What does LBC Stand For in Medical & Science ?
For LBC we have found 387 definitions.
What does LBC mean? We know 387 definitions for LBC abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible LBC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
LBC Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | LBC | lymphadenosis benigna cutis Blood Test | |
**** | LBC | lidocaine blood concentration Blood Test | |
**** | LBC | Liquid Based Cytology | |
**** | LBC | Low Blood Count | |
*** | LBC | Laser Beam Cutting | |
*** | LBC | lamellar body count | |
*** | LBC | Lateral Boundary Condition | |
*** | LBC | Lymphoid Blastic Crisis | |
** | LBC | load-bearing capacity | |
* | LBC | Lymphoid Blast Crisis | |
* | LBC | Low Breaking Capacity | |
* | LBC | Lobular Breast Cancer | |
* | LBC | Liquid Based Cervical | |
* | LBC | Local Boundary Condition | |
* | LBC | Lung Biology Center | |
* | LBC | Large Binocular Camera |