• What does TGV Stand For?

    For tgv we have found 62 definitions.

  • What does TGV mean? We know 62 definitions for TGV abbreviation or acronym in 6 categories. Possible TGV meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

TGV Stands For:

All acronyms (62)Airports & Locations (1)Business & Finance (1)Common Government & Military (2)Medicine & Science (7)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (1)Technology, IT etc.
*****TGVtransposition of the great vessels
Common Medical
****TGVThoracic Gas Volume
****TGVTen Gevolge Van
**TGVTargovishte Airport, Targovishte, Bulgaria
Iata Airport Codes Bulgaria
**TGVTwo Guys with a Vax
*TGVTurbine Governor Valve
*TGVTrain à Grande Vitesse
Rail transport
*TGVTrain a Grande Vitesse
Transportation Rail transport French
*TGVtechnology gradient value
*TGVTransmissible Gastroenteritis Virus
*TGVTurbo à Géométrie Variable
*TGVTrains à Grande Vitesse
*TGVTransporte de Grande Velocidade
*TGVTer Gelegenheid Van
*TGVTongue and Groove
*TGVTest Generation with Verification
*TGVTrain a Grand Vitesse
*TGVThe Gorean Voice
*TGVTanjong Golden Village - Test Generation With Verification - Train ? Grande Vitesse (French For High-Speed Train)
*TGVTanjung Golden Village
*TGVThe Global Village
*TGVTrain de Grande Vitesse
*TGVTanjong Golden Village's
*TGVtrapped gas volume
*TGVThe Grape Vine