Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | GBRP | Greater Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
| |
*** | GBRP | Grameen Bank Replication Program
| |
*** | GBRP | Ground Based Radar Prototype
| |
*** | GBRP | Grizzly Bear Research Program
| |
*** | GBRP | Gold Bullion Recovery Project
| |
** | GBRP | GTP-Binding Regulatory Proteins
| |
** | GBRP | Great Books Reading Partnership
| |
** | GBRP | Gillispie Bruce Rock Painter
| |
** | GBRP | Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan
| |
** | GBRP | Greater Baltimore Record Pool
| |
** | GBRP | Gracie Barra Rohnert Park
| |
* | GBRP | Greater Bunbury Region Planning
| |
* | GBRP | Gaintner Bandler Reed & Peters
| |