What does TDRS Stand For?
For TDRS we have found 62 definitions.
What does TDRS mean? We know 62 definitions for TDRS abbreviation or acronym in 6 categories. Possible TDRS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
TDRS Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellites Telecom NASA Aerospace engineering Astronautics Astronomy Space Spaceflight | |
***** | TDRS | Tardive Dyskinesia Rating Scale | |
**** | TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Systems Legal | |
**** | TDRS | Tactical Data Recording System | |
*** | TDRS | Teledyne Data Replay System | |
*** | TDRS | Tactical Data Radio System | |
*** | TDRS | Taiwan depository receipts | |
*** | TDRS | The Dub Room Special! | |
*** | TDRS | Tracking Data Relay Satellite | |
*** | TDRS | Towarzystwo Doradcze Ryszard Stocki | |
*** | TDRS | Transient Data Recording System | |
*** | TDRS | Thought Disorder Rating Scale | |
*** | TDRS | Tracking Data Relay System | |
** | TDRS | Text Data Retrieval System | |
** | TDRS | Telemetry and Data Relay Satellite | |
** | TDRS | Test Discrepancy Reports | |
** | TDRS | Transferable Development Rights | |
** | TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Series | |
** | TDRS | Tennessee Division of Rehabilitation Services | |
** | TDRS | The Dave Ramsey Show | |
** | TDRS | Tracking and Date Relay Satellite | |
** | TDRS | Technical Document Routing Slip | |
** | TDRS | Training Data-Retrieval System | |
* | TDRS | Total Diagnostic Radiology Services | |
* | TDRS | Technical Directive Routing System |