• What does FHR Stand For?

    For Fhr we have found 102 definitions.

  • What does FHR mean? We know 102 definitions for FHR abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible FHR meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

FHR Stands For:

All acronyms (102)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (4)Common (1)Government & Military (3)Medicine & Science (6)Chat & Sub Cultures (2)Education Schools (7)Technology, IT etc. (4)
*****FHRFetal Heart Rate
Common Medical Nursing Pharmacy Fetus And Fetal Heart Healthcare Infertility Technology Physiology Pregnancy
***FHRFull House Radio
***FHRFire Hose Rack
***FHRFaster Hit Recovery
**FHRFoundation for Human Rights
*FHRFriday Harbor Airport, Friday Harbor, Washington, United States
*FHRFirst Hour Rating
*FHRfor Human Rights
*FHRFederal Halocarbon Regulations
*FHRFellowship Health Resources
*FHRFachhochschule Regensburg
*FHRFixed Hierarchical Routing
*FHRFailed Host Recovery
*FHRFucking Hills Race
*FHRFlight Hotel Reservations
*FHRFaculdade Hélio Rocha
*FHRFriendship Honor Respect
*FHRFlint Hills Resources, PL
*FHRFamilial Hypophosphatemic Rickets
*FHRFairmont Hotels Resorts
*FHRfreely hinged rod
*FHRFast Hit Recovery
*FHRFire Hose Reel
*FHRFriday Harbor Airport