• What does ACTD Stand For?

    For actd we have found 43 definitions.

  • What does ACTD mean? We know 43 definitions for ACTD abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible ACTD meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

ACTD Stands For:

All acronyms (43)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military (15)Medicine & Science (2)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools Technology, IT etc. (2)
****ACTDAn Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
Army & Military Army Naval Technology
**ACTDASEAN Common Technical Document
*RFPI ACTDRapid Force Projection Initiative Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
*ELB ACTDExtending the Littoral Battlespace-Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
*JL ACTDJoint Logistics Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
*ACTDAdvanced Concept Technology Demonstrator
*JTL ACTDJoint Logistics Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
*ACTDAnd Advanced Technology Demonstrations
*ACTDAdvanced Concepts and Technology Division
*ACTDAda High Level Computer Programming Language
*ACTDAdvanced Capability Technology Demonstration
*ACTDAtypical Connective Tissue Disease
*ACTDAdvance Concept Technology Demonstration
*ACTDAfghanistan Center for Trainings and Development
*ACTDAdvanced Concept Technology Demonstartion
*ACTDAuto Cross Team Dordrecht
*ACTDAcoustic Charge Transport Device
*ACTDAustralian Conference of TAFE Directors
*ACTDAssociation for Ceramic Training Development
*ACTDA Call to Duty
*ACTDAgency for Construction and Territorial Development
*ACTDantigen-alpha1-antichymotrypsin complexand its density
*ACTDArmy Advanced Technology Demonstrations