• What does BTE Stand For in Organizations, Education Schools etc. ?

    For BTE we have found 97 definitions.

  • What does BTE mean? We know 97 definitions for BTE abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible BTE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

BTE / (Best Time Ever / Best Thing Ever). Several variants of this acronym exist and most people accept the original meaning as “best time ever,” however the phrase can also be used and understood as “best thing ever” depending on the context.

Speaker 1: OMG, i had the BTE when we were at the Taylor Swift Concert!
Speaker 2: I know right!?

BTE Stands For:

All acronyms (97)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (8)Common Government & Military (8)Medicine & Science (10)Chat & Sub Cultures (5)Education Schools (6)Technology, IT etc. (6)
*****BTEBritish Telecommunications Engineering
Journal Periodical Serial publication
***BTEBehind the Ear
Otolaryngology Physiology Surgery
*BTEBureau des Temps Élémentaires
*BTEBorn to Explore
*BTEBuffalo Trail Elementary