Business & Finance >> Assembly Abbreviations
Look through 1427 acronyms and abbreviations related to Assembly:
!WXT | The FLOAT device-independent X coordinate of the right edge of the plot window | |
!WYB | FLOAT device-independent Y coordinate of the bottom of the plot window | |
!WZT | FLOAT device-independent Z coordinate of the top edge of the 3D plot window | |
.NL. | Not Less Than | |
1GL | First Generation Language (Machine Language) | |
2GL | Second Generation Language (Assembly Language) | |
3GL | Third Generation Language | |
4GL | Fourth Generation Language | |
AA | Acquired Attributes | |
AAA | ASCII Adjust after Addition | |
AAD | ASCII Adjust before Division | |
AAD | Alter All Data | |
AAM | ASCII Adjust after Multiply | |
AAO | Add and Overflow | |
AAS | ASCII Adjust after Subtraction | |
AB | Always Blur | |
ABA | Add B To A | |
ABW | Array Bounds Write | |
AC | Align Centre | |
AC | Alternate Character | |
ACBL | Add Compare and Branch Longword | |
ACE | ASCII Compatible Encoding | |
ACP | ANSI Code Page | |
ACQT | Advance Clock to Quitting Time | |
ACR | Advanced Code Reconstruction | |
ACR | Alternate Conditional Request | |
ACS | Alternate Character Set | |
ACS | Active Character Select | |
ADC | Add With Carry | |
ADD | Addition | |
ADF | Automatically Defined Function | |
ADIW | Word-wide Addition | |
ADIW | Add Immediate Word | |
AF | Advanced Functions | |
AF | Address Family | |
AFF | Add Fudge Factor | |
AFHB | Align Fullword on Halfword Boundary | |
AFI | Application Field Identifier | |
AFI | Authority and Format Identifier | |
AFP | Abnormalize Floating Point | |
AIS | ASCII Individual Stream | |
AIS | Add Immediate to Stack pointer | |
AL | Assembly Language | |
ALAT | Advanced Load Address Table | |
ALT | Assembly Line Type | |
AMC | Archives And Manuscripts Collections | |
AML | ARC Macro Language | |
AML | ACPI Machine Language | |
AMM | Add Mayo and Mustard | |
AND | Logical AND |
AOI | And Or Invert | |
AP | Allocation Pointer | |
APC | Asynchronous Procedure Call | |
APIC | Advance Programmable Interrupt Controller | |
AR | Add Rows | |
AR | Address Register | |
ARB | Aij Request Block | |
ARPL | Adjust Requested Privilege Level | |
AS | Add Sideways | |
ASC | Additional Sense Code | |
ASF | Aspect Source Flag | |
ASR | Arithmetic Shift Right | |
ASS | Activate Symmetrical Sign | |
ASSM | ASSeMbly Language | |
ATE | Ascii to Ebcdic | |
ATR | Answer to Reset | |
ATS | At Title Screen | |
AUB | Assemble Usenet Binaries | |
AVA | Attribute Value Assertion | |
AWP | Argue With Programmer | |
BA | Bean Assembler | |
BAL | Branch and Link | |
BALC | Branch and Link Cheeseburger | |
BBD | Branch on Bastille Day | |
BCD | Binary-Coded Decimal | |
BCE | Back Color Erase | |
BCM | Branch on Condition Maybe | |
BCP | Backspace Card Punch | |
BCR | Bunch Counter Reset | |
BCR | Backspace Card Reader | |
BEQ | Branch if EQual | |
BEQL | Branch on Equal Likely | |
BER | Binary Encoded Representation | |
BETA | But Except Than As | |
BEW | Branch Either Way | |
bf | Block Filler | |
BF | Block Fill | |
BF | Busy Flag | |
BF | Buffer Full | |
BF | Bit Field | |
BF | Bring Forward | |
BF | Blank Field | |
BFB | Brute Force Binary | |
BFP | Binary Floating Point | |
BHE | Byte High Enable | |
BI | Byte Integer | |
BI | Binary Input | |
BI | Binary and Includes | |
BIA | Branch to Invalid Address | |
BIC | Bit In Character |
BIP | Binary Integer Programming | |
BIR | Before Insert Row | |
BIRM | Branch on Index Register Missing | |
BJ | Before Jump | |
BL | Basic Logic | |
BLC | Branch and Loop Continuous | |
BNE | Branch Not Equal | |
BNR | Branch for No Reason | |
BOM | Byte Order Mark | |
BOSS | Branch On Site Server | |
BOUND | Check Array Bounds | |
BP | Buffer Previous | |
BPAU | Bit Pattern Associative Unit | |
BPIM | Bury Programmer In Manuals | |
BPO | Branch if Power Off | |
BPP | Branch and Pull Plug | |
BR | Before return | |
BR | Before Read | |
BRDV | Data Berify Branch | |
BRI | Begin Reading Information | |
BS | Back Space | |
BSA | Binary Source Archive | |
BSA | Branch and Save Address | |
BSF | Bit Scan Forward | |
BSF | Bit Set File | |
BSOD | A Binary System Output Data | |
BSR | Boundary Scan Register | |
BSR | Bit Scan Reverse | |
BSS | Block Storage Start | |
BSS | Block Start Symbol | |
BSS | Block Storage Space | |
BST | Binary Search Tree | |
BSY | Busy | |
BSZ | Block Store Zeros | |
BT | Bit Test | |
BTB | Buffer Target Branch | |
BTC | Bit Test Complement | |
BTD | Branch on Time of Day | |
BTJ | Branch and Turn Japanese | |
BTR | Bit Test & Reset | |
BTS | Bit Test & Set | |
BTT | Bump To Top (forum posts) | |
BTTT | Bump To The Top (pushing Forum Threads To The Top) | |
BTW | Block Transfer Write | |
BV | Bit Value | |
BV | Binary Value | |
BVE | Boolean Valued Expression | |
BWC | Branch When Convenient | |
C | Condition | |
C | Codex |
C | COMmand | |
C | Code | |
C | Characters | |
C | C Programming Language Source Code | |
C | Create | |
CA | Clear All | |
CAD | Change Again Dammit | |
CAF | Component Ascii File | |
CAF | Convert ASCII to Farsii | |
CAF | Common Assembly Format | |
CAL | Cray Assembly Language | |
CALC | Calculate | |
CALL | Call Procedure | |
CAP | Compressed And Packed | |
CAR | Contents of Address Register | |
CAS | Column Access Select | |
