• What does SIGN Stand For?

    For SIGN we have found 45 definitions.

  • What does SIGN mean? We know 45 definitions for SIGN abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible SIGN meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SIGN Stands For:

All acronyms (45)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common (2)Government & Military Medicine & Science (25)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (2)Technology, IT etc. (1)
*****Q SIGNPatient unconscious/terminal with mouth open and tongue hanging out; 'Dotted Q' means flies land on tongue (dead/dying). Reversible Q-sign means you can push the patient's tongue back into the mouth to form the O-sign. Irreversible Q-sign means the tongue
****O SIGNPatient unconscious with mouth open
**M SIGNPatient just goes 'Mmmm'
**CHANDELIER'S SIGNThe result of any test or probing after which the patient must be removed from the chandelier
**T&T SIGNTattoo-to-Teeth Sign: survival indicator; those who are tattooed and toothless will survive major injuries
**POSITIVE SUITCASE SIGNpatients who are repeated admissions for prolonged periods with no physiological cause of their problems. They turn up at hospital with packed suitcases ready for admission
*LIPSTICK SIGNif a female patient is well enough to put on, she is well enough to be discharged
*JOHN THOMAS SIGN (UK), JOHNSON'S SIGN (US)according to tradition, the side that the penis (John Thomas, Johnson) points to (if visible on x-ray) will have an abnormality (see also Throckmorton sign).
*BBL SIGN (BELLY-BUTTON LINT SIGN)male, middle-aged, overweight and hairy (an umbilicus that looks like the lint [fluff] trap in a tumble dryer is most common in overweight, hairy, older men). Known as Belly-button Fluff in Britain.
*SIGN PSThe development of a Printing System for Sign languages
*THROCKMORTON'S SIGNin the unconscious male, the penis points to the injury
*SIGNScottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (similar to the English NICE)
Common Medical
*GOWN'S SIGN, POSITIVEa patient who leaves (self-discharge ) without official discharge orders
*SIGN.Sure Indicator Generally Noticed
*ROTHMAN'S SIGNtobacco staining of fingers
*POSITIVE BLUE LEGS SIGN(US) resuscitation behind closed curtains (US ER medics wear blue scrubs)
*GRAPE SIGNgrapes at a bedside, denotes patient has a supportive family and might be candidate for early discharge
*POSITIVE HILTON SIGNdemanding patient expects Hilton Hotel luxury; indicates patient well enough to leave!
*TATTOO TITRE/T&T SIGNindication of patient insanity: more than 5 tattoos indicates likely crazy person
*SMURF SIGNpatient blue or going blue
*FLOWER SIGNflowers at a bedside, denotes patient has a supportive family and might be candidate for early discharge
*STEEL SIGNsurgical metalwork from previous ops visible on x-ray
*CEILING SIGNnear-levitation from the bed to the ceiling induced by examining for abdominal tenderness
*SIGNStudent Interest Group in Neurology
*SIGNSociety for the Involvement of Good Neighbours