• What does CAVE Stand For?

    For CAVE we have found 74 definitions.

  • What does CAVE mean? We know 74 definitions for CAVE abbreviation or acronym in 6 categories. Possible CAVE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

CAVE Stands For:

All acronyms (74)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common (4)Government & Military (6)Medicine & Science (6)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (8)Technology, IT etc. (5)
*****CAVECarboplatin Adriamycin Vincristine Etoposide
***CAVECellular Authentication and Voice Encryption Algorithm
Telecom IT Terminology Technical Security
***CAVEcontent analysis of verbatim explanations
*CAVECave Advanced Virtual Environment
*CAVEcerebroacrovisceral early
*CAVECarlsbad Caverns National Park
*CAVECitizen(s) Against Virtually Everything
Planning Urban design Urban planning Transportation
*CAVEGive up, give in
*CAVECERES/ARM Validation Experiment
*CAVECave Automatic Virtual Environment
*CAVECommunity Action Volunteers in Education
*CAVEComputer Automatic Virtual Environment
*CAVEClub Angevin de Véhicules d'Epoque
*CAVEConcerned About Violence in Entertainment
*CAVEComputer Assisted Virtual Environment
*CAVEClub des Amateurs de Vins Exquis
*CAVECallitriche palustris
*CAVECentre for the Advancement of Video Excellence
*CAVECerebro Acro Visceral Early
*CAVECollaborative Virtual Environment
*CAVEContinuing and Vocational Education
*CAVEComputer Automated Virtual Environment
*CAVECharacter Animation Viewer for Everyone
*CAVEcareers and vocational education