• What does PPW Stand For?

    For PPW we have found 102 definitions.

  • What does PPW mean? We know 102 definitions for PPW abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible PPW meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

PPW Stands For:

All acronyms (102)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (6)Common (2)Government & Military (9)Medicine & Science (8)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (8)Technology, IT etc. (2)
Nyse symbols
*****PPW PPacifiCorp Preferred
Amex symbols
*****PPW PAPacificorp Capital I
Nyse symbols
*****PPW PBPacificorp Capital II
Nyse symbols
*****PPWProcessing Plus Wait
*****PPWPen Pal World
***PPWpremium payment warranty
*PPWpulmonary wedge pressure
*PPWParallel Plate Waveguide
*PPWPatient Protective Wrap
*PPWPackaging and Packaging Waste
*PPWpylorus-preserving Whipple procedure
*PPWPost Production Work
*PPWPregnant and Parenting Women
*PPWPoints Per Wavelength
*PPWpulmonary artery, pulmonary wedge
*PPWPersonal Protection Weapon
*PPWpulmonary capillary wedge pressure
*PPWPrior Paint Work
*PPWPrice Per Week
*PPWProfessional Photographers of Washington
Professional organizations
*PPWProduction Planning Workstation
*PPWPhillips Petroleum Worldwide
*PPWPanhandle Professional Writers
*PPWpylorus-preserving Whipple