• What does DLM Stand For in Medical & Science ?

    For DLM we have found 211 definitions.

  • What does DLM mean? We know 211 definitions for DLM abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible DLM meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

DLM Stands For:

All acronyms (211)Airports & Locations (4)Business & Finance (7)Common Government & Military (14)Medicine & Science (20)Chat & Sub Cultures (6)Education Schools (9)Technology, IT etc. (27)
*****DLMDiplomate in Laboratory Medicine
***DLMDisorders of Lipid Metabolism
***DLMDiplomate in Laboratory Management
**DLMDrainage Lymphatique Manuel
**DLMDynamic Linear Model
*DLMDisappearing Liver Metastasis
*DLMdipole localization method
*DLMDigital Landscape Model
*DLMdorsal longitudinal flight muscle
*DLMdorsolateral nucleus of the anterior thalamus
*DLMdorsolateral nucleus of the thalamus
*DLMDisk Loaded Monopole
*DLMDiffuse Layer Model (of Adsorption)
*DLMDirect Liquid Methanol
*DLMdual-level metal
*DLMDouble-Level Metal
*DLMdorsal longitudinal muscle
*DLMDummy Load Modules
*DLMdorsolateral thalamus