What does GBR Stand For in Medical & Science ?
For GBR we have found 121 definitions.
What does GBR mean? We know 121 definitions for GBR abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible GBR meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
GBR Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | GBR | Global Backup Reprovisioning | |
**** | GBR | Guided Bone Regeneration Bone | |
**** | GBR | Great Barrier Reef Integrated Ocean Observing System Botany | |
*** | GBR | Geotechnical Baseline Report | |
* | GBR | group B rotaviruses | |
* | GBR | Global Business Research Human genome | |
* | GBR | German Blue Ram | |
* | GBR | glutathione bicarbonate Ringer's | |
* | GBR | Glass Bulb Rectifier | |
* | GBR | Glass-Bead-Rating | |
* | GBR | Geodesic Binary Reconstruction | |
* | GBR | group B rotavirus | |
* | GBR | gamma band response |