CAS | Column Address Select | |
CAT | Concatenate | |
cb | Count Of Bytes | |
CBBR | Crash and Blow Boot ROM | |
CBN | Call By Name | |
CBV | Call by value | |
CBW | Convert Byte to Word | |
CC | Condition Code | |
CC | Carry Clear | |
CC | Clear the Command | |
CCC | Carriage Control Character | |
CCI | Correct Coding Initiative | |
CCL | Code Conversion Language | |
CCR | Compound Condition Routine | |
CCR | Condition Code Register | |
CCS | Common Comand Set | |
CD | Cursor Down | |
CDQ | Convert Double to Quad | |
CDR | Contents of Destination Register | |
CDR | Contents of Data Register | |
CDR | Contents of Decrement Register | |
CDT | Conceptual Data Types | |
CEC | Clear Enter Clear | |
CEF | Common Executable Format | |
CEP | Count Enable Parallel | |
CES | Character-Encoding Scheme | |
CF | Carry Flag | |
CF | Computation Flag | |
CFA | Code Field Address | |
CFE | Call Field Engineer | |
CFM | Code Frag Ment | |
CFP | Change and Forget Password | |
CFS | Corrupt File Structure | |
CG | Character Graphics |
CG | Convert to Garbage | |
CH | component header | |
CHK | Loop Check program | |
CHR | Character | |
CI | Command Interpreter | |
CIA | Code Inspection Agent | |
CIC | Cancel If Close | |
CID | Compare and Ignore Data | |
CIR | Clear Instant Reset | |
CIR | Configuration in Run | |
CK | Chip kill | |
CK | Character Kill | |
CL | Command Language | |
CLA | Constant Linear Address | |
CLC | Clear Carry Flag | |
CLD | Clear Direction Flag | |
CLF | Clear Flags | |
CLI | Clear Interrupt-Enable Flag | |
CLIM | Command Line Interface Manager | |
CLK | Clock | |
CLN | Clean | |
CLOB | Character Large Object Block | |
CLR | Clear | |
CLS | Clear Last Screen | |
CLTS | Clear Task Switched Flag | |
CMC | Complement Carry Flag | |
CMI | Clobber Monitor Immediate | |
CMP | Compare | |
CMPLX | Complex | |
CMPS | Compare String (Byte or Word) | |
CMPSB | Compare String Byte | |
CMPSD | Compare String Doubleword | |
CMPSW | Compare String Word | |
CNV | Convert | |
COD | Crash on Demand | |
CON | Call Operator Now | |
CORA | Computer - Oral Response Activated | |
CP | Compact Precision | |
CPA | Cut, Paste, Assemble | |
CpN | Call Programmer Names | |
CPR | Contents of Previous Register | |
CPW | Check Password | |
CQ | Clear Queue | |
CR | Command Response | |
CR | Create and Replace | |
CRN | Compare with Random Number | |
CRT | Control Return True | |
CS | Character Set | |
cs | Character Strings | |
CS | Code Segment |
CS | Chip Select | |
CS | Capture Stack | |
CS% | Capture Stack | |
CSD | Canonical Signed Digit | |
CSH | C Shell Programming | |
CSL | Curse and Swear Loudly | |
CSR | Command and Status Register | |
CSR | Control and Status Register | |
CSR | Clear Statistical Registry | |
CSUM | Complex SUM | |
CSV | Comma Separated Value(s) | |
CT | Carry Through | |
CTD | Change Tape Density | |
CTDMR | Change Tape Density Mid Record | |
CU | Call Unix | |
CVF | Create Verbose File | |
CW | Content Word | |
CW | Change Word | |
CWD | Convert Word to Doubleword | |
CWDE | Convert Word to Extended Double | |
CWI | Copy With Include | |
CZI | Count Zero Interrupt | |
CZZC | Convert Zone to Zip Code | |
D | Delete(d) | |
DA | Delete Attribute | |
DAA | Decimal Adjust After | |
DAB | Delete All But | |
DAC | Declare Address Constant | |
DAI | Do As Infinity | |
DAL | Download And Leave | |
DAS | Decimal Adjust after Subtraction | |
DB | Define Byte | |
DBCS | Double-Byte Character Set | |
DBZ | Divide By Zero | |
DC | Define Constant | |
DC | Declare Constant | |
DCOT | Double precision trigonometric COTangent | |
DCR | Define Constant Reversed | |
DD | Duplicate Disk | |
DDI | Discard Digits Instruction | |
DDR | Destination Data Register | |
DDWB | Deposit Directly in Wastepaper Basket | |
DE | Delete Entity | |
DEC | Decrement | |
DEC | Decimal | |
DEI | Disk Eject Immediate | |
DERB | Dis-assemble Resource Bundle command | |
DF | Direction Flag | |
DF | Don't Fragment |
DH | Data High | |
DH | Data Highway | |
DI | Direct Instruction | |
DI | Deletion and Insertion | |
DIM | Declare in Memory | |
DIV | Divide, Unsigned | |
DKP | Disavow Knowledge of Programmer | |
DL | Dynamically-Linked | |
dL | Directory list | |
dL | Data Left | |
dL | Directory Listing | |
dL | Destroy List | |
dL | Defintion List | |
DL | Display and Lock | |
DL | Don't Loop | |
DL | Delete Lines | |
DM | Draw More | |
DM | Double Mode | |
DM | Display Message | |
DM | Display Memory | |
DM | Direct Manipulation | |
DMA | Display Memory At | |
DMPK | Destroy Memory Protect Key | |
DMS | Data Management System | |
DMZ | Divide Memory by Zero | |
DNL | Define Number of Lines | |
DP | Define Property | |
DPC | Display Position Counter | |
DPC | Deferred Procedure Call | |
DPLBASE | DMA Position Lower Base address | |
DPUBASE | DMA Position Upper Base address | |
DR | Destination Register | |
DR | Delete Relationship | |
DR | Data Register | |
DRDRAM | Direct Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory | |
DRI | Disable Random Interrupt | |
DS | Define Storage | |
DS | Double Screen | |
DSC | Disable Smooth Curves | |
DSH | Destroy Sector Header | |
DSR | Detonate Status Register | |
DST | Debug Symbol Table | |
DSW | Data Status Word | |
DSZ | Decrement and Skip on Zero | |
DT | Define Term | |
DT | Dummy Text | |
