• What does LID Stand For?

    For LiD we have found 146 definitions.

  • What does LID mean? We know 146 definitions for LID abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible LID meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LID Stands For:

All acronyms (146)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (5)Common (1)Government & Military (16)Medicine & Science (23)Chat & Sub Cultures (4)Education Schools (5)Technology, IT etc. (14)
*****BILLY LIDa kid, or child. Rhyming slang!
***LIDLuminescent Indicia Detector
postal service Postal Us post Usps
***LIDValkenburg Naval Air Base, Leiden, Netherlands
Iata Airport Codes Netherlands Airport codes
***LIDLight Induced Degradation
*LIDLocal IDentifier
IT Terminology
*LIDLast Issue Date
*LIDLevodopa-Induced Dyskinesia
*LIDLeague for Industrial Democracy
*LIDLatest Induction Date
*LIDOunce of marijuana
*LIDLambda Independent Democrats
*LIDLost in the Desert
*LIDLocal Injection and Detection
*LIDLogistics Identification Document
*LIDLicensed Interior Designer
*LIDLiving in Denial
*LIDLidco Grp
London stock exchange
*LIDLine Identification/Information Database
*LIDlarge intraluminal density
*LIDLeadless Inverted Device
*LIDLight Intensity Device
*LIDLegionnaires in Doubt
*LIDLow Impact Development
*LIDLearning Improvement Days