• What does TAPS Stand For?

    For TAPS we have found 204 definitions.

  • What does TAPS mean? We know 204 definitions for TAPS abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible TAPS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

TAPS Stands For:

All acronyms (204)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (2)Common (1)Government & Military (26)Medicine & Science (13)Chat & Sub Cultures (2)Education Schools (7)Technology, IT etc. (9)
*****TAPSThick As Pig Shit
Medical Slang
*****TAPSTrans Alaska Pipeline System
Electrical Alaska
*****TAPSTransactions of the American Philosophical Society
United States Journal Periodical Serial publication
****TAPSTelevision the Atlantic Paranormal Society
****TAPSTool for Action Plan Selection
****TAPSTrans Atlantic Pollution Survey
****TAPSthe Arkansas Public Service
****TAPSTelemetry Automatic Processing System
****TAPSTraining and Placement Service
****TAPSThe Anointed Pace Sisters
****TAPSTexas Advanced Paralegal Seminar
****TAPSTrans-Alaska Pipeline System (natural gas)
Electrical Alaska Technology
***TAPSTAFE Applications Processing System
Special Education
**TAPSTwo-Arm Photon Spectrometer
**TAPSThree Arm Photon Spectrometer
*TAPSTherapeutic Assault Prevention System
*TAPSThe Atlantic Paranormal Society
*TAPSTragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
*TAPSTwin Annular Pre Swirl
*TAPSTest of Auditory Processing Skills
*TAPSTotally Automated Personnel System
*TAPSTarapur Atomic Power Station
*TAPSTool for Auto-Registered Phones Support
*TAPSTurbulence Auto-PIREP System