• What does AVE Stand For?

    For Ave we have found 155 definitions.

  • What does AVE mean? We know 155 definitions for AVE abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible AVE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

AVE Stands For:

All acronyms (155)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (8)Common (1)Government & Military (6)Medicine & Science (15)Chat & Sub Cultures (2)Education Schools (10)Technology, IT etc. (12)
*****AVEAudio Visual Education
*****AVE A GO, YA MUG!Means to try harder, not to act foolishly. It is what you would yell at a lazy footballer etc!Or you would yell it at some poor bastard trying to push start his car while you drive by!
****AVEAlways Very Expensive
****AVEAerospace Vehicle Equipment
****AVEAura Validation Experiment
****AVEAmerican Vernacular English
***AVEAssociation of Venezuela
***AVEAtmospheric Variability Experiment
**AVEAutomatic Volume Expansion
Legal Street Suffix Geographic Technology Usps
**AVE PAventis Preferred
Nyse symbols
**AVEAirborne Vehicle Equipment
**AVEAortic Valve Echocardiogram
Cardio British medicine
**AVEAvenal, CA [Avenal Airport], USA
*AVEAriadne's Visualization Engine
*AVEAdvertising Value Equivalent
British medicine
*AVEAriadne's Visualization Environment
*AVEAssociation Vidéo ESSEC (École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales; French: ESSEC (Superior School of Economic Science and Business) Video Association; est. 1991)
*AVEAlta Velocidad Espanola
*AVEArterial Vascular Engineering, Inc.
*AVEAcceptance testing and Verification Engineering
*AVEAlta Velocidad Española
*AVEAudio Visual Entrainment
*AVEAbstinence Violation Effect
British medicine