DT | Definition Title | |
DTL | Draw The Line | |
DTN | Doubly Truncated Normal | |
DTR | Do Tini Reset |
DUD | Do Until Dead | |
DVT | Design Validation Test | |
DW | Define Word | |
DW | Double Word | |
DW | Declare Word | |
DW | Disk Write | |
DWB | Designate Word Block | |
DWIM | Do What I Mean | |
DWIT | Do What I'm Thinking | |
DWP | Done With Permission | |
DWRD | Double Word | |
DX | Declare X | |
E | Endoplasm | |
E | Endangered | |
E | Endogenous | |
E | Endotoxin | |
E | End | |
E | Extended | |
EA | Effective Address | |
EA | Erase All | |
EA | External Argument | |
EAR | Exclusive Allow Read | |
EB | End of Block | |
EB | Examine Byte | |
EBB | Empty Bit Bucket | |
EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (pronounced Eb-see-dik) (cf. BCD) | |
EBP | Extended Base Pointer | |
EBRS | Emit Burnt Resistor Smell | |
EC | Erase Character | |
ECL | Executive Command Level | |
EDB | Expected Data Block | |
EDD | Erroneous Decimal Digits | |
EDR | Execute Destructive Read | |
EE | Enter Exponent | |
EEE | Environment Embedding Executable | |
EEOIFNO | Execute Every Other Instruction From Now On | |
EEP | Erase Entire Program | |
EET | End Event Time | |
EF | Exist Flag | |
EF | Eject Fix | |
EF | Error Field | |
EF | Erase Flash | |
EFB | Emulate Five-volt Battery | |
EFE | Emulate Fatal Error | |
EIEIO | Enforce In-Order Execution of Input/Output (PPC assembly) | |
EJ | Explicit Join | |
ELI | Enormously Longword Instructions | |
ELIF | ELse IF | |
EMAC | Extended Multiply and ACcumulate | |
EMW | Emulate Matag Washer |
EN | Enabled Now | |
END | End logic stream; no more instructions follow | |
ENF | Emit Noxious Fumes | |
ENTER | Enter Stack Frame | |
EOF | Error On Float | |
EOI | Explode on Interrupt | |
EOI | End of Interrupt | |
EOP | End of Production | |
EOT | End of Text | |
EP | Else Part | |
EPC | Emulate Pocket Calculator | |
EPI | Energy Per Instruction | |
EPIC | Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing | |
EQ | Equal | |
ER | Examine Register | |
ERI | Enable Random Interrupt | |
ERL | Extended Range Left | |
ERM | Erase Reserved Memory | |
ERR | Extended Range Right | |
ERW | Execute Read Write | |
ES | Exit to Shell | |
ES | Extra Segment | |
ES | Error sources | |
Esc | Escape | |
ESP | Extra-Simple Programming | |
ESP | Extended Stack Pointer | |
ESP | Enable SPrinkler | |
ESP | Enhanced Stack Pointer | |
ETA | Ebcdic to Ascii | |
ETI | Execute This Instruction | |
EV | External Value | |
EXI | EXecute Invalid Operation | |
EXP | Exponent | |
EXP | Exponential | |
FA | Full Adder | |
FAA | Fetch And Add | |
FAR | Find and Replace | |
FBWA | First Byte of Word Access | |
FC | Fix Command | |
FC | File Compare | |
FC | Flag Complex | |
FC | Function Code | |
FCB | Form Constant Byte | |
FCC | Form Constant Character | |
FD | Float Double | |
FDB | Form Double Byte | |
FERA | Forms Eject and Run Away | |
FHS | Find Hidden Service | |
FIOA | Fetch Instruction Operand Address | |
FITT | File In The Trash |
FLIX | Flexible Length Instruction Extensions | |
FLM | Fixed Length Mask | |
FM | Fill Mode | |
FMA | Fused Multiply and Add | |
FMB | Floating Modulo Base | |
FOPC | False Out-of-Paper Condition | |
FP | Floating Point | |
FP | Font Position | |
FPC | Four Packed Code | |
FPE | Floating Point Exception | |
FPP | Floating Point Pair | |
FSM | Fixed String Mode | |
FSM | Fold Spindle and Mutilate | |
FUN | Function Unknown Now | |
FW | Field Width | |
FW | Function Word | |
GAC | Global Assembly Cache | |
GAL | Gameboy Assembly Language | |
GBA | Game Boy Assembly | |
GCAR | Get Correct Answer Regardless | |
GCC | Get Code for this number | |
GCF | Get Current Figure | |
GE | Greater than or Equal to | |
GF | Global Flag | |
GIE | Generate Irreversible Error | |
GIR | General Index Register | |
GIV | Get Initial Value | |
GL | Global Long | |
GMR | Game Monthly Review | |
GNA | Get New Argument | |
GNA | Get Next Argument | |
GNC | Get Next Character | |
GNDN | Go Nowhere and Do Nothing | |
GNU | Got No Use | |
GO | Global Open | |
GPC | Get Post And Cookie | |
GR | Global Reset | |
GRB | Gossip Retransmit Bit | |
GT | Greater Than | |
GT | Go To | |
GTE | Greater Than or Equal | |
GTJ | Go To Jail | |
GV | Get Value | |
H | Hexadecimal | |
HAH | Halt And Hang | |
HAL | Higher Assembly Language | |
HALT | Highly Accelerated Life Testing | |
HAM | Hold And Modify | |
HBW | Hang Bus and Wait | |
HCF | Halt and Catch Fire |
HCG | Hide Codes Galore | |
HEX | Hexadecimal (base 16) | |
HIM | Hierarchy of Interpretive Modules | |
HIS | Human Instruction Set | |
HIS | Halt in Impossible State | |
HLA | High Level Assembly | |
HLAR | High-memory Load Access Rights | |
HLL | High Level Link | |
HLT | Halt | |
HOG | Hundreds of Goofs | |
HP | Half Precision | |
HP | High Precision | |
HPA | High Performance Addressing | |
HRPR | Hang up and Ruin Printer Ribbon | |
HS | Heading Section | |
HTC | Halt and Toss Cookies | |
HTS | Halt and Throw Sparks | |
IA | Invalid Argument | |
IA | Insert attribute | |
IAC | Interpret As Command | |
IAS | Insert After Sequence | |
IBA | Input Bit Address | |
IBLU | Ignore Basic Laws of the Universe | |
IBP | Insert Bug and Proceed | |
IC | Internal Code | |
IC | Insert Character | |
IC | If Case | |
IC | Ignore case | |
IC | Instruction Count | |
