• What does EBM Stand For in Medical & Science ?

    For EBM we have found 186 definitions.

  • What does EBM mean? We know 186 definitions for EBM abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible EBM meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

EBM Stands For:

All acronyms (186)Airports & Locations (1)Business & Finance (8)Common (6)Government & Military (4)Medicine & Science (21)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (7)Technology, IT etc. (11)
*****EBMecosystem-based management
Management Integrated Ocean Observing System
****EBMExpressed Breast Milk
Breast Healthcare Technology Obstetrics Pregnancy
*EBMenergy-balance model
*EBMEvidence-Based Medicine
Common Medical Medical
*EBMEnergy by Motion
*EBMElectron Beam Machining
*EBMEpidermolysis Bullosa, Macular Type
*EBMElectromagnetic Bandgap Material
*EBMEnvironmentally Benign Manufacturing
*EBMElectron Beam Melted
*EBMEpidermal Basement Membrane
Skin And Dermal
*EBMExtrusion Blow Moulding
*EBM JOURNALEbm Journal Edition Française
*EBMExperimental Biology and Medicine
*EBMEinheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab
*EBMelectrophysiologic behavior modification
*EBMEndobronchial metastases
*EBMEagle's basal medium
*EBMepithelial basement membrane
*EBMEvidence Based Medical
*EBMEvidenced Based Medicine