Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ARPA | Association Rwandaise des Personnes Agees
| |
***** | ARPA | Alaska Recreation and Park Association
| |
***** | ARPA | Australasian Religious Press Association
| |
***** | ARPA | Arkansas Recreation and Parks Association
| |
**** | ARPA | Arkansas Psychological Association
| |
**** | ARPA | Aachener Rechner-Pools Audimax
| |
**** | ARPA | Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
| |
**** | ARPA | Astoria Railroad Preservation Association
| |
**** | ARPA | Autolinee Regionali Pubbliche Abruzzesi SpA
| |
**** | ARPA | American Review of Public Administration
| |
**** | ARPA | Amicale Rétro Peugeot Atlantique
| |
*** | ARPA | Alberta Recreation and Parks Association
| |
*** | ARPA | Austrian Research Promotion Agency
| |
*** | ARPA | Association of Rights Protected Artists
| |
*** | ARPA | Australian Review of Public Affairs
| |
*** | ARPA | Arizona Rail Passenger Association
| |
*** | ARPA | Association Rissoise de Protection des Animaux
| |
*** | ARPA | African Revenue Protection Association
| |
*** | ARPA | Analysis, Research & Planning for Armenia
| |
*** | ARPA | American Red Poll Association
| |
*** | ARPA | Atlantic Region Philosophers Association
| |
*** | ARPA | Australian Retired Persons Association
| |
*** | ARPA | Amazon Region Protected Areas
| |
** | ARPA | Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association
| |
** | ARPA | Arizona Rock Product Association
| |