ICMD | Initiate Core Melt Down | |
ICR | Interrupt Control Register | |
ICSZ | Complex Integer Size | |
ICU | International Classes for Unicode | |
ICU | ISA Configuration Utility | |
ICW | Initialization Command Word | |
IDA | Interactive Disassembler | |
IDA | Instruction Data Address | |
IDIV | Integer Divide, Signed | |
IDPS | Ignore Disk Protect Switch | |
IE | Interrupt Enable | |
IEOF | Ignore End Of File | |
IF | Interrupt Flag | |
IF | Instruction Fetch | |
IFR | Interrupt Flag Register | |
IFS | Internal Field Separator | |
IFU | Instruction Fetch Unit | |
IG | Insert Graphic | |
IIB | Integer Integer Byte | |
IIB | Ignore Interrupt and Branch | |
IL | Information Logical |
IMUL | Integer Multiply, Signed | |
IN | Input Byte or Word | |
INC | Increment | |
INO | In Not Of | |
INOP | InDirect No-OP | |
INR | INncRement | |
INS | Input String from Port | |
INSB | Input Byte String from Port | |
INSD | Input Doubleword String from Port | |
INSW | Input Word String From Port | |
INT | INTeger data type | |
INT | Interrupt | |
INTO | Interrupt on Overflow | |
INW | INvalidate Warranty | |
IOB | Index Out of Bounds | |
IODC | Input/Output-Dependent Code | |
IODR | Input/Output Data Register | |
IP | Instructional Pointer | |
IPC | Instructions Per Clock | |
IPE | Integrated Parameter Edit | |
IPI | Inter-Processor Interrupt | |
IPL | Initial Primary Loader | |
IPM | Ignore Programmer's Mistakes | |
IPOP | Interrupt Processor, Order Pizza | |
IPP | Integrated Performance Primitives | |
IPR | Invalid Program Reference | |
IPs | Incinerate Power Supply | |
IPS | Instructions Per Second | |
IPT | Ignite Paper Tape | |
IR | Instruction Register | |
IR | Insert Relation | |
IRD | Integer Real and Double | |
IRET | Interrupt Return | |
IRETD | Interrupt Return With EIP | |
ISC | Interface Select Code | |
ISC | Ignore System Crash | |
ISI | Increment and Skip on Infinity | |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine | |
ISR | Interrupt Segment Register | |
ISR | Interrupt Space Register | |
ISS | Inhibit Symmetrical Swapping | |
Itb | Instruction Template Buffer | |
ITE | If Then Else | |
ITOB | Write an Integer value TO a Binary string | |
ITOF | Convert Integer TO Floating point format | |
ITOZ | Convert Integer to Zoned format | |
IV | Integer Value | |
IVB | Inclusive Value For Branch | |
IVR | Immediate Value Returned | |
IWP | Ignore Write Protect notch |
JA | Jump If Above | |
JAA | Jump Almost Always | |
JAE | Jump If Above or Equal | |
JAL | Jump And Link | |
JAM | Jump And Move | |
JB | Jump if Below | |
JBE | Jump If Below or Equal | |
JBS | Jump and Blow Stack | |
JC | Jump if Carry | |
JCR | Jam Card Reader | |
JCXZ | Jump if CX Register Zero | |
JE | Jump If Equal | |
JECXZ | Jump if ECX Register Zero | |
JG | Jump If Greater | |
JGE | Jump If Greater or Equal | |
JIT | Just In Time (compiler) | |
JL | Jump If Less | |
JLE | Jump If Less or Equal | |
JMP | Jump | |
JMPA | Jump Absolute | |
JMPC | Jump if the software is a piece of Crap | |
JMPE | Jump Extended | |
JMPI | Jump Immediate | |
JMPJ | Jump if Programmer is a Jerk | |
JMPL | Jump on Power Loss | |
JMPL | Jump if Programmer is Lost | |
JMPM | Jump if a big Mess | |
JMPN | Jump if Negative | |
JMPO | Jump on Overflow | |
JMPP | Jump if Positive | |
JMPP | Jump when Pizza arrives | |
JMPR | Jump off the Roof | |
JMPS | Jump if you see a Spider | |
JMPV | Jump on Virtual Memory Page fault | |
JMPZ | Jump if Zero | |
JNA | Jump If Not Above | |
JNAE | Jump If Not Above or Equal | |
JNB | Jump If Not Below | |
JNBE | Jump If Not Below or Equal | |
JNC | Jump If No Carry | |
JNE | Jump If Not Equal | |
JNF | Jump if No Flag | |
JNG | Jump if Not Greater than | |
JNGE | Jump If Not Greater or Equal | |
JNL | Jump If Not Less | |
JNLE | Jump If Not Less or Equal | |
JNO | Jump If No Overflow | |
JNP | Jump If No Parity | |
JNP | Jump if No Pepperoni on pizza | |
JNS | Jump If No Sign |
JNS | Jump if No Sausage on pizza | |
JNZ | Jump If Not Zero | |
JO | Jump If Overflow | |
JP | Jump If Parity | |
JPA | Jump when Pizza Arrives | |
JPE | Jump If Parity Even | |
JPO | Jump If Parity Odd | |
JR | Jump Relative | |
Jr | Justification Right | |
JR | Jump Register | |
JRSR | Jump to Random Subroutine | |
JS | Jump If Sign | |
JS | Join Similar | |
JSR | Jump to Sub Routine | |
JZ | Jump If Zero | |
JZP | Jump on Zero Parity | |
KA | Keep All | |
KSR | Keyboard Shift Right | |
KUD | Kill User Data | |
l | Listeria | |
L | Listen | |
L | List | |
LA | Load Address | |
LA | Logical Address | |
LAC | Lose All Communication | |
LAGW | Load And Go Wrong | |
LAHF | Load register AH From .... | |
LAP | Linc Assembly Program | |
LAR | Load Access Rights | |
LB | List Block | |
LB | Load Byte | |
LBA | Long Block Addressing | |
LBA | Large Block Address | |
LBA | Linear Block Addressing | |
LBA | Logical Block Addresses | |
LBE | Low Byte Enable | |
LC | Loop Count | |
LC | Location Counter | |
LC | Loop Counter | |
LCE | Loop Counter Expired | |
LCM | Local Command Mode | |
LCP | Load Current Procedure | |
LCV | Loop Control Variable (programming) | |
LD | List Designs | |
LD | List Directory | |
LDI | Load Data Immediate | |
LDREX | Load Register EXclusive | |
LDS | Load Pointer Using DS | |
Le | Line Edit | |
LE | Little Endian |
LEA | Load Effective Address | |
