What does EMEA Stand For?
For EMEA we have found 36 definitions.
What does EMEA mean? We know 36 definitions for EMEA abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible EMEA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
EMEA Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | EMEA | Europe, Middle East and Africa Telecom IT Terminology | |
***** | EMEA | European Medicines Evaluation Agency Reading Prescription Health | |
**** | EMEA | Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Association | |
**** | EMEA | Europe, Middle East and Asia | |
**** | EMEA | Europe, Middle East and Australasia | |
**** | EMEA | Error Modes and Effects Analysis | |
*** | EMEA | European Medicine Evaluation Agency | |
*** | EMEA | European Music Educators Association Professional organizations | |
*** | NCI EMEA | Network Computer Incorporated, Europe, Middle East, Africa affiliate | |
** | EMEA | European Medicinal Evaluation Agency | |
** | EMEA | Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique | |
** | EMEA | European Medicines Agency (formerly European Medicines Evaluation Agency) Technology International Fda | |
** | EMEA | Europe | |
* | EMEA | Extended Monthly Evacuation Allowance | |
* | EMEA | Europe Middle East Africa Regional | |
* | EMEA | Europe, Middle East or Africa | |
* | EMEA | European Medicines Evaluation Authority | |
* | EMEA | Europe Middle East e Africa | |
* | EMEA | Educational Management Evaluation and Assessment | |
* | EMEA | Expertise in Media Entertainment | |
* | EMEA | Europe and Middle East Area Us government | |
* | EMEA | Evaluation of Medicinal Products | |
* | EMEA | European Medicinal Products Evaluation Agency | |
* | EMEA | Europa, Middle East, Africa | |
* | EMEA | East Metro Economic Alliance |