• What does JAL Stand For?

    For jal we have found 75 definitions.

  • What does JAL mean? We know 75 definitions for JAL abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible JAL meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

JAL Stands For:

All acronyms (75)Airports & Locations (8)Business & Finance (5)Common (2)Government & Military (2)Medicine & Science (2)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (4)Technology, IT etc. (5)
*****JALEl Lencero, Xalapa, Mexico
Iata Airport Codes Mexico
****JALJournal of African Law
Legal Law
****JALJournal of Arabic Literature
Journal Serial publication Humanities Literature
****JALJapan Air Lines
Aviation Japan
****JALJournal of African Languages
Journal Serial publication Linguistics Literature
****JALJaiprakash Associates Limited
****JALJava Application Loader
***JALJournal of Accounting Literature
*JALJean Ann Linney
*JALJanette Anita Leah
Names and nicknames
*JALJohan Arnt Lian
*JALJournal of Air Law
*JALJapan Airlines Company, Ltd.
*JALJust Another Language
*JALJournal of Applied Linguistics
*JALJet Approach Landing
*JALJump And Link
*JALJorge Angel Livraga
*JALJaypee Associates Limited
*JALJameson Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX])
Asx symbols
*JALJava Algorithm Library
*JALJensen Assembly Line
*JALJump Adjustment Library
*JALJava Application Layer
*JALJust Audible Level