LEAVE | High Level Procedure Exit | |
LES | Load 32-bit pointer from memory source to destination register and ES (Extra Segment) register | |
LF | Level Floating | |
LF | Link Full | |
LF | Long Float | |
LF | Low Fill | |
LFAD | Load From A Disk | |
LFAM | Look For A Match | |
LFS | Load Far Pointer in FS | |
LG | List Grids | |
LGD | Load Global Double-word | |
LGDT | Load Global Descriptor Table | |
LGS | Load Far Pointer in GS | |
LH | Load High | |
LH | List Heading | |
LHI | Load High Immediate | |
LI | List Item | |
LI | Load Immediate | |
LIDT | Load Interrupt Descriptor Table | |
LIP | Loop Initialization Primitive | |
LIS | Load Immediate Shifted | |
LL | Long List | |
LLC | Low Level Code | |
LLDT | Load Local Descriptor Table | |
LLL | Low Level Language | |
LLL | Low Level List | |
LM | Load Math | |
LMSW | Load Machine Status Word | |
LN | Line Number | |
LNK | Linkcentre | |
Lnk | Link-Belt | |
LOCK | Lock the Bus | |
LODS | Load String | |
LODSB | Load String Byte | |
LODSD | Load String Doubleword | |
LODSW | Load String Word | |
LOF | Link Operand Flagword | |
LOOP | Loop on Count | |
LOOPD | 32-Bit 80386 LOOP | |
LOOPDE | 32-Bit 80386 LOOP if EQUAL | |
LOOPDNE | 32-Bit 80386 LOOP if NOT EQUAL | |
LOOPDNZ | 32-Bit 80386 LOOP if NOT ZERO | |
LOOPDZ | 32-Bit 80386 LOOP if ZERO | |
LOOPE | Loop While Equal | |
LOOPNE | Loop While Not Equal | |
LOOPNZ | Loop While Not Zero | |
LOOPW | 16-Bit 80386 LOOP | |
LOOPWE | 16-Bit 80386 LOOP if Equal | |
LOOPWNE | 16-Bit 80386 LOOP if NOT EQUAL |
LOOPWNZ | 16-Bit 80386 LOOP if NOT ZERO | |
LOOPWZ | 16-Bit 80386 LOOP if ZERO | |
LOOPZ | Loop While Zero | |
LP | Long Precision | |
LP | Labeled Precision | |
LP | Long Pointer | |
LPA | Lead Programmer Astray | |
LR | Load Relative | |
LR | Load To Register | |
LRD | Load Random Data | |
LRM | Language Reference Manual | |
LRP | Load Root Prompt | |
LS | Level Subroutine | |
LS | Load Save | |
LSA | Last Section Altered | |
LSL | Logical Shift Left | |
LSL | Load Segment Limit | |
LSP | List Source Package | |
LSR | Logical Shift Right | |
LSS | List Set Similarities | |
LSS | Load Far Pointer in SS | |
LSU | List Super Users | |
LT | Less Than | |
LTE | Less Than or Equal | |
LTR | Load Task Register | |
LUG | List Useless Garbage | |
LUI | Load Upper Immediate | |
LUP | Longest Unassisted Program | |
LV | Left Value | |
LVS | List View Style | |
LW | Load Word | |
LW | Late Write | |
LW | Local Write | |
LWE | Load WhatEver | |
LWI | Load Word Indirect | |
LWS | Linear White Space | |
LWS | Long Word Sync | |
LWSP | Linear White Space | |
LX | Linear Executable | |
LZASM | Lazy Assembler | |
M | Multiply | |
MAA | Multiply And Accumulate | |
MAC | Measured Attenuation Correction | |
MACRO | Messy And Confusing Repeated Operation | |
MADD | Multiply-Add | |
MAR | memory address register | |
MAT | Machine-Assisted Translation | |
MAT | Multiply And Add To | |
MBF | Microsoft Binary Format | |
MBR | Memory Buffer Register |
MC | Master Clear | |
MCE | Machine Check Exception | |
MCL | Machine Control Language | |
MCP | Mark Current Procedure | |
MCP | Mask Characters Printable | |
MCS | Modification Control Statements | |
MCS | Modify Comment Section | |
MCS | Machine Code Simulator | |
MD | Machine Dependent | |
MDNF | Medical Device Numeric Format | |
MDX | Modify Index | |
ME | Make an Error | |
MEF | Mask Error Factor | |
MEI | Modified, Exclusive, And Invalid | |
MF | Method Flag | |
MFC | Merge From Current | |
MFS | Move From Segment | |
MI | Machine Interface | |
MI | Maskable Interrupt | |
MI | Micro Instruction | |
MIO | Module Input Output | |
MKI | Merge Kernel Interface | |
MKL | Math Kernel Library | |
ML | Make And Link | |
ML | Machine Language | |
MLR | Move and Lose Record | |
MLS | Maximum Long String | |
MM | move memory | |
MMC | Man Machine Code | |
MOF | Macro Operation Finish | |
MOV | Move | |
MOVS | Move String | |
MOVSB | Move String Byte | |
MOVSD | Move String Doubleword | |
MOVSW | Move String Word | |
MOVSX | Move With Sign-Extend | |
MOVZX | Move With Zero-Extend | |
MP | Make Parameter | |
MP | Multi Precision | |
MPS | Move Pen Somewhere | |
MR | Memory Read | |
Mr | Magic Return | |
MRS | Mode Register Setting | |
MS | Missing Sense | |
MSB | Most Significant Bit | |
MSP | Mistake Sign for Parity | |
MSS | Minimum Segment Size | |
MT | Machine Translation | |
MTRR | Memory Type Range Register | |
MUL | Multiply, Unsigned |
MW | Memory Write | |
MWI | Message-Waiting Indicator | |
N | Newline | |
NACK | Negative ACKnowledge | |
NAM | Numerical Access Mode | |
NAN | Not A Number (computing) | |
NAND | logical NOT AND | |
NASM | Netwide Assembler | |
NBCD | Natural Binary Coded Decimal | |
NBD | Non Break Debug | |
NC | No Carry | |
NC | Native Compiled | |
NC | New Clock | |
NCC | Non Canon Character | |
NE | Not Equal | |
NE | No Exception | |
NEG | Negate | |
NEQ | Not EQual | |
NG | Not Greater than | |
NI | Not Initialized | |
NL | No Loops | |
NL | Non Leading | |
NL | Next Line | |
NL | New Line | |
NLP | Natural Language Processing | |
NM | No Mark | |
NMI | Non-Maskable Interrupt | |
no-op | no operation | |
NOOP | No Operation | |
NOP | No Operation | |
NOR | logical NOT OR | |
NOT | logical NOT, negation | |
NPC | Non Programmable Character | |
NPH | Non-Parsed Header | |
