• What does REPS Stand For?

    For Reps we have found 45 definitions.

  • What does REPS mean? We know 45 definitions for REPS abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible REPS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

REPS Stands For:

All acronyms (45)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (2)Common (2)Government & Military (9)Medicine & Science (5)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (3)Technology, IT etc.
*****REPSRoyal Engineers Postal Section
United Kingdom Postal
Physical Therapy Healthcare
***REPSRenewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard
**REPSReal Estate in the Phoenix Scott
*REPSReal Estate Professional Society
*REPSRadio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound
*REPSRepetitive Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator
*REPSRaytheon Electronic Publication System
*REPSReview of Earth and Planetary Sciences
*REPSRenewable Energy Portfolio Standard (various locations)
*REPSReported Earnings per Share
*REPSReal Estate Products and Services
*REPSRural Environment Protection Scheme
Farming & agriculture
*REPSRinger's Ethyl Pyruvate Solution
*REPSRadar Echo Pulse Simulator
*REPSRegion Elite Passing School
*REPSRobust Electrical Power System
*REPSRegional Energy Efficiency Program Sponsors
*REPSRehabilitation Education Program for Stroke
*REPSreal estate promotional services
*REPSRed Española de Política Social
*REPSRenewable Energies and Photovoltaics Spain
*REPSRestored Entitlement Program for Survivors
Us government
*REPSReserve Enlisted Planning System