• What does ACDA Stand For?

    For acda we have found 77 definitions.

  • What does ACDA mean? We know 77 definitions for ACDA abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible ACDA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

ACDA Stands For:

All acronyms (77)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common Government & Military (4)Medicine & Science (5)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (24)Technology, IT etc. (4)
*****ACDAAmerican Choral Directors Association-Pennsylvania
****ACDAArms Control and Disarmament Agency's
Army & Military Government NASA Army Military International business
***ACDAACL (Audit Command Language) Certified Data Analyst
*ACDAAcid Citrate Dextrose solution A
*ACDAAlveolar Capillary Dysplasia Association
*ACDA1-aminocyclobutane-cis-1,3-dicarboxylic acid
*ACDAAdvanced Continuous Descent Approach
*ACDAAlliance of the California Dental Association
*ACDAAssured Clear Distance Ahead
*ACDAAzienda Cuneese Dell'Acqua
*ACDAAssociation of Community Development Agencies
*ACDAAir Conditioning Dealer Association
*ACDAAustralian Canine Disc Association
*ACDAAlmaty City Development Agency
*ACDAAtlanta Cajun Dance Association
Performing arts
*ACDAAmerican Celiac Disease Alliance
*ACDAAmerican Christian Defense Alliance
*ACDAAssociation of Catholic Diocesan Archivists
*ACDAAviation Combat Development Agency
*ACDAAgence Centrafricaine de Développement Agricole
*ACDAAfrican Caribbean Development Agency
*ACDAAfrican Cultural and Development Association
*ACDAAmerican Commodity Distribution Association
*ACDAAnnalong Community Development Association
*ACDAAmerican Choral Director Association