NRP | No Return Point | |
NRS | Not Read Set | |
NS | Next Step | |
NSI | Next Sequential Instruction | |
NSU | Next Syntactic Unit | |
NVL | Null Value Logic | |
NW | New Write | |
OA | Object Address | |
OC | Output Compare | |
OCC | Obscure Canon Character | |
OCL | Operations Control Language | |
OCT | Object Code Technology | |
OD | Octal Dump | |
ODF | Object Definition File | |
OF | Overflow Flag | |
OFS | Object File System |
OMC | Obscene Message to Console | |
OOP | Ordinary Object Pointer | |
OPO | Order Pizza for Operator | |
OPP | Order Pizza for Programmer | |
OR | Logical OR | |
ORB | Object Request Broker | |
OSL | Optimization Subroutine Library | |
OSN | Operand Segment Number | |
OT | One Time | |
OTC | Overflow of Tacho Counter | |
OUT | Output to Port | |
OUTS | Output String to Port | |
OUTSB | Output Byte String to Port | |
OUTSD | Output Doubleword String to Port | |
OUTSW | Output Word String to Port | |
OVF | Overflow | |
P | ||
P1PWAO | Putting 1 piece with another | |
PA | Printable ASCII | |
PADI | Patches Arrive During Instruction | |
PAE | Physical Address Extensions | |
Pb | Protection Bit | |
PBD | Print and Break Drum | |
PC | Program Counter | |
PCA | Programmable Counter Array | |
PCL | Program Counter Low | |
PCMIA | personal computer manufacturer interface adaptor | |
PCS | Portable Character Set | |
PD | Pen Down | |
PDC | Processor-Dependent Code | |
PDL | Push Down List | |
PEA | Push Effective Absolute | |
PEA | Push Effective Address | |
PEF | Preferred Executable File | |
PEHC | Punch Extra Holes in Cards | |
PEI | Push Effective Index | |
PEI | Push Effective Indirect | |
PFN | Primitive Function Name | |
PGA | Program Global Area | |
PI | Processing Instruction | |
PI | Pages In | |
PIC | Punch Invalid Character | |
PIPE | Practice In Programming Environment | |
PJ | Pointer Justification | |
PKE | Print Keymap Expression | |
PL | Program Line | |
PLT | Procedure Linkage Table | |
PMP | Professional Mallet Player | |
PO | Plus One | |
POC | Parameter Occurrence Code |
POE | Procedurals Occurring Elsewhere | |
POG | Piece of Garbage | |
POP | Performance Optimized Program | |
POP | Pop a Word from the Stack | |
Popa | Pop All Registers | |
POPAD | Pop All Doubleword | |
POPF | Pop Flags from the Stack | |
POPFD | Pop 32-Bit Flags Register | |
PPC | Pointer To Pointer To Character | |
PPE | Programmable Priority Encoder | |
PPF | Pagelevel Protection Flag | |
PPL | Perform Perpetual Loop | |
PRIMS | Proportionally Reactive Investment Management System | |
PSO | Punch System Operator | |
PSP | Program Segment Pointer | |
PSW | Process Status Word | |
PUL | Pointer To Unsigned Long | |
PUMA | Programmable Universal Machine For Assembly | |
PUS | Pointer To Unsigned Short | |
PUSH | Push Word onto Stack | |
PUSHA | Push All | |
PUSHAD | Push All Double | |
PUSHF | Push Flags onto Stack | |
PUSHFD | Push 32-Bit Flags Register | |
PW | Preserve Word | |
Q | Query | |
QADD | Quad word ADD (256-bit addition) | |
QF | Quit Function | |
QI | Quit If | |
QL | Quick Loading | |
QLC | Queuing Library Code | |
QLP | Quick Little Program | |
QRW | Quasi Random Word | |
QW | Quote Words | |
RA | Return Address | |
RA | Return Allowance | |
RAD | Rapid Application Development | |
RAM | Read Alternate Memory | |
RAR | Rotate Accumulator Right | |
RAST | Read And Shred Tape | |
RAW | Read-After-Write | |
RAZ | Read as Zero | |
RB | Rotate Buffer | |
rb | Read Binary | |
RB | Reservation Bit | |
RBA | Relative Byte Address | |
RBR | Rotate Bits Randomly | |
RC | Run Commands (UNIX) | |
RC | Return Code | |
RC | Right Check |
RC | Release Command | |
RCL | Rotate Content Left | |
RCL | Rotate through Carry Left | |
RCR | Rotate through Carry Right | |
RCRB | Read Card Read Binary | |
RD | Register Destination | |
RD | Rewind Disk | |
RD | Register Dump | |
RDA | Refuse to Disclose Answer | |
RDW | Reference Divider Word | |
RE | Real and Equal | |
REC | Rounding Error Correction | |
REG | Register | |
REM | Randomly Evolving Machinecode | |
REN | Rename | |
REP | Repeat | |
REPE | Repeat While Equal | |
REPNE | Repeat While Not Equal | |
REPNZ | Repeat While Not Zero | |
REPZ | Repeat While Zero | |
REQ | Returnn if Equal | |
RET | Return from Procedure | |
RETF | Return Far | |
RETN | Return Near | |
Rf | Read Filter | |
RFB | Read From Buffer | |
RFR | Residence Flag Reciprocal | |
RFU | Residence Flag Unilateral | |
RHP | Re-Heat Pizza | |
RI | Return Index | |
RIR | Resolve Initial References | |
RIRG | Read Inter- Record Gap | |
RJ | Right Justify | |
RL | Register List | |
RLA | Register Linear Address | |
RLP | Refill Light Pen | |
RMB | Reserve Memory Block | |
RMB | Reserve Memory Byte | |
RMD | Rapid Macro Development | |
RME | Register Maintenance And Enquiries | |
RMO | Right Mode Operator | |
RMS | Relocated Module Segment | |
RND | Random Number | |
RNE | Return if Not Equal | |
RNF | Residence Not Flag | |
ROC | Restore Old Color | |
ROL | Rotate Output Left | |
ROR | Rotate Right | |
ROS | Run Of Stack | |
RP | Register Pair |
RP | Rotate Programmers | |
RPL | Request Parameter List | |
RPO | Read and Print Only | |
RPR | Ruin Printer Ribbon | |
RPU | Read character and Print Upsidedown | |
RQ | Rotate Quick | |
RR | Register Read | |
RS | Random Slew (plotters) | |
