• What does MOUSE Stand For?

    For MOUSE we have found 20 definitions.

  • What does MOUSE mean? We know 20 definitions for MOUSE abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible MOUSE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

MOUSE Stands For:

All acronyms (20)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military Medicine & Science (4)Chat & Sub Cultures (3)Education Schools Technology, IT etc. (4)
*****MOUSEMechanically Operated User Serial Engine
*****MOUSEManually Operated User Selection Equipment
****MICKEY MOUSEexcellent, top-notch, very good. (But, in some parts of Australia it means the opposite, not very good at all)
****MOUSEa pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface.
***MOUSEManually Oscillating Utensil Sonically Engaged
***MOUSEMinimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite, Earth
***MOUSEMaking Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education
***MOUSEManually operating utility selecting equipment ...
**MOUSEmobile universal surface explorer
**MOUSEManually Operated Utility Service Equipment
**MOUSEMechanically Operated User Signal Engine
*MOUSEMechanically Operated Users~ Selection Equipment
*MOUSEMacintosh Owners and Users Society of Edmonton
*MOUSEMedium Of Using System Equipment
*MOUSEMove Objects U See Easily
*MOUSEModular Oriented Uncertainty System
*MOUSEMitochondrial and Other Useful SEquences
*MOUSEManually Operated Utility Source Equipment
*MOUSEMethod Of Underground Solute Evaluation
*MOUSEMasters Of Underhanded Surgical Ethics