• What does MBK Stand For?

    For MBK we have found 56 definitions.

  • What does MBK mean? We know 56 definitions for MBK abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible MBK meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

MBK Stands For:

All acronyms (56)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (3)Common Government & Military Medicine & Science (5)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (4)Technology, IT etc. (2)
*****MBKRegional Orlando Villas Boas, Matupá, Brazil
Iata Airport Codes Brazil
****MBKMcMillan Britton and Kell
****MBKMy Brothers Keeper
****MBKMedications and Bandage Kit
NASA Medical
***MBKBank Tokyo- Mitsubishi, LTD.
Nyse symbols
***MBKMerkur Bank KGaA
**MBKMobile Bearing Knees
*MBKMulti Beam Klystron
*MBKMilky Bar Kid
*MBKMichael ByungJu Kim
*MBKMaria Bunda Karmel
*MBKMultiple Beam Klystron
*MBKMethyl Butyl Ketone
*MBKMes Buvom Kariai
*MBKMagyar Baráti Közösség
*MBKMah Boon Krong
*MBKmethyl n butyl ketone
*MBKMissing Believed Killed
*MBKMultiple index file backup (dBASE IV)
File extensions
*MBKMah Boon Khrong
*MBKMake Busy Key
*MBKMit Blitzenden Klingen
*MBKMethode Brigitte Kettner
*MBKMitra Bisnis Keluarga