RS | Register Select | |
RSP | Rounding to Single Precision | |
RSS | Reverse Sense Switch | |
RT | Reset Type | |
RT | Retrieval Type | |
RT | Return Type | |
RTA | Reversing Tool for Assembler | |
RTE | Run Time Error | |
RTN | Return | |
RTNZ | Return if Non-Zero | |
RTO | Return To One | |
RTO | Real-Time Output | |
RTRC | Reset Real-Time Clock | |
Rtw | Return to Windspear | |
RU | Read Uncommitted | |
RU | Round Up | |
RV | Relative Value | |
RV | Requires Variable | |
RV | Real Value | |
RV | Receive Variable | |
RV | Return Value | |
RVA | Relative Virtual Address | |
RVQ | Receive Value_Request | |
RVQ | Register Value Queue | |
RW | Readable While | |
RW | Rewrite While | |
RWI | Read, Write, Initialize | |
RXR | Resource Exchange Register | |
S | Seek | |
S | Stop | |
S | Source | |
S | Save | |
SA | Shift Amount | |
SA | Set Access | |
SA | Sort Address | |
SA | Starting Address | |
SAD | Systems Analysis and Design | |
SAHF | Store Register AH into | |
SAL | Shift Arithmetic Left | |
SAMS | Symbols and Message Strings | |
SAR | Shift Arithmetic Right | |
SAT | Save as Text |
SATA | Serial Advanced Technology Architecture | |
SB | Scroll Bar | |
SB | Set Byte | |
SBB | Subtract with Borrow | |
SBIW | Word-wide Subtraction | |
SBZ | Should Be Zero | |
SC | Special Code | |
SC | Skip Conditionally | |
SC | Special Character | |
SCAS | Scan String | |
SCASB | Scan String Byte | |
SCASD | Scan String Doubleword | |
SCASW | Scan String Word | |
SCB | String Control Byte | |
SCE | Source Code Extract | |
SCR | Single Call Ring | |
SCS | Scalable Command Set | |
SD | Selective Default | |
SDC | Selected Device Clear | |
SDDB | Snap Disk Drive Belt | |
SDF | Stuff Done Flags | |
SDL | Software Defined Language | |
SDR SDRAM | Single Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory | |
SDS | Sample Dump Standard | |
SE | Substantially Equal | |
SE | Shift Enhancing | |
SEE | Binary Painter Operator | |
SEOB | Set Every Other Bit | |
SET | Set Byte on Condition | |
SEU | Source Entry Utility | |
SEW | Store Exclusive White | |
SF | Semi Floating | |
SF | Suppress Form | |
SF | Store and Forward | |
SF | Significant Figures | |
SF | Sort Flag | |
SFF | Send From File | |
SFH | Set Flags to Half-mast | |
SFI | Single Float Image | |
SFP | Send For Pizza | |
Sfr | Set Factory Reset | |
SG | Source Grep | |
SGDT | Store Global Descriptor Table | |
SGN | Sign | |
SGN | Signature | |
SH | Suppress Header | |
SH | Sense High | |
SHI | Standing Hold Instruction | |
SHL | Shift Logical Left | |
SHLD | Double Precision Shift Left |
SHR | Shift Logical Right | |
SHRD | Double Precision Shift Right | |
SI | Signed Integer | |
SI | Source Index | |
SIC | Symbolic Instruction Code | |
SIDT | Store Interrupt Descriptor Table | |
SIE | Start Interpreted Execution | |
SIS | Simple Instruction Set | |
Skp | Skip-Line Printer | |
SL | Source Language | |
SL | Short Length | |
SL | Statement List | |
SL | Save Layout | |
SL | Speak Language | |
SLA | Shift Left Arithmetic | |
SLC | Set Location Counter | |
SLD | Source Level Definition | |
SLDT | Store Local Descriptor Table | |
SLI | Set Link Information | |
SLI | Suppress Length Indication | |
SLL | Shift Left Logical | |
SLP | Set Loop Point | |
SLQ | Shift Left with MQ | |
SLW | Shift Left Word | |
SLZ | Shift Left Zero | |
SM | Shell Model | |
SM | Simple Mainloop | |
SMBI | Set Memory Bit I | |
SMC | Self-Modifying Code | |
SMI | System Management Interrupt | |
SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language | |
SMS | Shred Mylar Surface | |
SMSW | Store Machine Status Word | |
SNW | String Next Word | |
SNZ | Skip If Not Zero | |
SO | Stack Overflow | |
SOAP | Storage Operand Attenuation Prevention | |
SOC | Start Of Comment | |
SOL | Start Of Line | |
SOP | Stop and Order Pizza | |
SOS | Swap Operating Shell | |
SOSI | Shift-Out/Shift-In | |
SP | Single Precision | |
SP | System Procedure | |
SP | Stack Pointer | |
SPA | Stop when Pizza Arrives | |
SPARK | Scanning Parsing and Rewriting Kit | |
SPB | Simulate Peanut Butter | |
SPC | Service Program Code | |
SPL | Set Processor Level |
SPL | Set Priority Level | |
SPM | Software Project Management | |
SPM | Software Programmer's Manual | |
SPM | Site Project Manager | |
SPM | Set Program Mask | |
spT | Set Process Title | |
SPUR | Single Precision Unpacked Rounded | |
Sqr | Square Root | |
SR | Subtract Register | |
SR | Shift Right | |
SR | Source Register | |
SRL | Shift Register Latch | |
SRL | Short Repeats Left | |
SSB | Scramble Status Byte | |
SSC | Slot Size Code | |
SSD | Store Stack Double-word | |
SSJ | Select Stacker and Jam | |
SSM | Source Support Module | |
SSP | System Stack Pointer | |
SSP | Set Stack Pointer | |
ST | Show Turtle | |
STC | Set Carry Flag | |
STD | Set Direction Flag | |
STI | Set Interrupt Enable Flag | |
Stk | Stack | |
STO | Store | |
STOS | Store String | |
STOSB | Store String Byte | |
STOSD | Store String Doubleword | |
STOSW | Store String Word | |
STR | Store Task Register | |
STRC | Stop Real-Time Clock | |
STREX | STore Register EXclusive | |
STROM | Store in Read-Only Memory | |
STSN | Set and Test Sequence Numbers | |
STZ | Set Zero | |
SU | Substitute user | |
SU | Stand Up | |
SU | Switch Users | |
SU | Switch User | |
SU | Substitue User | |
