• What does TBR Stand For?

    For tbr we have found 225 definitions.

  • What does TBR mean? We know 225 definitions for TBR abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible TBR meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

TBR Stands For:

All acronyms (225)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (13)Common Government & Military (12)Medicine & Science (4)Chat & Sub Cultures (11)Education Schools (14)Technology, IT etc. (10)
*****TBRTruck & Bus Radial Tire
****TBRTo Be Read
Blogging Facebook Neologism Social media Twitter
****TBROffice of Taxpayer Burden Reduction
***TBRTorres Bolivar Rodriguez
***TBRTo Be Resolved
NASA Military
***TBRTeenage Bottle Rocket
***TBRTotal Business Return
**TBRTechnology Business Research
IT Terminology
**TBRTotal-Body Radiation
ICAO Aircraft Codes
*TBRTreasury Bill Rate
*TBRTennessee Board of Regents
*TBRToleranced By References
*TBRThe Burning Reel
*TBRTagged Bit Rate
*TBRTruncated Balanced Realization
*TBRTampa Bay Rays
*TBRTechnical Basis for Regulation
IT Terminology
*TBRTo Be Released
*TBRto background ratio
*TBRTommy Baldwin Racing
*TBRTime between Replacement
*TBRTile Based Rendering
*TBRStatesboro-Bulloch County Airport, Statesboro, Georgia, United States
Iata Airport Codes Georgia United States
*TBRTracheobronchial remnants