• What does LCE Stand For?

    For lce we have found 210 definitions.

  • What does LCE mean? We know 210 definitions for LCE abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible LCE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LCE Stands For:

All acronyms (210)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (10)Common (8)Government & Military (13)Medicine & Science (17)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (9)Technology, IT etc. (12)
*****LCELicentiate in Civil Engineering
****LCELexington Community Education
***LCEGoloson International, La Ceiba, Honduras
Iata Airport Codes Honduras
*LCELithium Carbonate Equivalent
*LCELower Certificate of Education
*LCELetter of Credit Export
International business
*LCElogistics capability estimator; logistics combat element (MAGTF); logistics combat element (Marine)
*LCELaunch Complex Equipment
NASA Aerospace engineering Astronautics Spaceflight
*LCELinear Cable Engine
*LCELaunch Complex Engineer
NASA Aerospace engineering Astronautics Spaceflight
*LCELinear Combustion Engine
*LCELettres et Civilisations Étrangères
*LCELongest Common Extension
*LCELoss Cost Estimate
*LCELiaison Coordination Element (Special Operations Liaison Team in Coalition Operations)
Army & Military
*LCELink Control Entity
*LCELoad-Carrying Equipment
*LCELeaving Certificate Examination
*LCELead Commissioning Engineer
*LCELong Chain Fatty Acyl Elongase
*LCELinear Coefficient of Expansion
*LCELangues et Civilisations Etrangères
*LCELa Cañada Elementary
*LCELow Carb Eating
*LCELogistics Combat Element