SU | Syntax Unit | |
SUB | Subtract | |
SV | Scalar Value | |
SV | Save Video | |
SW | Store Word | |
SW | Signed Word | |
SW | Single Word | |
SW | Set Word | |
SWB | Subtract With Borrow |
SWI | Software Interrupt | |
SX | Start X | |
SXY | Swap X and Y Registers | |
SZ | String Zero | |
T5ZZ | Interpret As Command | |
TA | Target Address | |
TAL | Typed Assembly Language | |
TAS | Test-And-Set | |
TASM | Turbo Assembler | |
TC | Time Check | |
TCC | Type Correctness Conditions | |
TCS | Tl Command Set | |
TD | Table Detail | |
TD | Table Data | |
TD | Table Definition | |
TDS | Trash Data Segment | |
TE | Table Expression | |
TE | Type Entry | |
Test | testament | |
test | Testosterone | |
TF | Text Field | |
TH | Table Header | |
TL | Type Locality | |
TLV | Total Length Value | |
TMJ | Technical Machine Jargon | |
TMV | Too Many Variables | |
TN | Text Next | |
TN | Truncated Normal | |
TNT | Tips N Tricks | |
TOA | Table of Authorities | |
TOD | TO Dvorak | |
TOQ | To Qwerty | |
TOS | Terminate On Save | |
TOS | Top Of Stack | |
TOY | TO Querty | |
TPU | Turbo Pascal Unit | |
TS | Tilt and Shift | |
TSR | Top Structure Rename | |
TSR | Terminate Safety Return | |
TU | To Unix | |
TUL | Timed Unsigned Long | |
TW | Time Wait | |
TXC | Transmission Complete flag | |
TXH | Transfer on High | |
TXH | Transmit High | |
U | Upward | |
U | Upsilon | |
U | Unconditional | |
U | Update(d) (action code) | |
U | Upper |
UA | Update Attribute | |
UB | Unsigned Byte | |
UC | Unreal Compile | |
UCE | Use Case Ends | |
UD | Update Data | |
UDA | User-Defined Attribute | |
UDC | User-Defined Command | |
UDC | User Defined Codes | |
UDF | User Defined Format | |
UDF | User Defined Function | |
UDL | User Defined Language | |
UDP | User-Defined Procedure | |
UDR | Update and Delete Record | |
UDR | Universal Data Representation | |
UEC | Ufop Executive Command | |
UEH | Unified Exception Handler | |
UEN | Update Entity Name | |
UI | Unsigned Index | |
UI | Unsigned Integer | |
UL | Unsigned Long | |
ULC | Unit Level Code | |
UM | User Mode | |
UM | User Model | |
UMR | Unlock Machine Room | |
UMWI | Unprocessed Message Waiting Indicator | |
UPA | UnPack Area | |
UPA | Use all Power Available | |
UPC | Unity Procedure Call | |
UPC | Unity Procedure Code | |
UPK | Unpack Function | |
UPK | User Productivity Kit | |
UPO | Unary Painter Operator | |
UPP | Universal Procedure Pointer | |
UR | User Register | |
USB | Universal Serial Bus | |
USF | Uplink State Flag | |
USN | Update Sequence Number | |
USP | User Stored Procedure | |
USW | Update Status Word | |
UT | User Type | |
UTF | Unwind Tape onto Floor | |
UUO | Unix-to- Unix Output flag | |
VA | Virtual Address | |
VA | Variable Argument | |
VA | Valid Again | |
VA | Vector Accumulate | |
VAL | Victor's Assembly Language | |
VASM | Virtual Assembler | |
VAT | Variable Allocation Table | |
VB | Variable Block |
VC | Variable Construction | |
VCE | Very Cleverly Executed | |
VD | Variable Declaration | |
VERR | Verify Read Access | |
VERW | Verify Write Access | |
VFF | View Frame File | |
VH | Variable Holder | |
VIC | Virtual Innuendo Call | |
VIO | Violation | |
VIS | Visual Instruction Set | |
VLC | Variable Length Code | |
VLIW | Very Long Instruction Word | |
VP | Variable Parameter | |
VPA | Variable Precision Arithmetic | |
VRC | Very Rapid Coding | |
VS | Value Set | |
VS | Value Separator | |
VT | Variable type | |
WA | Wait Awhile | |
WAIT | Wait state | |
WAL | World Assembly Language | |
WARN | Write formatted error message to standard error Function | |
WASP | Write All Stored Passwords | |
WAW | Write-after-Write | |
WB | Write Back | |
WB | write binary | |
WBCD | Weighted Binary Coded Decimal | |
WBQ | Write Block and Quit | |
WCC | Write Control Character | |
WCCF | Widget Component Control Flag | |
WCD | Wherever Change Directory | |
WCS | Wide Character String | |
WD | Write Data | |
WDR | Write Directories Read | |
WDRT | WatchDog Resource Table | |
WDS | With Digit Sum | |
WDT | WatchDOG timer | |
WENB | Port B Write ENable | |
WEOF | Write an End- Of- File marker | |
WEP | Waste Of Embedded Processing | |
WFAR | Wait For All Result | |
WFTR | Wait For Transfer Request | |
WGPB | Write Garbage in Process-control Block | |
WHCR | Write Handling Control Register | |
WIBT | Wait In Batch Time | |
WIDQ | Wait For Idle Drive Queue | |
WIS | Wait If Set | |
WMA | We Must Assimilate | |
WPNL | Write Protect Not Low | |
WRQ | Write Request (TFTP) |
WRTQ | Write Request | |
WTO | Write To Operator | |
WTOR | Write To Operator With Reply | |
WUII | Wake- Up- Interrupt- Input | |
WUPO | Wad Up Paper Output | |
WXB | FLOAT device-independent Y coordinate of the left edge of the plot window | |
WXEH | Wx Event Handler | |
WXO | Write Expansion On | |
WXTL | Win32 Template Library | |
WYO | Write Your Own | |
WYOP | Write Your Own Program | |
XA | Xtreme Accuracy | |
XCHG | Exchange Registers | |
XIO | eXecute Invalid Opcode | |
XLAT | Translate | |
XMX | Specify heap memory size in command line arguments | |
XOR | Exclusive Or | |
XR | Exact Real | |
Y/N | Yes or No | |
ZAP | Zeros Aren't Permitted | |
ZD | Zap Directory | |
ZD | Zoned Decimal | |
ZDD | Zoned Decimal Data | |
ZDI | Zap Directory Immediate | |
ZG | Zero And Go | |
ZP | Zero Padding | |
ZPI | ZaP Immediate |