• What does SAVE Stand For?

    For SAVE we have found 165 definitions.

  • What does SAVE mean? We know 165 definitions for SAVE abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible SAVE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SAVE Stands For:

All acronyms (165)Airports & Locations (1)Business & Finance (5)Common (3)Government & Military (9)Medicine & Science (8)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (21)Technology, IT etc. (4)
*****SAVEStandardized Acceptance and VErification
Postal Us post
*****SAVEStudents Anticipating a Viral Epidemic
United States Organization Student organization
****SAVESecondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint
****SAVEBrigadier Antonio Parodi, Esquel, Argentina
ICAO Airport Codes Argentina
**SAVESAARC Audio Visual Exchange
**NI WA SAVEWater, agriculture and environment interactions. Reducing the impacts of water application heterogeneity on: Nitrates leaching, Water losses and economic yields
*SAVESouth Atlantic Ventilation Experiment
*SAVEseptal anterior ventricular exclusion
*SAVESurvive A Violent Encounter
*SAVESurvive a Violent Environment
*SAVE 2Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency
*SAVESocial Awareness and Voluntary Education
*SAVESimulation And Analyses Of Virtual Energy
*SAVE 1Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency
*SAVESociety of American Value Engineers
Professional organizations
*SAVESystem for effective Assessment of the driver state and Vehicle control in Emergency situations
*SAVENational Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere
*SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program
Housing and Urban Us government
*SAVEShareware Autoren Vereinigung
*SAVEStratospheric Aerosol Validation Experiment
*SAVESavings Account Vehicle Enhancement
*SAVESafeguarding American Values for Everyone
*SAVESexual Assault and Violence Education
*SAVEStart Accruing Valuable Equity
Stock exchange
*SAVEStruggle Against Violent Extremism