• What does SVL Stand For?

    For svl we have found 118 definitions.

  • What does SVL mean? We know 118 definitions for SVL abbreviation or acronym in 6 categories. Possible SVL meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SVL Stands For:

All acronyms (118)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (9)Common (2)Government & Military Medicine & Science (10)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (9)Technology, IT etc. (7)
*****SVLShared VLAN Learning
ICAO Aircraft Codes
****SVLSheath Voltage Limiter
***SVLSnout-Vent Length
***SVLSpanish Vice Lords
***SVLSapphire Vacuum Lens
***SVLsplenic venous blood lymphocytes
***SVLSilk's Vintage Lingerie & Photography
***SVLSpécification et Validation du Logiciel
**SVLSyndicat du Val de Loire
*SVLSilicon Valley Library
*SVLSchroder Ventures Limited
*SVLScierie du Val de Loire
*SVLSingle Vision Lenses
*SVLSouth of England Veteran’s League
*SVLstroke volume limiter
*SVLSevern Valley Leafers
*SVLSpace Visualization Laboratory
*SVLSavonlinna Airport, Savonlinna, Finland
Iata Airport Codes Finland
*SVLSerres du Val de Loire
*SVLStudent Volunteer LINK
*SVLSuperficial Region of the Vastus Lateralis
*SVLSaginaw Valley League
*SVLsplenic vein lymphocytes