• What does NDR Stand For?

    For NDR we have found 159 definitions.

  • What does NDR mean? We know 159 definitions for NDR abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible NDR meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

NDR Stands For:

All acronyms (159)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (9)Common (1)Government & Military (9)Medicine & Science (18)Chat & Sub Cultures (4)Education Schools (8)Technology, IT etc. (10)
*****NDRNet Disposable Revenue
****NDRNon Deal Roadshow
**NDRNational Death Repository
Legal Healthcare
*NDRNador International, Nador, Morocco
Iata Airport Codes Morocco
*NDRNon-Delivery Receipt
IT Terminology
*NDRNon-Destructive Readout
*NDRNext-Day Replacement
*NDRNeutral Displacement Relay
*NDRNatural Disease Resistance
*NDRnormal detrusor reflex
*NDRNational Development and Research Corporation
*NDRNational Diabetes Registry
*NDRNetwork Data Representation service
*NDRNon Delivery Reciept
*NDRNo Direct Relationship
*NDRNota del Redattore
*NDRNo Dues Required
*NDRNative Damage Resistance
*NDRNorddeutscher Rundfunk
*NDRNeonatal Death Rate
*NDRNegative Differential Resistance
*NDRN 1 Redundancy
*NDRNational Data Repository
*NDRNetwork Data Representation