• What does SOPA Stand For?

    For SoPA we have found 63 definitions.

  • What does SOPA mean? We know 63 definitions for SOPA abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible SOPA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SOPA Stands For:

All acronyms (63)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military (9)Medicine & Science (3)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (10)Technology, IT etc. (2)
*****SOPAStandard Operating Procedure Amplified
*****SOPASenior Officer Present Afloat
US Navy Navy United States Military Naval Us government
*****SOPAStop Online Piracy Act
Computer IT Terminology Internet
***SOPAState of the Province Address
***SOPAscottish organic producers association
**SOPASocialist Party of Azania
**SOPAscottish office pensions agency
**SOPASalinas Owners and Pilots Association
**SOPASchool of Public Affairs
**SOPASecurity of Payment Act
*SOPASchool of Physics and Astronomy
*SOPASupporters of Performing Arts
*SOPASchool of Performing Arts
*SOPASchedule of Proposed Actions
*SOPASupporters of the Performing Arts, Inc.
*SOPAScripps Orbit and Permanent Array
*SOPASpace-Only Power Allocation
*SOPASentinel Owners and Pilots Association
*SOPASenior Officer Present Ashore
*SOPASydney Olympic Park Authority
*SOPASociety of Professional Archeologists
*SOPAStudio of Performing Arts
*SOPASynchronous-Orbit Particle Analyzer
*SOPASoybean Oil Processors Association
*SOPASynchronous Orbit Plasma Analyzer