• What does CAPE Stand For?

    For CaPE we have found 253 definitions.

  • What does CAPE mean? We know 253 definitions for CAPE abbreviation or acronym in 6 categories. Possible CAPE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

CAPE Stands For:

All acronyms (253)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (4)Common (1)Government & Military (12)Medicine & Science (16)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (22)Technology, IT etc. (9)
*****CAPEConvective Available Potential Energy
Science Weather Chemistry Technical Climatology
*****COMP CAPECompletionist cape
Texting game
****CAPECape Cod
Real Estate Property
***CAPECorrective Action Through Physical Exercise
Military slang
***CAPEConvection and Precipitation/Electrification Experiment (STORM)
**CAPECaffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester
Science Biomedical Bioscience
**CAPEChildren's Adolescent Psychiatric Emergency Unit
Special Education Psychology
**CAPEconcurrent art-to-product environment
IT Terminology
*CAPECentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics
Research Physics
*CAPECaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination
*CAPECommunity Advisory Program for the Elderly
*CAPEConnective Available Potential Energy
*CAPECaffeic Acid PhenethylEster
*CAPEComputer Assisted Planning Experiment
*CAPECenter for the Army Profession and Ethic
*CAPECourses and Professor Evaluation
Common Medical
*CAPEComputer Applications in Production and Engineering
*CAPE 2000Computer Aided Post in Europe in the year 2000
*CAPEComputer Aided Process Engineering
*CAPECyclically Adjusted Price Earnings
*CAPECost Assessment and Program Evaluation
*CAPECost Assessment and Program Evaluation Office
*CAPE VERDEAN ESCUDO.The main currency of Cape Verde. The escudo is subdivided into 100 centavos, the fractional currency of the country. Abbreviated CVE.
*CAPECommunauté d'Agglomération des Portes de l'Eure
*CAPECouncil for American Private Education