• What does LAST Stand For?

    For LAST we have found 82 definitions.

  • What does LAST mean? We know 82 definitions for LAST abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible LAST meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LAST Stands For:

All acronyms (82)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (2)Common (4)Government & Military (3)Medicine & Science (8)Chat & Sub Cultures (2)Education Schools (2)Technology, IT etc. (3)
*****LASTListen, Advise, Solve, Thank. A good aid for training customer service and complaints handling. (Ack Tumby). Certain organizations continue to pursue less positive methods, notably the IFO technique (Ignore and Fob-Off) or the IPATTAP model (Interrupt, Pa
****LASTListen, Apologize, Solve, Thank
**LET ME ANSWER YOUR LAST QUESTION FIRSTA response given to a person who was asked multiple questions. The President, at his press conference, said to the reporter 'Let me answer your last question first.'
*LASTLowest Anticipated Service Temperature
*LAST FLEA TO JUMP OFF A DEAD DOGOncologists (sometimes other disciplines) who seem unable to let people die with diginity
*LAST CLICK.In marketing terminology, the website from which a customer clicks to arrive at a vendor's site. See also attribution modeling.
*AT LASTAntiretroviral Trial Looking at Sex and Treatment
*LASTLocal Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity
*LAST CHESS PAWNLaser Scanning Telemeter, for Circulation in Hazardous Environments or for Space Sensoring, with 2D Perception and an Adjustable Window for the 3D scanned Network
*LASTLocate, Access, Stabilize, Transport
*LASTListen Apologize Satisfy Thank
*LASTListen Advise Solve Thank
*LASTLocal Apparent Solar Time
*LASTLaw and Society Trust
*LASTLingerie And Sex Toy
*LASTLawrence and Sharon Tarantino
*LASTLazy Ass Sports Team
*LASTLocal Apparent Sidereal Time
*LASTLarge Aperture Scanning Telescope
*LASTLets All Sing Together
*LASTLocal Alignment Search Tool
*LASTLocal Action for a Sustainable Tomorrow
*LASTLocal and Suburban Transit
*LASTLow Altitude Supersonic Target
*LASTLecturer and Short Talk