• What does LIFE Stand For?

    For LIFE we have found 245 definitions.

  • What does LIFE mean? We know 245 definitions for LIFE abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible LIFE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LIFE Stands For:

All acronyms (245)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (6)Common (6)Government & Military (11)Medicine & Science (20)Chat & Sub Cultures (4)Education Schools (37)Technology, IT etc. (4)
*****P LIFEPolice Life
***RICE FOR LIFEseeking a physiological and molecular basis for imp roving submergence tolerance in rainfed lowland rice
***LIFELimited Issue Focused Examination
**LIFELiving Isn't Freaking Easy, Living It Fully Everyday
**LIFERing of life
Texting game
**LIFELive in Full Effect
*LIFELove Is for Everyone
*LIFELearning Is Fun & Exciting, Lol, It Fucks Everything
*LIFELet It Flow Easily
*LIFELive It Fully Everyday
*ARTIFICIAL LIFEa.k.a. a-life -or- alife
*LIFE PRESERVER.A buoyant, circular device used on ships to be thrown to a person overboard.
*LIFELiving It For Ever
*LIFELove Is Forever Evolving
*LIFE VEST.A buoyant article designed to be worn on the torso to keep the wearer afloat in water.
*LIFELife and Health Insurance Foundation for Education
*LIFELong Island Femme Expression
*LIFELiving Is for Everyone
*LIFELead Influence Follow Exit
*LIFELosartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension
*LIFELiving in Faith Everyday
*LIFELaser-Induced Fluorescence Emission
*LIFELocal Infant Formula for Emergencies
*LIFELoyalty Integrity Fairness Excellence
*LIFELifetime Television