• What does ABMD Stand For?

    For ABMD we have found 19 definitions.

  • What does ABMD mean? We know 19 definitions for ABMD abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible ABMD meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

ABMD Stands For:

All acronyms (19)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common Government & Military (3)Medicine & Science (4)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools Technology, IT etc. (2)
*****ABMDareal bone mineral density
****ABMDAbiomed, Inc.
Nasdaq symbols
****ABMDAnterior Basement Membrane Dystrophy
***ABMDAutomatically Backup My Documents
***ABMDAnterior Buccal Mandibular Depression
**ABMDArea Based Management Development
**ABMDAndy Burnett Music Database
**ABMDAbitibi Belt Mining District
**ABMDAir Ballistic Missile Division
*ABMDareal BMD
*ABMDArmy Ballistic Missile Division
*ABMDAEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense
*ABMDAdvanced Ballistic Missile Defense
*ABMDApplied Body and Mind Dynamics
*ABMDAdvanced Business Management For Dentists
*ABMDAdvanced Ballistic Missile Defence
*ABMDAbiomed (NASDAQ Stock Exchange [NASDAQ])
*ABMDArea bone mineral density
*ABMDAdaptively Biased Molecular Dynamics