Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CEP | Centre d'Éducation Permanente
| |
***** | CEP | Community Education Partners
| |
**** | CEP | Civic Education Project
| |
**** | CEP | Counseling and Education Psychology
| |
*** | CEP | Certificat d'Études Politiques
| |
** | CEP | Curriculum Evaluation Process
| |
** | CEP | Centre Éducatif et Pédagogique
| |
** | CEP | Certified Environmental Planner
| |
** | CEP | Cercle des Étudiants en Philosophie
| |
** | CEP | Courier-Express-Postal
| |
** | CEP | Community Education Program
| |
** | CEP | Character Education Program
| |
** | CEP | Community Energy Project
| |
** | CEP | Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples
| |
** | CEP | Center for Economic Progress
| |
** | CEP | Chambre d'Économie Publique du Jura Bernois
| |
** | CEP | Continuing Education Professional
| |
** | CEP | Centro de Educación para la Participación
| |
** | CEP | Cercle des Étudiants en Pharmacie
| |
** | CEP | Commonwealth Education Project
| |
** | CEP | Cooperative Enterprise Program
| |
** | CEP | Conferencia Episcopal Peruana
| |
* | CEP | Continuing Education Project
| |
* | CEP | Center for Environment and Population
| |
* | CEP | Conférence Européenne Permanente
| |