• What does LBC Stand For in Medical & Science ?

    For LBC we have found 387 definitions.

  • What does LBC mean? We know 387 definitions for LBC abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible LBC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LBC Stands For:

All acronyms (387)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (13)Common Government & Military (15)Medicine & Science (16)Chat & Sub Cultures (5)Education Schools (35)Technology, IT etc. (12)
*****LBClymphadenosis benigna cutis
Blood Test
****LBClidocaine blood concentration
Blood Test
****LBCLiquid Based Cytology
****LBCLow Blood Count
***LBCLaser Beam Cutting
***LBClamellar body count
***LBCLateral Boundary Condition
***LBCLymphoid Blastic Crisis
**LBCload-bearing capacity
*LBCLymphoid Blast Crisis
*LBCLow Breaking Capacity
*LBCLobular Breast Cancer
*LBCLiquid Based Cervical
*LBCLocal Boundary Condition
*LBCLung Biology Center
*LBCLarge Binocular Camera