• What does LBC Stand For in Organizations, Education Schools etc. ?

    For LBC we have found 387 definitions.

  • What does LBC mean? We know 387 definitions for LBC abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible LBC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LBC Stands For:

All acronyms (387)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (13)Common Government & Military (15)Medicine & Science (16)Chat & Sub Cultures (5)Education Schools (35)Technology, IT etc. (12)
*****LBCLame Brained Chadi
***LBCLondon's Biggest Conversation
***LBCLondon Broadcasting Company
***LBCLegion of Black Collegians
**LBCLiberty Baptist Church
**LBCLawrence Beach Club
**LBCLondon Buddhist Centre
**LBCLaurentian Bank of Canada
**LBCLancaster Bible College
*LBCLeft-Behind Children
*LBCLuther Burbank Center for the Arts
*LBCLiberty Baptist College
*LBCLucky Boy's Confusion
*LBCLouisville Bicycle Club
*LBCLawn Bowling Club
*LBCLakeside Bible Camp
*LBCLast Best Chance
*LBCLavin-Bernick Center
*LBCLyman Briggs College
*LBCLubbock Bicycle Club
*LBCLancaster Baptist Church
*LBCLong Beach Crew
*LBCLehman Brothers/First Trust Income Opportunity Fund
*LBCLouisiana Baptist Convention