• What does AICS Stand For?

    For aics we have found 98 definitions.

  • What does AICS mean? We know 98 definitions for AICS abbreviation or acronym in 6 categories. Possible AICS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

AICS Stands For:

All acronyms (98)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (3)Common (4)Government & Military (17)Medicine & Science (3)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (9)Technology, IT etc. (5)
*****AICSAction Item Closeout Sheet
*****AICSAccuracy International Chassis System
Army & Military
*****AICSAll India Council of Sports
*****AICSAircraft Inventory and Charter System
****AICSAmsterdam International Community School
****AICSAutodin Integrated Communications System
***AICSartery of inferior cavernous sinus
Artery And Arteries
***AICSAustralian Islamic College of Sydney
***AICSAutomated Inventory Control System
**AICSAmerican Internet Chess Server
**AICSAssociation of Independent Colleges and Schools
*AICSAmerican Industry Classification System
*AICSAir Intake Control System
*AICSAcute Ischemic Coronary Syndrome
Artery And Arteries
*AICSAustralian Institute of Community Services
*AICSAutomated Integrated Communications Systems
*AICSAir Inlet Control System
*AICSAmerican Institute for Computer Sciences
*AICSACTH-independent Cushing's syndrome
*AICSAirborne Intercept Controllers
*AICSAsian Indians for Community Service
*AICSanterior-inferior capsular shift
*AICSAssociation of Indiana College Stores
*AICSArtificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
*AICSAssociazione Italiana Cultura E Sport