscilloscope
NASA Science
***CROCommunity Resource Officer
***CROCompanies Registration Office
**CROCave Rescue Organisation
**CROCollection and Recycling Organisation
**CROClub Race Officer
*CROCommunity Redevelopment Office
*CROChurch-Related Organization
*CROColorado Recorder Orchestra
*CROCounterfeit Resistant Option
*CROCommunity Reuse Organization
*CROCommunity Reuse Program
*CROCreative Roleplaying Organization
*CROCentre de Recherches Océanologiques
*CROClassique Rallye Organisation
*CROChapter Relations Office
*CROCopyright Receipt Office